A.C.E.Membership Monthly Meeting

Date: Monday, February 9, 2015

Time:4:15 pm

Location: 715 Main Street


Present:April Waters,Rose Bird, Ko’ona Cochrane, Mary Van Eerd Cook, Renée McGurry, Vince Solomon, Mike Yosyk, Deborah Clark


1)Call to Order:The Meeting was called to order at 4:30 pm byApril Waters

2)Adoption of Agenda:

Motion: To accept the Agenda as presented

Moved By: Renée McGurry

Seconded By:Rose Bird


3)Approval of Minutes:

Motion: To accept the Minutes as circulated

Moved By: Rose Bird

Seconded By: Renée McGurry


4)Sharing Circle: Thanks to everyone who was able to make it today.

5)Financial Report

a)Audit Report—Mike Yosyk presented the draft Audit. An electronic copy will be sentto attending members.

Motion: To accept the draft Audit Report as circulated, the provision that comments can made until end of day Tuesday, February 10, 2015.

Moved By: Renée McGurry

Seconded By: Ko’ona Cochrane


b)Monthly Report—Profit and Loss statement was circulated.

Motion: To accept the Financial Report as circulated.

Moved By: Vince Solomon

Seconded By: Renée McGurry


6)Executive Director’s Report

a)Conference is ready to go. There are 12 Exhibitors, 80 attendees and 176 banquet seats. The programs are printed, Silent Auction items acknowledged and e-signage is being worked on.

b)The “Circle of Learning” workshop was positive although not well attended.

c)The next newsletter will be out in March.

d)Attended the Community Schools Working Group. There will be a workshop for Principals and Connectors and other interested and invited participantson March 16, 2015.

e)Submitted the Celebrate Canada grant. The event would be held on June 21 and would be in partnership with Circle of Life Thunderbird House, Neeganin Centre, The Louis Riel Institute and the Aboriginal School of Dance.

f)Attended the Urban Eagle forum.

g)Have started promoting the Drum Workshops. I am still looking for more funding.

Motion: To accept the Executive Director’s Report as presented.

Moved By: Deborah Clark

Seconded By:Ko’ona Cochrane


7)Conference Committee Report/Business

a)Awards Banquet—There are over 180 tickets sold, including the complimentary tickets.

b)Workshops—Evaluations will be sent out through Survey Monkey post-conference.

c)Volunteers—Urban Circle Training Centre will be providing volunteers, we have some sponsored tickets for the banquet for Thursday’s volunteers.

d)Silent Auction and 50/50 Draw—We will need responsible volunteers as we will have three 50/50 draws in addition to the Silent Auction ticket sales.

8)Business Arising

a)By-Law Update—The revised By-Laws will be available electronically to members at the Conference

b)Annual General Meeting

i)AGM Report was circulated to the Co-Chairs and was approved. Printing can be done

ii)Elections—No members have stepped forward. Nominations can be made from the floor, provided they meet the criteria of the By-Laws

iii)Deborah will send the Agenda.

c)Aboriginal Day Event—Will be held on June 21, 2015 if funding is approved.

d)Workshops—We will promote the Drum Making Workshops at the Conference and will have a registration sheet available.

9)New Business

10)The Meeting was adjourned at 5:35 pm.