2016-2017 School Improvement Plan
LEA or Charter Name & Number:Chatham County Schools (#190)
School Name & Number:Perry W. Harrison School (K-8) (#190346)
School Address:2655 Hamlet Chapel Road
Pittsboro, NC 27312
Plan Year(s):2016-2017
Date prepared:9/2/2016
Principal Signature: / Freda HicksTyped Name / Approval Date
Typed Name / Approval Date
Local Board Approval Signature:
Typed Name / Approval Date
School Improvement Team Membership
From GS §115C-105.27: “The principal of each school, representatives of the assistant principals, instructional personnel, instructional support personnel, and teacher assistants assigned to the school building, and parents of children enrolled in the school shall constitute a school improvement team to develop a school improvement plan to improve student performance. Representatives of the assistant principals, instructional personnel, instructional support personnel, and teacher assistants shall be elected by their respective groups by secret ballot....Parents serving on school improvement teams shall reflect the racial and socioeconomic composition of the students enrolled in that school and shall not be members of the building-level staff.”
Committee Position* / NamePrincipal / Freda Hicks
Assistant Principal Representative / John Heath
Teacher Representative / Erin Boecke
Inst. Support Representative / Donna Stevenson
Teacher Assistant Representative / Jennifer Glosson
Parent Representative / Jen Adams
Kindergarden Representative / Emily Langdon
First Grade Representative / Mandi Holmberg
Second Grade Representative / Natalie Shaner
Third Grade Representative / Erin Boecke
Fourth Grade Representative / Kendra Riggsbee
Fifth Grade Representative / Stephanie Sevelovitz
Specialist Representative / Diana Bowling
Parent Representative
Preschool Representative / Rebecca Hatcher
Media Coordinator / Debbie Minor
* Add to list as needed. Each group may have more than one representative.
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School Vision and Mission Statements for Perry W. Harrison School (K-8)
Perry Harrison Elementary School staff, families, and community members will partner to cultivate successful 21st Century learners through the integration of innovative technology, resources and differentiated instruction in a healthy, safe, culturally competent environment.
The mission of Chatham County Schools is to graduate globally competitive, well-rounded students by providing a rigorous and relevant curriculum in an effective, safe, and nurturing learning environment.
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Executive Summary for Perry W. Harrison School (K-8)
The purpose of the Executive Summary is to provide a school with an opportunity to describe its strengths and the challenges it encounters. By doing so, the public and members of the school community will have a more complete picture of how the school perceives itself and the process for continuous improvement. The description should include:
•Information about the size, community, location and any changes it has experienced in the last three years. This would include demographics about students, staff, or community. Any unique features or challenges in the community the school serves.
•A description of how the school embodies its mission and vision statements through program offerings and expectations for students.
•Any notable achievements and areas of improvement in the last three years, as well as areas of improvement the school is striving to achieve in the next three years.
•Any additional information worth sharing with the public and community.
During the 2015-2016 school year, Perry W. Harrison Elementary School’s overall proficiency increased slightly in spite of not meeting growth. To address the deficiency in growth, the professional development plans for the administrative team will be aligned and a growth emphasis is being incorporated into the professional development plans of core classroom instructors. Economically disadvantaged and Hispanic students did not meet growth in any subject area during the 2015-2016 school year.
By June of 2017, through the staff's use of explicit instruction, 80% of K-5 grade students will be at or above grade level as measured by mClass TRC End of Year Data. Math has been identified as an area where continued work and support is needed. A book talk is being conducted this year as a continuation of a partnership that was in place last school year with Katie Baker, a doctoral student and math consultant from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. The school will continue to use math units created by Chatham County Schools as well as Investigations Math by Pearson in second through fifth grade. The school continues to build upon its successful implementation of the Wilson Language Training Fundations® program during the 2014-2015 school year and will continue its integration this year.
By 2016-2017, Perry Harrison students will meet or exceed growth as measured by the 2017 End-of-Grade Science Test. The school is supporting student achievement by increasing the quality of science instruction through increasing project based learning and enriching instruction via the Duke Energy funded Defined STEM initiative. It is hoped that the school’s pursuit of STEM certification with the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction and AdvancED will reflect a growing focus on rigorous, engaging, and enriching instruction in science. In January 2015 Perry Harrison was a national finalist for elementary STEM program of the year from the Future Education Technology conference.
Perry Harrison has seen significant student growth in population the last four years with one neighborhood reaching one thousand homes in August 2016. Demographics and free and reduced lunch has remained about the same. .The Hispanic population has increased and the African-American population has decreased. Our white population has remained about the same. Our economically disadvantaged population has stayed within five percentage points of where it has been in the last four years which is between 21%-26%. We have increased parent and student involvement in our school by providing family events at least once a quarter and increasing the number of student after school clubs from two to eight. During the spring semester we have had about a fourth of our school population in an after school club. We continually are refreshing programs to embody a whole family, whole community feel to events. New this year is a chapter of All Pro Dads to have We want parents and students to be an active part of our school community. The Run for the Mariner 5k is one of our largest event in the total number of participants and funds raised. Lastly we will continue to focus on growth and strategies that engage the minds of kids.
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School Priority Goal 1
Plan/Do-Area of Improvement and Supporting Data:
This is where a school would briefly describe the focus for this goal. Example might be "student attendance", "parent involvement", "reading comprehension across content" etc. This is also where you would write the current level of performance for this area or target is.
Focus of goal is to improve proficiency in reading on the End of Grade test.
School Goal #1: By June of 2017, through the staff's use of explicit instruction, 85% of K-5 grade students will be at or above grade level as measured by mClass TRC End ofYear Data and End of Grade in Reading.
Select relevant
Student Learning and Innovation
Target:2015-2016 71% of students of students performed at grade level or above on the End of Year TRC Data. The target for 2016-2016 will be 85% of our students performing on grade level according to mClass TRC data and 78% on the NC End Of Grade in Reading.
Indicator:mClass TRC for K-2 and North Carolina End of Grade Test for 3-5
Milestone / 2016-2017Date:
Goal 1 Improvement Strategies – Identify evidenced-based strategies whenever possible
Strategy #1: / By June 2016-2017, Perry Harrison will successfully implement evidence based reading programs to help support reading proficiency.
Action Steps:
1. / Guided reading groups formed based on mClass TRC data and teachers / 5. / K-2 will implement a double dose of fundations in small groups in the
will teach comprehension and writing strategies in small reading / classroom or during anchor time for students that need more support in
groups. / phonics.
Strategy #1 / 2. / Fundations used for core instruction in K-2 and as a small group / 6. / PLC quarterly focus on reading strategies for guided reading groups from
intervention in third grade. / the book by Jennifer Sevillo.
3. / Hill Rap used for reading support by reading specialists for tier III / 7.
4. / Making Meaning program used in Third Grade during Anchor Time for / 8.
targeted instruction for students whose TRC data shows comprehension
needs to be the focus.
Strategy #2: / By June 2016-2017, Perry Harrison will structure grade level literacy blocks to include explicit writing instruction provided by Lucy Calkins Units
of Study in Writing.
1. / Establish grade level writing times within the schedule by first grade / 5. / Reflect on reading response from students to examine if students are
Strategy #2 / level PLC Meeting. / using more details in their writing.
2. / By the end of the first nine weeks the first Unit of Study will be / 6. Fifty percent or more of students will participate in the Young Author's
completed in addition to two additional units by the end of the year. / Writing Competition.
3. / Reflect on writing instruction quarterly within PLC Meetings using Lucy / 7. / Staff will include the instruction of grammar, mechanics, and conventions
Calkins Units of Study and assess a minimum of three units by June 2016 / in writing through the use of Fundations and Lucy Calkins Units of Study.
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CheckStrategy #3 Strategy #3:
How will we fund these strategies?
Funding Source #1: / State Funds - DSSF / Funding Amount:Funding Source #2: / Local District Funds / Funding Amount:
Funding Source #3: / Funding Amount:
Funding Source #4: / Funding Amount:
Funding Source #5: / Funding Amount:
Total Initiative Funding:
Assigned Implementation Team:Teachers, administrators, curriculum coach, reading teacher and parents
Title I Components
Title I Components
This is how you will track, evaluate, reward
What data will be used to determine whether the strategies were deployed with fidelity?
mclass data, End of Grade test
How will you determine whether the strategies led to progress toward the goal? (Include formative, benchmark, and summative data as appropriate.)
Writing samples, rubrics, common formative assessments
This is reflection of your tracking, evaluating, rewarding
What do data show regarding the results of the implemented strategies?
This is where updates would be written based on district up-date requirements and/or those the school identified in previous sections. Each entry could simply be started with the date. (Ex. June 1, 2013: As of this point SMI data indicates….)
Based upon identified results, are any changes to current strategies anticipated?
This is where any revisions or changes in strategies would be noted. Each entry could simply be started with the date. (Ex. June 1, 2013: As of this point SMI data indicates….)
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School Priority Goal 2
Plan/Do-Area of Improvement and Supporting Data:
This is where a school would briefly describe the focus for this goal. Example might be "student attendance", "parent involvement", "reading comprehension across content" etc. This is also where you would write the current level of performance for this area or target is.
Improve growth the Science End of Grade Test in fifth grade
School Goal #1:By 2016-2017, Perry Harrison students will meet or exceed growth as measured by the 2017 End-of-Grade Science Test.
Select relevant
Student Learning and Innovation
Target:1.0 growth in EVAAS on the 2016-2017 Science test.
Indicator:Growth according to EVAAS in fifth grade Science was -2.7. Perry Harrison will achieve growth of 1.0 or more on EVAAS in 2016-2017.
Milestone2016-2017 school year
Goal 1 Improvement Strategies – Identify evidenced-based strategies whenever possible
Strategy #1:Teachers will create common grade level assessments for each Science unit.
Action Steps:
1. / Grade Level PLC's map out Science pacing guide. / 5.Strategy #1 2. / Grade Level PLC's meet with Coach to create unit assessments. / 6.
Concepts that have class averages of lower than 80% will be re-taught
and re-assessed.
3. / Explore academic science competitions for students to participate. / 7.
4. / Grades 3-5 will employ the use of gizmos to enhance Science standards. / 8.
Strategy #2:All students will be engaged in school wide grade level standards-aligned STEM activities.
1. / Each grade level will quarterly create STEM videos to share out STEM / 5.projects to school and community linked to Science or Math
Strategy #2 2. / Grade Levels will participate in Mariner Explorer's Club the 2nd and 4th / 6.
Friday of each month.
3. / Each grade level will create and house integrated STEM rubrics and / 7.
ideas aligned to Science standards.
Strategy #3 Strategy #3:
How will we fund these strategies?
School Improvement Plan6 of 1510/24/16
CheckFunding Source #1: / School General Funds / Funding Amount:
Funding Source #2: / Funding Amount:
Funding Source #3: / Funding Amount:
Funding Source #4: / Funding Amount:
Funding Source #5: / Funding Amount:
Total Initiative Funding:
Assigned Implementation Team: / All Perry Harrison Staff and community
Title I Components
Title I Components
This is how you will track, evaluate, reward
What data will be used to determine whether the strategies were deployed with fidelity?
How will you determine whether the strategies led to progress toward the goal? (Include formative, benchmark, and summative data as appropriate.)
This is reflection of your tracking, evaluating, rewarding
What do data show regarding the results of the implemented strategies?
This is where updates would be written based on district up-date requirements and/or those the school identified in previous sections. Each entry could simply be started with the date. (Ex. June 1, 2013: As of this point SMI data indicates….)
Based upon identified results, are any changes to current strategies anticipated?
This is where any revisions or changes in strategies would be noted. Each entry could simply be started with the date. (Ex. June 1, 2013: As of this point SMI data indicates….)
School Improvement Plan7 of 1510/24/16
School Priority Goal 3
Plan/Do-Area of Improvement and Supporting Data:
This is where a school would briefly describe the focus for this goal. Example might be "student attendance", "parent involvement", "reading comprehension across content" etc. This is also where you would write the current level of performance for this area or target is.
The focus for this goal is to improve student achievement in math.
School Goal #1:
By the 2016-2017 school year meet or exceed growth (greater than -2) on the End of Grade Test in Math.
Select relevant / Student Learning and InnovationDestination:
Target: / Perry Harrison is currently scored a -4 for growth in EVAAS
Indicator: / North Carolina End of Grade Test for 3-5 and EVAAS data for 2016-2017
Milestone / June 2017
Goal 1 Improvement Strategies – Identify evidenced-based strategies whenever possible
Strategy #1: / Adopt Investigations Curriculum for Grades 2 through 5.
Action Steps:
1. / Grades 2 through 5 will be trained in Investigations. / 5.
Strategy #1
2. / Grades 2 through 5 implement Investigations. / 6.
3. / Assess all students using STARS math in K-5 to create intervention and / 7.
guided math groups.
4. / Meet in PLC groups to analyze needs based on STARS assessment data. / 8.
Strategy #2: / Perry Harrison staff will provide research based instruction in math to 100% of students.
1. / Guided math groups will be implemented in all classrooms at least 3/5 / 5.
days a week. Math groups will be attached to teacher lesson plans.
2. / Perry Harrison Staff will participate in a book Study involving the Talk / 6.
Strategy #2 / Moves in math led by curriculum coach. Talk moves will be used in
classroom discussions in math.
3. / Perry Harrison will implement Chatham County math framework based / 7.
on best practices in math.
4. / Chatham County Rigorous Curriculum Design Units will be the / 8.
foundation of math instruction based on Chatham County math pacing
Strategy #3 / Strategy #3: / Provide targeted interventions and enrichment for all students as measured by data through the MTSS framework.
School Improvement Plan8 of 1510/24/16
Check1. / Teams will meet monthly in MTSS PLC meetings focused on data and / 5. / Data wall with benchmark data will be used to discuss evidence based
intervention supports. / instructional strategies.
2. / Grade level MTSS committee members will write 90% of intervention / 6.
plans as a grade level.
3. / Enrichment activities provided during classroom and anchor time will be / 7.
project based learning that incorporate multiple subject areas.
4. / Math interventions will take place during anchor time. Grouping will be / 8.
based on STAR progress monitoring or IXL standards data.
How will we fund these strategies?
Funding Source #1: / State Funds - DSSF / Funding Amount:Funding Source #2: / Local District Funds / Funding Amount:
Funding Source #3: / Funding Amount:
Funding Source #4: / Funding Amount:
Funding Source #5: / Funding Amount:
Total Initiative Funding:
Assigned Implementation Team:All Perry Harrison teachers PreK-5, all support staff and administration
Title I Components
Title I Components
This is how you will track, evaluate, reward
What data will be used to determine whether the strategies were deployed with fidelity?
North Carolina End of Grade Test for grade 3-5
How will you determine whether the strategies led to progress toward the goal? (Include formative, benchmark, and summative data as appropriate.)