Leader: For the saints who throughout history have stood for the reform of the church, we are grateful.

People: For those who have sought the best for the church and her leaders, we are grateful.

Leader: For those whose lives have been sacrificed for the church, we are grateful.

People: For those whose blood has been shed for the kingdom, we are grateful.

Leader: For those who have relied upon Scripture and not upon the thoughts of people, we are grateful.

People: For those whose confidence in the Word of God has over-ridden their desire for power, we are grateful.

Leader: For those who stood up against the powerful people who tried to shield us from the truth, we are grateful.

People: For those who were willing to fight for our right to serve as our own priests, we are grateful.

Leader: For those who have stood in the gap to defend our right to worship as we do, we are grateful.

People: For the great privilege which is ours to stand together as people of God in praise of him who made us, redeemed us, sustains us, and will eventually draw us unto himself – for this great privilege we are grateful.

Leader: Come, ye thankful people. Come, lift your prayers directly to the throne of God; sing your songs directly to him. Employ this great privilege. Enjoy this great privilege, always aware that this comes at a great cost to those who have come before us on the road of faith.

Hymn Suggestions:

“Come, Ye Thankful People, Come”

“For All the Saints”

“Faith of Our Fathers”

“We Are Called to Be God’s People”

“Word of God, Across the Ages”

Psalm 46

Leader: God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in time of trouble.

People: Because of this, we will not fear, even if the earth should change or the mountains should shake; even when the waters roar and the mountains tremble, we will not fear.

Leader: There is a river whose streams bring gladness to the city of God, the holy habitation of the Most High. God is in the midst of that city, and it shall not be moved.

People: The Lord of hosts is with us. Jehovah God is our refuge.

Leader: Be still and know that I am God. I am to be exalted among the nations. I am to be exalted in all the earth.

People: The Lord of hosts is with us. Jehovah God is our refuge.

Leader: This is the Word of the Lord.

People: Thanks be to God.

Hymn Suggestion:

“A Mighty Fortress Is Our God”