W3: Ch 4. Animation basics --

frame by frame

* students take the quiz again so that they would know the rule of the quiz.

* students create their student number for the class. -- They can retrieve their scores using their name and their student number later.

* Their scores will be averaged. Use the mean, rather than median.

How to start a new animation

Start a new page: File/New --> Flash Document --> Modify Document

Choose: Title, description, Dimension (800 x 600), Background color (white) and frame rate (12 frames per second, later 20 frames per second when you make your other serious projects)

Animation basics

1) What is animation? -- a series of images played

2) traditional concepts in the animation movie industry

2-a)* keyframes: a defining frame with an object made by a key or main animator

2-b)* in-between frames made in two ways

2-b-1) by a second animator or an in-betweener, a subordinate artist (Disney movies), or

2-b-2) by computers using shape tweening or motion tweening

Frame (Flash 8)

1) keyframe: a frame made by human beings; total control by you (2-a, 2-b-1)

2) tweened frame: in-between frames by computers; no control except how many tweened frames you can have. If you want to change, you need to change it into a keyframe. (2-b-2)

3) blank keyframe: a vacant keyframe, a keyframe without any object.

4) (mirrored) frame: a frame which has the mirrored images of the preceding keyframe; control only for the number of mirrored frames by you


1) Frame-by-frame animation (using keyframes made by a main animator and an in-betweener.

2) Shape Tweening -- the shape

3) Motion Tweening -- unbroken text

Q: Animation showing how to chop a brick using your hand:
How many key frames?

How to make frames

blank keyframe -- when you open up a new layer, a blank keyframe is automatically made. If you want to make another one, you need to move the cursor to a place where you want to place a blank keyframe and hold down the mouse. You choose "Insert Blank Keyframe" from the pull-down menu.

*If you add objects, it will become a keyframe.

keyframe -- you need to move the cursor to a place where you want to place a keyframe and hold down the mouse. You choose "Insert Keyframe" from the pull-down menu.

*Keyframe here means a frame copied from the preceding keyframe, but you can change the image of the object. *When you want to modify an image, you need to use it instead of starting from scratch using a blank keyframe.

(mirrored) frame --

1) you need to move the cursor to a place where you want to place a frame and hold down the mouse. You choose "Insert Frame" from the pull-down menu.

2) When you add a blank keyframe or a keyframe, all the frames between the preceding keyframe and the current frame will become (mirrored) frames.

How to delete and clear frames

* convert keyframes or blank keyframes into a mirrored frame ---> clear keyframe

* change a keyframe into a blank keyframe ---> go to the frame and delete the object on the keyframe.

* delete a mirrored frame, not a keyframe --> delete frames

* delete a keyframe or a blank keyframe --> first change it into a mirrored frame and delete this frame.

How to duplicate a keyframe

* Enter a new keyframe

* Copy/paste frame

* Multiple frames (multiple keyframes) -- select frames (select the first frame and select the last frame to be copied while holding down the shift key) and drag to a place while holding down the option key.

How to reverse frames

* Select the frames and choose "Reverse Frames" from the pull-down menu.

Other important terms

Total frames (40 frames) -- distance

frame rates (20 frames per second) -- speed

total animation time (2 seconds) -- time

playhead -- shows which frame is shown on the stage

current frame -- the frame where the playhead is on. Objects on the current frame is displayed on the stage.

show/hide icon; lock/unlock icon