LAYER MASKS—Bobbi Greenfield Questions? , 609-619-3525 (10am-9pm)
Layer Masks have many different uses. Here is one situation where a mask is terrifically useful:
Perhaps you have taken several pictures of a group at a party. Everyone looks wonderful except one person whose eyes are closed or who is not smiling. There is a second picture where this person, posed similarly, looks terrific. What to do? LAYER MASK to the rescue! Let’s call the “bad” photo the “receiver” document and the “smiling” photo the “sender” document. If you are new to Photoshop, DUPLICATE YOUR 2 FILEs. Then close the originals. That way you can feel sure that they are protected.
- In the sender photo, use the free-form lasso (preferably with a soft, not hard, edge) to make a rough selection of the person’s head. Don’t be afraid to go a bit outside of the head. This doesn’t have to be exact. It’s better to select too much than too little.
- Put the head on a new layer: Layer > New > Layer via Copy (Ctrl + J).
- Now find the ARRANGE DOCUMENTS icon. Click it and choose 2 Up. That will arrange the “sender” document beside the “receiver” document.
- Drag the layer with the head to the receiver document and place the head in position to cover the one to be changed. On the Layers palette on the screen’s right side, you will see a new layer appear over the Background layer on your “receiver” photo. This has the “new” head on it.YOU MUST WORK ONLY ON THIS LAYER.
- On top of the Layers palette, look for the icon that is a “circle inside a square” (or a front-loader washing machine). Click on it. A white rectangle will appear on your “head” layer. This is your Layer Mask. Grab your Paint Brush (B) from the tool box or palette. Pick a SOFT EDGED brush.
- Since your Layer Mask is white, you will paint with black paint.
- Look for the Color Picker boxes at the bottom of your Toolbox or Palette. The front box is the color you are painting with. Black is the Default color. On the keyboard, tap the “X” key. That will change the Default color to white.Try tapping “x” several times to watch the color change from black to white and back to black again.
- Look at the letter “Z” to select the magnifying glass. This will allow you to zoom into your picture. Place your cursor over the “new” head and tap and HOLD “z”. This will zoom you in tight so you can see the head well.
- With your Black paint selected, begin painting around the outside of the new head. The black paint will ERASE any of the hair that doesn’t match your subject’s hair in the “receiver” picture.
- Oops! Did you “erase” (paint out) too much? Tap the x key to change the paint back to white.
- Paint with the white paint to put back the part you erased by mistake. You can keep going back and forth by tapping x and painting in or out any part you want to. NO CHANGE IS PERMANENT unless you stop painting and save! And if you drag the head layer to the trash icon even saving isn’t permanent!
- If you need to move the head to position it better, use the MOVE tool or press the letter V.
- Double tap the hand in the Tool box to return the picture to regular size.
- Go back to the Arrange Documents icon and choose the single rectangle (Consolidate all) icon.
- Congratulations! You are done! SAVE YOUR PHOTO WITH A NEW NAME.