DATE: Sept 10-14 DATE: Sept. 17-21st
Intro letterland charactersq thru v- lower case and the sounds of the letters. Review g-l
Letter land stories q-v and vocabulary for each letter. Word sort and letterland detective games.
Read: Fix it and Plaidypus Lost Review character. Where does she lose him? Why does she keep losing him? Vocab.-Market, steep, Platypus, around, & found
Math- shapes 2d & 3d
Theme- Getting to know you. Continue student interviews.
/ Intro letterland charactersw thru z- lower case and the sounds of the letters.
Letterland stories w-z and vocabulary for each letter. Word sort and letterland detective games.
Word Building, phonemic awareness, high frequency words, letter sound, and write letters.
Review c p q r s t short u
Read: Miss Bindergarten Goes on a Field Trip and books about apples~
Read; Nursery Rhymes.
Math-shapes 2d &3d
Centers/Anchor activities include:
/Games you can play at home:
Housekeeping/Puppets-role play, Blocks-build the tower, Play dough/clay-shapes, letters, numbers, words, or sculpt characters from the story, board games, books-individual readers, computer, blocks/legos, sensory center, geo boards, puzzles, file folder games, math games, match objects with letters/picture cards, song/rap, writing center-draw a colorful picture of an event in the story of the day, create a flow map-sequencing events of a story(draw or cut out pictures from magazine and write.), and/or write a play and act it out with a peer. / Number Bingo, Sight word Bingo, Shape Bingo, Letter Bingo, and/or Word Bingo.Candyland, Hi Ho Cherry-o, Chutes and Ladders.
Put Magnetic letters on your refrigerator and have your child put them in order from A to Z, make words, or names.
19th-Early Release Day!
LUNCH 12:30
Sweet Frog Family Night Sept. 10th
If you would like to Volunteer in the classroom we will begin the week of the 10th. Just let me know what times/day(s) you are available so I can have something planned for you to do with your own group of students!
Morning work 7:05-7:30 Math block 7:30-9:00 8:55-9:30 Whole group Letterland-RR 9:30-10:20 Enhancement 10:20-10:50 Snack/Recess
10:50-12:00 Literacy block 12:00-12:20 Intervention Block-Prog. M ( 10:50-11:20 writing-11:20-12:20 Small group letterland activities and lit. activities including Guided Reading) 12:30-12:55 Lunch RR 12:55-1:10 intervention Block ( big book/pack-math interventions) 1:10-2:15 Science/SS (centers)
Day 1- Computers Day 2-Media/Guidance Day 3-PE Day 4-Music Day 5-Art Day 6-PE Day 6-Science 12:55-1:25
If you are going to pick up your child early from school for an appointment etc. you must sign them out from the office by 1:30 pm. No one will be signed out between 1:30 and 2:15 pm.
If you send in a note for change of transportation please be sure to put your child’s first and last name on the note as well as the teachers name. Thank you!
Lunch Money: I would like to request that money turned in the envelopes have a first and last name or lunch number on them please.
If you do not know your child’s lunch number just let me know and I can send it home to you.
HOMEWORK: Read 10 minutes every night!
TUESDAY Sept. 11th Have your child bring in something small that begins with the letter B for show and tell. Our focus is to have the students use specific vocabulary to describe the objects they bring in. This includes describing the object by the letter sound it begins with, the size of the object (big/small or little), the color, texture (smooth/bumpy), weight (heavy, light), length or height (long, short, tall).
TUESDAY Sept. 18th Have your child bring in something small that begins with the letter C for show and tell. Our focus is to have the students use specific vocabulary to describe the objects they bring in. This includes describing the object by the letter sound it begins with, the size of the object (big/small or little), the color, texture (smooth/bumpy), weight (heavy, light), length or height (long, short, tall).
Ideas for snack that are peanut/nut free:
Cheeze its, Cheese Nips, Cheetos/Cheese Puffs, Rold Gold Pretzels, Betty Crocker Fruit Roll-ups, Welch’s Fruit Snacks, Teddy Grahams, Nabisco Barnum’s Animal Crackers, Original Rice Krispie Treats, & Raisins-regular or golden.
~Behavior~ Tornado sign for everyone to be quiet down and listen.
We want to keep you informed of your child’s daily experiences in the classroom so we came up with a 3 square system. On the cover of the folder are three colored squares. These squares will be used to inform you of your child’s behavior. The first square is Green for great behavior all day, yellow is for several warnings, red will warrant a call or note home to the parents. At the beginning of school we give the students lots of warnings as they learn the rules. By the third week of school we expect the students to comply with all of the rules.
Folders: Please check them everyday and take out any papers. I use the folder to send such items as: Newsletters, notes, completed work, any assignments, permission forms for field trips, & volunteer forms. It is important that you open and view the contents of your child’s folder each day. Please feel free to use this folder to send information to me such as sick notes, lunch money, field trip money, etc.