This Sunday

9.00am - Communion in Church Centre 10.30am All Age Worship in Rubens Hall

6.30pm attic group in the Church Centre

Prayer Ministry is available after Church every Sunday

Please note. We will not be in Rubens Hall on Sunday 22nd March. We will be in the cafeteria for that week.

For your diary…Easter

31st March 1pm Tuesday Homegroup Communion Service led by Simon.

2nd April Maundy Thursday 7.30pm The Lord’s Supper.

3rd April Good Friday 10.30am All Age Service & 8pm Meditation.

5th April Easter Day 6.30am Sunrise Service & 10.30 Communion Service @ The Colonial Palace

Fun Tots Group. Tuesdays- 9.30 – 11.30am in the Church Centre.

Homegroups Please pick up a leaflet and find a homegroup near you. (See Alan Jolley) Bible Study Notes are available and then open ‘Journeying with Johns Gospel to Holy Saturday’.

NEW. Community Coffee Morning every Thursday Morning 9.30 – 11am in The Church Centre. Children welcome.

Lent prayer diary. Don’t forget to be praying each day through lent for the needs of St Paul’s and beyond.

‘Why not join a team for the Brussels 20km run on 31st May and raise funds for a MIG-supported charity? To run for The Giraffe Project contact John Newbold or email , to run for the Banunule School Supporters Group contact or email to run for Retrak. Go on, it’s fun – you know you want to!’

Pastoral Care For any pastoral needs contact TALC - Tender and Loving Care which is a group that provides help (including meals) for anyone in need.

Prayer Chain: If you have a prayer need please contact Miriam Isaacs 02 767 6929

All St Paul’s sermons available on the web site

Volunteers needed for the coffee & tea rota. If you can help please see Noel Smith.

Outreach activity at St Paul’s British Primary School Easter egg hunt 28th March. Are you available to help between 2-4pm on a desk representing St Paul’s Church. Contact Larissa.

ACM 26th April. If you would like to be on the electoral roll and your name is not already down please fill in the appropriate form.

Office information: Please email or call Jan in the office if you have left any items in church recently. I am sorry but we are having trouble with our answering machine at present so if you get no welcome message and need to speak to someone please call again or email: .