LCMS September 2014 Good News Report
LCMS congratulates our August Students of the Month and their families: Andrew Alan, Mattie Holman, August Taylor, and Kassidy Kirk
O-Zone began on Tuesday, September 2. We have morning and afternoon tutoring this year.
Community Involvement: Our SRO, Deputy RJ Caskey, has used the ILP to find students with career interests in law enforcement. He is mentoring them. He is also sponsoring a Law Enforcement Career club on club days. Dominique Wood, CEA for 4-H Youth Development, is also sponsoring the 4-H club.
All LCMS students are a member of two clubs. Our clubs meet monthly and do a service learning activity. We added 4 new clubs this year (Technology, Quilting/Needlework, Electronic Gaming, & Board Games).
LCMS Student Government elections are underway. Please come by the school and see the amazing campaign posters in our hallways. We have very talented leaders.
Oct 1 is the day that 8th graders will order class rings, and Sept. 26 is school picture day.
September 17 is the EXPLORE test for LCMS students and State High Attendance Day is Sept. 18.
On Sept 22-23, LCMS staff will participate in professional learning with Steve Olsen from Learning 360; on Sept. 24, we will learn to implement Reading Plus. We are so excited to celebrate and improve the learning taking place at LCMS.
LCMS students did an amazing job with our required safety drills in August. LCMS is up-to-date with all required drills.
LCMS STLP is working to release our first newsletter for the 2014-2015 school year; STLP also does televised morning announcements.Yearbook students are working on bulletin boards and taking pictures for the yearbook.
LCMS STAR testing is complete. Teachers are disaggregating data and recognizing students who scored well. Students are entering individual testing data and SMART goals in their agendas and on their ILPs.
LCMS students have completed the learning styles inventory on the ILP, and teachers are using the information to better differentiate instruction. This year we also gave a multiple intelligences inventory to our students to help teachers better meet individual student needs.
LCMS PTSO officers were elected on August 25. Our president is Resanda Robertson. PTSO is in the midst of our school-wide cookie dough fundraiser. All students who sell two tubs or more get to come to an assembly with Rick Smith, Jr. and JD Anderson on October 23. Students are super excited about this assembly. The money we raise from the sales will be used to fund our student incentive programs.
Basketball open gym is underway. We will soon have our teams and are excited about our schedule which has been posted on-line. Our first pep rally is Oct. 21 at 1:16. Go Cardinals!!!
LCMS has 71.5 documented volunteer hours as of September 1, 2014, for the 2014-2015 school year. Our goal is 1,200 hours.
LCMS currently has 96.96% attendance for the year. Our goal is 98%.
LCMS has 159 followers on Twitter (LCMS_LiveRed) and has made 938 tweets.
LCMS has 241 Likes of our Facebook page (Livingston County Middle School) which includes multiple posts, photos, and videos.