This worksheet is provided for draft purposes only. The actual form must be entered and submitted in Arena at least 10 days prior to the scheduled date of your church conference.
Part 1)Personal Data
Name (Mrs. __ Ms. __ Mr. __) ______
Address ______
City/State/Zip ______
Telephone (H) ______(C)______
E-mail ______
Name of District ______
Name of Church ______
Church Address ______
City/State/Zip ______
Church Telephone ______
(Part 2)CURRENT STATUS-- Note: You will need to scan and upload your certificates along with the information you provide in this section when you enter the final report in Arena.
- Module 1 Complete Date?______(certificate required)
- Module 2 Complete Date?______(certificate required)
- Module 3Complete Date?______(certificate required)
- Module 4Complete Date?______(certificate required)
- Date of your original certification by DCOM or CCLSM? ______(certificate required)
- Date of your last Re-certification Course?______
Title of your last Re-certification Course?______(certificate required)
- What is the date of your current certification by DCOM or CCLSM?______
During the past year, I participated inCARING MINISTRIESas follows:
__ served as a volunteer in a care-giving institution
__ provided one-on-one caring
__ at a hospital, nursing home, or to a shut-in
__ in membership/evangelism visitation
__ served in caring/outreach projects (food pantry, prison ministry, etc.)
__ other CARING activities(Please list) ______
During the past year, I participated inLEADING MINISTRIES as follows:
__ served as member of committee, board, commission, council, task force, etc.
__ as a volunteer at a community agency
__ at my local church
__ beyond my local church
__on my District __ Conference __Jurisdiction __General Church level
__other LEADING activities(Please list) ______
During the past year, I participated in COMMUNICATING MINISTRIES as follows:
__ sharedthe message in ______worship services
__ served as worship leader in ______services
__ delivered ______devotional messages
__ taught ______classes
__ shared my faith story to ______
__ other SPEAKING activities(Please list) ______
During the past year, I participated in additional opportunities for ministry as follows:
In what activities, have you engaged in/or what books have you read or used during the past year to help you develop your devotional life; improve yourunderstanding of the Bible; improve your understanding of The United Methodist Church; and to improve your skills in caring, leading, communicating and speaking?
Do you feel called to be in service in any area of ministry, either in the church or outside the church, in which you are not currently involved? __ yes __ no If yes, please list those areas below:______
Other comments about your year of ministry you would like to add:
By my signature, I/we affirm that the individual making this report is eligible to continue in Lay Servant Ministries:
Certified Lay Servant/ Certified Lay Speaker/ Certified LayMinister:
Pastor: ______DATE______
Chair of Church Council:______DATE______
Presiding Elder?????