Tuesday, September 11, 2013

Call to Praise

Leader: Open the gate of our hearts this day, O Creator God,

that we may enter Love’s court with gratitude and praise.

W give thanks to our God and bless God’s holy Name.

All: O Loving Creator God, You are without beginning or end.

Source of all,You enkindle every spark of Life.

You fashioned our universe out of the various elements

empowering it with the wind,

illuminated and connected it with the stars and filled it with all manner of creation.

Wonderfully radiant, deep and mysterious, you gift all beings and all things

with the ecstasy of your Love and Light.

In Your wondrous universe, we live and move this very day.

Make us deeply aware of and united with the Mystery of

Your presence in us and around us. Amen.

God’s Word Today

Jesus departed to the mountain to pray.
He spent the night in prayer to God.

Everyone in the crowd sought to touch him
because power came forth from him and healed them all.

Luke 6:12

Call to Reflection

Leader: As we begin anew after a summer of sun, rest and relaxation,

let us take a few moments to pray as Jesus did

so as to be open to his grace-filled touch

as we, in turn, touch the hearts and lives of others in our ministries.

Hymn of Praise

(Choose an appropriate hymn)

Our Response of Praise (in turn)

Source of all, You enkindle every spark of Life.

I will extol you, O my God and King,
and I will bless your name forever and ever.
Every day will I bless you,
and I will praise your name forever and ever.
R. Source of all, You enkindle every spark of Life.

The LORD is gracious and merciful,
slow to anger and of great kindness to all his creatures.
The LORD is good to all
and compassionate toward all his works.
R. Source of all, You enkindle every spark of Life.

Let all your works give you thanks, O LORD,
and let your faithful ones bless you.
Let them discourse of the glory of your universe
and speak of your might.
R. Source of all, You enkindle every spark of Life.


For whom and for what should we to pray today?

Our Father

A Solemn Prayer of Dedication (Teilhard de Chardin)

We will make the whole world our altar and on it

we will offer our labors and sufferings and the world’s.

Over our entire earth the sun touches all of nature with light.

Once again, beneath the moving sheet of fire, the living Earth’s surface

Wakes and trembles as she begins anew her fearful labor of Birth.

We will place on our altar the gifts to be won by this renewal of labor.

Into our cup we shall pass all the sap, which is pressed out this day

from the fruit of the earth.

Over every living thing which is

to spring up, to grow, to flower, to ripen this day

we say the words: “This is my body”.

And over every death force which waits in readiness

To carrode, to rape, to wither and to cut down

We speak again your commanding words

which express the supreme Mystery of faith:“This is my Blood”.

Leader: Let us go forth in peace to love and serve our Creator God.

All: Thanks be to God.



Live Jesus in our hearts forever!