Study sheet for test on WWII and the Cold War

What was the philosophy behind US foreign policy in the 1930’s? (one-word answer)


What were the two main provisions of the Neutrality Acts of 1935 and 1937?


What was the Lend-Lease Act (1941)


and how did it change American foreign policy?


Korematsu v. the US: what was the issue? What did the Supreme Court rule in the case?


Post WWII:

Which nations’ militaries occupied Germany?


Which nation’s military occupied Japan?


Which nation’s military occupied Eastern Europe?


What principal of law did the Nuremberg Trials establish?


Why was it called the Cold War?


Which countries were Soviet “satellites”?


Why did Churchill call it the “Iron Curtain”?


What was the purpose of NATO? (two different possible two word answers)


What were the members of NATO?


What was the Warsaw Pact?


What can the UN General Assembly do?


What special power does the UN Security Council have?


What are the permanent members of the UN Security Council?


What was the Truman Doctrine?


What did Truman provide to Turkey and Greece?


What was the Marshall Plan?


What happened during the Berlin airlift of 1948?


What is an ICBM?


What is the theory of mutually assured destruction?


What were SALT I and SALT II?


Where is Korea divided?


Under what authority did US troops fight in Korea (1950-1953)?


How many US troops remain in South Korea?


The Cold War at Home

What were Government loyalty checks during Truman’s presidency?


What was the Smith Act?


What were the activities of the House Un-American Activities Committee (late 1940’s)?


Why was Alger Hiss convicted in 1948?


Why were the Rosenbergs convicted in 1950 and executed in 1953?


McCarthyism: What happened? Why?


President Eisenhower (1953-1961)

What was the Eisenhower Doctrine (1957-1958) ?


Kennedy (1961-1963)

Explain the Bay of Pigs fiasco.


Describe the events of the Cuban Missile Crisis (1962)


Describe the events leading to the Berlin Wall (1961)
