LBHS Band Booster Meeting

Date/Time: 12/11/17 7:00pm
Type of Meeting: General / Meeting Called By: Matt Abraham Meeting Called By: Cheryl Deal, President
Attendees: Philip Eyrich - Band Director; Cheryl Deal – President; Raymond Reese – Vice President;Kimberly Reese – Treasurer;
Donnie Stephens – Color Guard Liason;Matt Abraham – Volunteer & Chaperone Coordinator; Dorothy Boldis - Fundraising Chair,
Dawn Stephens, Dave & Fiona Sokolich, Cindy Weinfeld, Kathy Abraham, Lynda Carden
Meeting Notes
Meeting Called to Order at 7:01pm by C. Deal
Previous Meeting Minutes Approval /
  • Secretary was not present, President acting as Secretary Pro Tem. Motion to approve: Ray Reese, Seconded by Phillip Eyrich.
P. Eyrich
  • Director mentioned that we received Best Youth Entry trophy for our appearance in the Rotonda Christmas Parade.
  • Director said he felt Winter Concert went very well and kids played fantastically and was happy to see good, positive community and Admin response to the performance. Cutting down to 4 tunes each worked out well for timing and mastery. He thanked Tim Ostrow for narrating our program and Dawn & Donnie Stephens, Alison Posner-Solares and all of the Silent Auction Committee for their hard work on the Auction. He was also impressed by the decorations in the Auditorium and Lobby.
  • Re: Exams – Scale tests for band members start on Thursday and go thru Monday. He will be leaving for Midwest Director’s Conference on Tuesday and he is looking forward to bringing back some new ideas.
Operating Account - $4,925.54 Reserves - $4,342.92 Internal - $1,950.42 as of 11/14
  • Treasurer noted that some of the funds currently in Operating Acct are student dues and will need to be transferred to Internal Acct as soon as new LBHS Bookkeeper is available. Director said he would get with Treasurer to set up a meeting for all three of them.
  • Fiona Sokolich asked how much the Moe’s Southwest Grill Fundraiser had earned. Director stated total was $81.00.
  • President reported that the Carrabbas Luncheon Fundraiser has been scheduled for Saturday, January 20th. StoneCrabs Baseball Game fundraiser has been scheduled for May 5th, 2018.
  • Other Officers had nothing to report.
  1. Parades Results
  2. President stated that Director and Board had discussed how they felt parades had gone in Executive Meeting and that they would like to see were shade and hydration/nutrition station at the end of parades. Other attendees suggested some type of “sweets” for kids and arranged transportation to get kids and adults back to starting point.
  1. Winter Concert Results
  • President stated that this had also been discussed in Executive Meeting and all felt this event and Silent Auction went very well.
  • $485 in donations were received at concert and $100 toward helping students with unpaid band dues. Silent Auction proceeds have not been fully totaled at this time as some winners had not yet picked up their gifts. Approximation of earnings is $3200-3600.
  • Concern was expressed that not all Board members names had appeared in concert program, a sponsor name had been misread and that FAME had not been specially recognized within the concert script. These oversights were acknowledged and will be corrected for next concert.
  • Temperature in auditorium was not low enough. Mr. Bedford is aware and will follow up on this.
  1. Upcoming Special Fundraising Events
  1. 1/20 11am-1pm Carrabbas Luncheon
  2. Tickets will either be $10 or $12. Carrabbas charges us $5 for the meals, so will be at least at 50% fundraiser. Theme will be LBHS Band Spirit and may include basket raffle. Small student ensembles will play outside.
  3. 1/29 6:30-9:00 Pre-Jazz MPA Event @ Westcoast Church
  • Director explained this event is a fundraiser and practice for Jazz MPA. Proceeds from a Spaghetti Dinner will be split between Ainger’s and our bands.
  • Bands’ performances will be evaluated by Jose Lopez from Port Charlotte H.S. and Owen Bradley from North Port H.S.
  1. 2/3 9-1pm Band Car Show
  2. President said that discussion and planning have been started for this event and that they hoped to have advertising and registration up and running within the next couple of weeks. She asked that anyone interested in helping with planning for this event contact the board and that student volunteers would be needed in 1-2 hour shifts to help with food and a few other tasks the day of the event.
  1. Upcoming Performance Events In December
  1. 12/15 4-7pm Rotary Christmas Party/ Evening with Santa on Dearborn St.- Jazz Band
  2. Times for this event have been adjusted. Students will perform from 4:30-5:30pm and Report Time is 4:00pm.
  3. Trailer pulling needed for this event. Ray Reese said he should be available
  4. 12/17 2-5pm South Gulf Cove Yacht Club Holiday Party – Jazz Band
  5. Times for this event have also been adjusted. Students will perform from 2:00pm – 3:30pm and Report Time is 1:15pm.
  • Event is at enclosure on Ingraham Blvd. in South Gulf Cove.
  • Trailer pulling will also be needed for this event.
  1. Upcoming Important Events In January
  2. 1/5-1/6 CCPS Honor Band Event at LBHS
  • Friday will be an all-day rehearsal with students eating lunch at Champs Café.
  • Concert is on Saturday at 3pm.
  • Needs for this event will be a few people to help serve pizza for Saturday’s lunch and some simple decorations for the stage and lobby for Saturday’s concert performance.
  1. Upcoming Inportant Events in February
  • President reviewed dates for these events which parents usually want extra notice of.
  1. 2/8-2/10, Time: TBA Jazz MPA @ North Port H.S
  2. 2/135:00pm-5:25pm Jazz Band’s School Board Meeting Performance
  3. This will be a very short performance, but we may need the trailer to transport drums. Mr. Ostrow recommended taking a bus, since it is around the 5pm hour and all students needed may not drive.
  4. 2/16-2/17, Times: TBA Solo & Ensemble @ Braden River H.S.
  • Director stated that due to continued difficulty in reaching Freshman and other band parents with info on events, payments due, and a need for current medical forms before we travel for MPA events this spring, he will be conducting a Spring Contact Info Update project, sending home forms for students to provide the required information and that this will be a graded item.
  • He also mentioned that he’d been told there would be an article about our concert in the Sun on Thursday. He further stated that while he knew many parents were not happy about the increased number of band commitments this year, he feels they are necessary to rebuild our recognition in the community and to build better future response to our requests for donations.
  • Recommendation from Mr. Ostrow was made that to simplify requests for the band’s appearance, Mr. Eyrich create a form which could be posted to band’s website stating how much advance notice was needed and conditions for appearances. It has also been recommended that all acceptance of requests be made in writing, not orally, to avoid any misinterpretations.

Director's Report
Treasurer's Report
Officer’s Reports
New Business
New Business Cont’d
Open Discussion – Q & A
Next Scheduled Meeting(s): General 1/16, 7:00pm Executive Mon. 1/9 7:00pm
Motion to Adjourn: / P. Eyrich, Seconded by K. Reese
Meeting Adjourned: 7:30pm