Today’s Altar Flowers are given by Joyce Rickard in loving memory of Ray Rickard and by Bill and Jody Smythe in loving memory of Betty, Nanny, and Bill Smythe Sr.


7:45am Service- Greeter: Laraine Crane; Usher: John Mabry; Lay Reader: Keith Ross; Healing Prayer Team: Lois Westfall

9:00am Service- Greeters: Tom and Jean Sitzman; Ushers: Jonathan Gray, Roger Rowe, & Matt Dornan; Lay Readers: Camille Culp & Ben Bryan; Acolytes: Taryn Smith & Anna Kay Sitzman; Healing Prayer Team:Andy Hawekotte & Jamie Baker

10:30am Service- Greeters: Janice Nelson; Ushers: James Schreiber & Dave and Anne Gambal; Lay Readers: Kaitlan Pettiford & Bert Van Blerk; Acolytes: Josh Gottschalk & Nathan Gottschalk; Healing Prayer Team: Anne Gambal

ALTAR GUILD: Adah Earle, Liz Bourne, & Christina Harter

COFFEE HOUR: Sr. Choir & Handbells


7:45am Service- Greeter: John Mabry; Usher: John Mabry; Lay Reader: Lois Westfall; Healing Prayer Team: Lois Westfall

9:00am Service- Greeters: Todd and Cathy Engle; Ushers: Don Peeler & Barb Jackson; Lay Readers: Melissa Peeler & Taryn Smith; Acolytes: Connor Smith & Ian Haakinson,Healing Prayer Team: Karen Ekholm/Nancy Ponec

10:30am Service- Greeters: TBD; Ushers: Charley and Nancy Pugsley & Ken Cratty; Lay Readers: Ken West & Andy Ketterson; Acolytes: Eleanor Dodge & John Dodge; Healing Prayer Team: TBD

ALTAR GUILD: Terrie Saunders, Gretchen Gottschalk, Betty White

COFFEE HOUR: St. Monica’s & ECW Board


The last edition of The Greeter has been updated on the website and now includes the April and May Vestry minutes. These can also be viewed on the bulletin board outside the office. Articles for the August edition are due July 26.



The Vestry of St. Andrew’s wishes to announce the availability of money for projects designed to: 1) improve the buildings and grounds of St. Andrew’s, 2) purchase equipment, and/or 3) fund programs and missions. The vestry’s goal is to improve the spiritual experience of the parishioners of our church. Any parishioner with a request is encouraged to fill out and submit an application form that you can find in the back of the church. The members of the Vestry will prioritize the proposals. Proposals will be funded, highest priority first until the available money is used up. Depending on the number of submissions, not all of the proposals may be funded. The deadline for submissions is September 1, 2016. The total available funds are $15,000 with a maximum of $5,000 per project. It is the Vestry’s hope that it will be possible to repeat this “Request for Proposals” in the future, so please fill out and submit a form to let us know your ideas.


We are in need of someoneto help Tim Witty mow the church grounds once a week in the morning. If you can bring your own blower and trimmer, that will be a great help. It usually doesn't take more than two hours. If you are able to assist, please call John Mabry at402-333-3568 or Tim Witty at 402-651-4863. Thank you.


Thank you for all of the nice donations that have come in to date, but keep them coming! We need a lot more merchandise, especially books and Children’s clothing and games. To prepare for the sale, sorting will begin July 13 and pricing begins the week of July 18 daily 10am-3pm (except Thursdays when we will only be here 1-4pm). If you are able to help at all during these two weeks at the specified hours, just show up, and we will put you to work. Bebe will be working off and on prior to the 13th and can use help during this time as well. Please contact her to see when she will be around at 402-391-6579. The final day for pick-ups will be July 31. Please contact Jim Saunders (402-669-1303) to arrange a pick up. We do need your help to make sure this is a great sale, and any time that you can give us will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance from co-chairmen Jim Schreiber and Bebe Miller.


While we do not anticipate any specific changes to the office hours over the summer, but it is a good idea to call before coming by to make sure someone will be here, especially while Fr. John is out of the office. The Nearly New Shop’s Hours have changed. They will be closing at 3pm on Thursdays and Fridays.


What motivates ministry? Why do you serve and give? Come talk about your faith and service at the Women's Retreat,July 30th, 10:00 am-3:00pm at St. Elizabeth's in Holdrege, NE. Linda Winter will tell us about her caregivers' support group and we'll have time to share our stories of how our ministries and faith change as our lives change. The cost is $20 and does include lunch. Registration forms can be found online at


Karen Ekholm is leading a Bible Study this summer titled, "Women of the Bible". We meet once a month at 7pm and treats will be provided. Each lesson stands alone, so please come when you can. The July session will meet July 21. Please bring a Bible, notebook and pen...It will be fun!!Call or e-mail Sarah at402-660-7649 if you are interested or have any questions.


This year's Pine Ridge mission trip will be taking placeJuly 24th - 30thand will be open to all youth in grades 7-12. Registration forms are available in Engle Hall and are due byJuly 10th. If you have any questions, please see Shaun or Cathy Rife or Ashley Crosman in person or by email .


We will not be offering Sunday School during the 10:30 service over the summer until we reconvene Sunday, September 11. We sincerely thank all of our teachers and volunteers that work so hard during the year to make sure our children have a great Sunday School time. The nursery will still be open, and we hope you continue to join us this summer for services.


Many of our weekly and monthly meetings will be on hiatus for the summer. Ministry leaders, please let Erin know when your groups will stop and start back up again.


Our ECW Annual Kick-off Dinner is scheduled for Tuesday, September13 in the undercroft (babysitter will be provided).

Did you know that all women at St. Andrews are automatically members of the ECW?

Did you know that the ECW funds the church’s kitchen supplies and one-half of the nursery babysitting?

Did you know that the ECW runs the Nearly New Shop and that proceeds go to fund the kitchen, nursery and many charities?

Did you know that the ECW (with the help of many men) puts on the Antique Show each year (the next show will be the 55thannual)? We hope you will join us.


Summer is here. Vacations and other activities take us away from our normal routines; but, please keep in mind the needs of the hungry in Omaha do not take a vacation. Any non-perishable food item is always welcome and always needed at the Dean Fricke Food Pantry. Snacks, crackers, cereal, and meat seem to be items that are harder to obtain. Monetary donations are also definitely welcome and envelopes are available in the shopping cart by the church office. Thank you to our generous supporters. You are appreciated more than you know.


We are collecting the aluminum tabs from aluminum cans again. Please save these, bring them with you to church, and place them in the jar in Engle Hall. These will be donated to the Ronald McDonald House in memory of Lou Gates.


If you have an announcement that should be included in the bulletin, please send it via e-mail by Wednesday afternoon to or call the office at 402-391-1950

Stay in contact with St. Andrew's during the week with our electronic newsletter. To sign up email .


Sunday, July 17,2016

Holy Eucharist Rite I...... 7:45am

Contemporary Holy Eucharist...... 9:00am

Holy Eucharist Rite II...... 10:30am

Monday, July 18, 2016

Kiwanis...... 8:00am-10:30am

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

62+...... 12:00pm-3:00pm

Finance Committee...... 6:00pm

Vestry Meeting...... 7:00pm

Daughters of the King...... 7:00pm

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Holy Eucharist...... 9:30am

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Nearly New Shop...... 10:00am-3:00pm

Women’s Bible Study...... 7:00pm

Friday, July 22, 2016

Office Closes at 12pm

Nearly New Shop...... 10:00am-3:00pm

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Nearly New Shop...... 10:00am-1:00pm

Holy Eucharist...... 5:00pm

The Daughters of the King will pray daily for the people on our prayer list.

Prayer Requests:Sick:Janeen Kennedy, Ann Smythe, Dan Dietrich, Joey Benjamin,Clinton Witty, Marcia, Pat Griffths, Ed Griffths, Ray Buhr, Laura Hooper, Sande Markoff, Ben Witty, Allison

Special Intentions:Sharon Kryger and family,Nancy Kirk, Dylan O’Brien,Sadie Schoch and family,Matt Clausen, Cyndi H,Rich Richardson,Joshua and Michaela, Glen and family,the Thomas Family, the Baker Family,the Stiverson Family, Scott,Susan, Allie,Adam,Jenn, Jim and family, Tara and family, Tommy T. and family, Jean and family. Forthose in transition and unemployed.For those deployed in the military and all of those who serve our country.For those afflicted with depression alcoholism, and otherforms of mental illness or addiction.

Birthdays:Jackie Vinci, Theodore Puls, Pat Barnes, Ken West, Grace Kircher, Judi Johnson, Eric James Rodawig, Nancy Goy, Charlotte Achelpohl, Diane Pike

Anniversaries: Josh and Amy Urban, Grant and Heather Wiseman

Travelers:Tim and Noreen Witty, the Baker family, the Dick Markoff family, the Dunic family, Hank and Charlotte Austin, Erin Sloan


Additional Thanksgivings:

For your long-term prayer list:Roger MacNeill,Elijah,Darell Huss, Ray Buhr, Richard and Barbara Hanny, The Rev. Bob Kem Sr., Tom Stokes, Jodi,Jordan,Liz Orrick,Virginia James, Bob Clark,Nelson Hymans, Maggie, Pat,Kelly Adams, Bernice and Larry Puls,Sydney Skierka, Michael, Lavania Lambert,Elizabeth Huss, Jaden Kosch,Christen,Alan Shen, James Le,Katie Ortman, Mike Mildenberg, Scott, Bob Snow,Vanessa, Penny,Ray Buhr,John Casson,Barb, Bill, Zack,Troy, Peggy Akins, Linda Gomez, Don Yager, Paula, Jeff Holdsworth, Rene Reed, Isabella Artman, Doug & Karen LeClair, Connie Krieger,David Cosgrove, Corrine Cosgrove,Georgia Cosgrove, William Cosgrove, Dave Goller, Kevin and family

PLEASE check the prayer list. If you know of someone who should be on the prayer list, note someone who was missed on the birthday or anniversary list, or see a name that can be taken off the prayer list, please tell us. You can fill out a yellow prayer request card and leave it in the offering plate or call or email the office (). Thank you.

St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church

925 So. 84th St., Omaha, NE 68114


The Rev. Dr. John Schaefer------Rector

The Rev. Diane Pike------Associate Rector