
Beckie Beard / Purchasing / 1790
Mary Brown / Science / 1115
Tom Deits / Science / 1085

Meeting Minutes:

1.  Update on Eco Scholars Day planning for April 29th

2.  Discuss needs for Spring Fling activities

a.  “Dumpster Dive” T-Shirts – Beckie will order.

b.  How teams will be organized this year – Suggestion that Building Stewards put teams together. Mary has trophy from last year. Meg, Elaine, Brian worked event last year. Discussed looking at “Dumpster Dive” by Building Stewards to see how well occupants are doing with recycling. May need to do a count of recycling containers to see if your building has enough. Building occupants may need training. Discussed that it may be helpful to put examples of what can be recycled on each container. Also, important to notify people that wet waste needs to be separated from recycled material. Mary suggested that it may be helpful to have a different color of trashcan liner for recycling, or not to use one at all. Beckie suggested that Chris S-F provide guidance on this subject.

c.  Volunteers to work event – 11:30, 12:30, 1:30 (Mary brings her class), and 2:30 p.m.

3.  Additional discussion on recycling on campus.

a.  Training needed

b.  How can we make better use of Sustainability Stewards

Sustainability Advisory Committee Meetings dates for 2011. All meetings in Room 200, Administration Building, LCC downtown campus from 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

·  April 21, 2011

·  May 19, 2011

·  June 16, 2011

·  July 21, 2011

·  August 18, 2011

·  September 15, 2011

·  October 20, 2011

·  November 17, 2011

·  December 15, 2011

4.  Calendar of activities for the remainder of the 2010-11 Academic Year.

4/27/11 Chg to 5/4/11 / Committee / Spring Fling – “Dumpster Diving” – We will have building “teams” this year.
4/29/11 / Committee / Earth Day – Eco Scholars Program – West Campus 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

5. New Business:

a. Tom shared a “Kill A Watt P3” device with us. You plug an appliance into it and it will tell you how many watts you are using. Find your “phantom” energy waste. There are higher end versions available at Home Depot for instance, and this one was found at Small Planet by Meg.

b. Mary debriefed us on the MSU Recycling Center visit on 2/18/11. MSU stressed the “cost effective” portion of their facility. Meg may be taking her high school class there for a visit too.

c. Mary’s Physics Student will have posters at the upcoming Eco Scholars event. Her ISCI class and two students who went to Costa Rica will also have presentations.

6. Next meeting: April 21, 2011, 3:00 – 4:00 p.m. in Admin 200.

Meeting Adjourned.

Beckie Beard

Chair, LCC Sustainability Advisory Committee