Course Description - Postgraduate Students

1- قسم الباطنة العامة

Curriculum of physiology for M.Sc course of General Medicine

1-  Cell physiology and molecular biology.

2-  Body fluids and electrolyte balance.

3-  Homeostasis.

4-  Acid base balance.

5-  Body temperature regulation and fever.

6-  Chemical transmitters and autonomic nervous system.

7-  Haemostasis.

8-  Shock and haemorrhage.

9-  Immunity.

10- Heart rate and arterial blood pressure.

11- Pain sensation.

12- Erythropoiesis.

13- Cardiac cycle and methods of its study.

14- Cardiac muscle properties.

15- Special circulation (coronary - capillary - venous - pulmonary).

16- Renal physiology.

17- Alimentary tract (secretions and motility).

18- Hepatobiliary system.

19- Endocrine glands and exocrine pancreas.

20- Central nervous system { cortical functions (motor and sensory) -

subcortical - cerebellum - brain stem - spinal cord).

21- Regulation of respiration and gas exchange.

2- قسم المتوطنة

Curriculum of physiology for M.Sc course of Tropical Medicine

1-  Cell physiology and molecular biology.

2-  Body fluids and electrolyte balance.

3-  Homeostasis.

4-  Acid base balance.

5-  Body temperature regulation and fever.

6-  Chemical transmitters and autonomic nervous system.

7-  Haemostasis.

8-  Shock and haemorrhage.

9-  Immunity.

10- Heart rate and arterial blood pressure.

11- Pain sensation.

12- Renal physiology.

13- Alimentary tract (secretions and motility).

14- Hepatobiliary system.

15- Endocrine glands and exocrine pancreas.

16- Regulation of respiration and gas exchange.

3- قسم أمراض القلب

Curriculum of physiology for M.Sc course of Cardiology

1-  Cell physiology and molecular biology.

2-  Body fluids and electrolyte balance.

3-  Homeostasis.

4-  Acid base balance.

5-  Body temperature regulation and fever.

6-  Chemical transmitters and autonomic nervous system.

7-  Haemostasis.

8-  Shock and haemorrhage.

9-  Immunity.

10- Heart rate and arterial blood pressure.

11- Pain sensation.

12- Cardiac cycle and methods of its study.

13- Cardiac muscle properties.

14- Special circulation (coronary - capillary - venous - pulmonary).

15- Cardiac output.

16- Regulation of respiration and gas exchange.

4- قسم التخدير

Curriculum of physiology for M.Sc course of Anaethesia

1-  Cell physiology and molecular biology.

2-  Body fluids and electrolyte balance.

3-  Homeostasis.

4-  Acid base balance.

5-  Body temperature regulation and fever.

6-  Chemical transmitters and autonomic nervous system.

7-  Haemostasis.

8-  Shock and haemorrhage.

9-  Immunity.

10- Heart rate and arterial blood pressure.

11- Pain sensation.

12- Physiology of respiration.

13- Cardiovascular physiology.

14- Central nervous system (reticular formation - consciousness - sleep).

15- Nerve and muscle.

16- Gastric physiology and vomiting.

-5 قسم الأمراض العصبية والنفسية

Curriculum of physiology for M.Sc course of Neuro-Psychiatry

1-  Cell physiology and molecular biology.

2-  Body fluids and electrolyte balance.

3-  Homeostasis.

4-  Acid base balance.

5-  Body temperature regulation and fever.

6-  Chemical transmitters and autonomic nervous system.

7-  Haemostasis.

8-  Shock and haemorrhage.

9-  Immunity.

10- Heart rate and arterial blood pressure.

11- Pain sensation.

12- Nerve and muscle.

13- Central nervous system.

14- Cerebral circulation.

-6 قسم الأمراض الصدرية

Curriculum of physiology for M.Sc course of Chest disease

1-  Cell physiology and molecular biology.

2-  Body fluids and electrolyte balance.

3-  Homeostasis.

4-  Acid base balance.

5-  Body temperature regulation and fever.

6-  Chemical transmitters and autonomic nervous system.

7-  Haemostasis.

8-  Shock and haemorrhage.

9-  Immunity.

10- Heart rate and arterial blood pressure.

11- Pain sensation.

12- Respiratory physiology.

13- Cardiac muscle properties.

14- Pulmonary circulation.

15- Cardiac output.

-7قسم الأمراض الجلدية

Curriculum of physiology for M.Sc course of Dermatology and Venereology

1-  Cell physiology and molecular biology.

2-  Body fluids and electrolyte balance.

3-  Homeostasis.

4-  Acid base balance.

5-  Body temperature regulation and fever.

6-  Chemical transmitters and autonomic nervous system.

7-  Haemostasis.

8-  Shock and haemorrhage.

9-  Immunity.

10- Heart rate and arterial blood pressure.

11- Pain sensation.

12- Functions of the skin.

13- Sweat glands (types, functions and control of secretion).

14- Hypothalamic control of male sexual activity.

15- Spermatogenesis and factors affecting it.

16- Pigmentation of the skin.

-8قسم طب الأطفال

Curriculum of physiology for M.Sc course of Pediatrics

1-  Cell physiology and molecular biology.

2-  Body fluids and electrolyte balance.

3-  Homeostasis.

4-  Acid base balance.

5-  Body temperature regulation and fever.

6-  Chemical transmitters and autonomic nervous system.

7-  Haemostasis.

8-  Shock and haemorrhage.

9-  Immunity.

10- Heart rate and arterial blood pressure.

11- Pain sensation.

12- Blood physiology.

13- Endocrine physiology.

14- Renal physiology.

15- Alimentary tract (secretion and motility).

16- Hepatobiliary system.

17- CNS (motor activity - sensory - speech - cerebrospinal fluid circulation).

-9قسم الجراحة العامة

Curriculum of physiology for M.Sc course of General Surgery

1-  Cell physiology and molecular biology.

2-  Body fluids and electrolyte balance.

3-  Homeostasis.

4-  Acid base balance.

5-  Body temperature regulation and fever.

6-  Chemical transmitters and autonomic nervous system.

7-  Haemostasis.

8-  Shock and haemorrhage.

9-  Immunity.

10- Heart rate and arterial blood pressure.

11- Pain sensation.

12- Alimentary tract (secretion and motility).

13- Hepatobiliary system.

14- Special circulation (capillary - venous - coronary - pulmonary -


15- Blood groups and blood transfusion.

16- Endocrine physiology.

10- قسم جراحة العظام

Curriculum of physiology for M.Sc course of Orthopedics

1-  Cell physiology and molecular biology.

2-  Body fluids and electrolyte balance.

3-  Homeostasis.

4-  Acid base balance.

5-  Body temperature regulation and fever.

6-  Chemical transmitters and autonomic nervous system.

7-  Haemostasis.

8-  Shock and haemorrhage.

9-  Immunity.

10- Heart rate and arterial blood pressure.

11- Pain sensation.

12- Calcium metabolism and bone physiology.

13- Hepatobiliary system.

14- Special circulation (capillary - venous - lymphatic).

15- Central nervous system (upper and lower motor neuron lesions -

control of voluntary movement).

11- قسم طب وجراحة العيون

Curriculum of physiology for M.Sc course of Ophthalmology

1-  Cell physiology and molecular biology.

2-  Body fluids and electrolyte balance.

3-  Homeostasis.

4-  Acid base balance.

5-  Body temperature regulation and fever.

6-  Autonomic nervous system and chemical transmitters.

7-  Haemostasis.

8-  Shock and haemorrhage.

9-  Immunity.

10- Heart rate and arterial blood pressure.

11- Pain sensation.

12- Light (physical properties and effect of light on the eye).

13- Vitreous humour.

14- The aqueous humour and intraocular pressure.

15- Colour vision.

16- Iris and pupil.

17- Lens and accommodation.

18- Cornea.

19- Protective mechanisms of the eye.

20- Photochemistry of the vision,.

21- Electrical phenomenon of the eye.

22- Adaptation.

23- Visual acuity.

24- Color and field of vision.

25- Metabolism of the ocular tissue.

26- Binocular vision.

-12قسم النساء والتوليد

Curriculum of physiology for M.Sc course of Gynecology and Obstetrics

1-  Cell physiology and molecular biology.

2-  Body fluids and electrolyte balance.

3-  Homeostasis.

4-  Acid base balance.

5-  Body temperature regulation and fever.

6-  Chemical transmitters and autonomic nervous system.

7-  Haemostasis.

8-  Shock and haemorrhage.

9-  Immunity.

10- Heart rate and arterial blood pressure.

11- Pain sensation.

12- Blood groups and anaemia.

13- Female reproductive system.

14- Pregnancy.

15- Lactation.

16- Fetal circulation.

17- Endocrine glands.

18- Parturition.

19- Puberty and menopause.

-13قسم المسالك البولية

Curriculum of physiology for M.Sc course of Urology

1-  Cell physiology and molecular biology.

2-  Body fluids and electrolyte balance.

3-  Homeostasis.

4-  Acid base balance.

5-  Body temperature regulation and fever.

6-  Chemical transmitters and autonomic nervous system.

7-  Haemostasis.

8-  Shock and haemorrhage.

9-  Immunity.

10- Heart rate and arterial blood pressure.

11- Pain sensation.

12- Renal physiology.

13- Hormones that act on the kidney.

14- Endocrine functions of the kidney.

14- قسم الأنف والأذن والحنجرة

Curriculum of physiology for M.Sc course of ENT

1-  Cell physiology and molecular biology.

2-  Body fluids and electrolyte balance.

3-  Homeostasis.

4-  Acid base balance.

5-  Body temperature regulation and fever.

6-  Chemical transmitters and autonomic nervous system.

7-  Haemostasis.

8-  Shock and haemorrhage.

9-  Immunity.

10- Heart rate and arterial blood pressure.

11- Pain sensation.

12- Salivary glands.

13- Deglutition.

14- Taste sensation.

15- Vocalization.

16- Physiology of hearing.

17- Vestibular system and equilibrium.

18- Smell sensation.

19- Synapses.

20- Physiology of the upper respiratory tract.

21- Neuromuscular transmitters.

22- Sensory and motor areas of the cerebral cortex.

23- Speech and aphasia.

-15 قسم السمعيات

Curriculum of physiology for M.Sc course of Audiology

1-  Cell physiology and molecular biology.

2-  Body fluids and electrolyte balance.

3-  Homeostasis.

4-  Acid base balance.

5-  Body temperature regulation and fever.

6-  Chemical transmitters and autonomic nervous system.

7-  Haemostasis.

8-  Shock and haemorrhage.

9-  Immunity.

10- Heart rate and arterial blood pressure.

11- Pain sensation.

12- Physiology of hearing.

13- Vestibular system.

14- Vocalization.

15- Speech and aphasia.

16- قسم الغدد الصماء

Curriculum of physiology for M.Sc course of Endocrinology

1-  Cell physiology and molecular biology.

2-  Body fluids and electrolyte balance.

3-  Homeostasis.

4-  Acid base balance.

5-  Body temperature regulation and fever.

6-  Chemical transmitters and autonomic nervous system.

7-  Haemostasis.

8-  Shock and haemorrhage.

9-  Immunity.

10- Heart rate and arterial blood pressure.

11- Pain sensation.

12- Endocrine glands.

13- Male reproductive system.

14- Female reproductive system.

-17قسم الطب الطبيعى

Curriculum of physiology for M.Sc course of Physiotherapy

1-  Cell physiology and molecular biology.

2-  Body fluids and electrolyte balance.

3-  Homeostasis.

4-  Acid base balance.

5-  Body temperature regulation and fever.

6-  Chemical transmitters and autonomic nervous system.

7-  Haemostasis.

8-  Shock and haemorrhage.

9-  Immunity.

10- Heart rate and arterial blood pressure.

11- Pain sensation.

12- Central nervous system.

13- Endocrine glands.

14- Nerve and muscle.

15- Electromyography.

16- Hypoxia and cyanosis.

17- Biophysics of muscle and nerve.

18- ماجستير الأسنان

Curriculum of physiology for M.Sc course of Dentist

1-  Cell physiology and molecular biology.

2-  Body fluids and electrolyte balance.

3-  Homeostasis.

4-  Acid base balance.

5-  Body temperature regulation and fever.

6-  Chemical transmitters and autonomic nervous system.

7-  Haemostasis.

8-  Shock and haemorrhage.

9-  Blood and immunity.

10- Heart rate and arterial blood pressure and edema.

11- Endocrine glands (Calcium metabolism and diabetes).

12- CNS (pain sensation and trigeminal nerve).

13- Special sense (taste sensation).

14- Respiration (Central respiration, hypoxia and cyanosis).

15- Digestion (salivary glands, mastication and deglutition).

16- Nerve and muscle (resting and action potential).

علاج الألم-19

Curriculum of physiology for pain treatment

1- Basic neuronal pain transmission.

2- Physiology of nerve & muscle.

3- Physiology of CSF.

4- Physiology of cell membrane & ion channels.

5- Patho-physiology of inflammation.

6- Skin, muscles & sympathetic dermatomes.

7- Normal somatic and visceral pain sensation.

8- Patho-physiology of pain sensation. Neuropathic pain & neuronal plasticity.