Lawyer Complaint Form
The Law Society of Saskatchewan only has jurisdiction over Saskatchewan lawyers. If your complaint is regarding a lawyer in another province, please contact the appropriate provincial law society. The Law Society of Saskatchewan complaints process is regulatory only and will not result in compensation. Please refer to the Law Society of Saskatchewan website at for information pertaining to potential claims for any monetary loss or damages. Potential claims for compensation against a lawyer are dealt with by way of a civil claim against the lawyer’s insurance. If you wish to pursue a claim for compensation please seek the advice of a lawyer.
Complaints regarding lawyer’s fee/billing concerns are dealt with by the process of “assessment” through the Court of Queen’s Bench. Please refer to the following link:
Answer as much of this complaint form as you can. Date, sign and return it either by mail, email, courier, fax or drop off to the Law Society of Saskatchewan office listed at the end of this form.
Please be aware that a copy of this form and enclosures, if any, may be sent to the lawyer you are making the complaint about.
Are you a member of the Law Society of Saskatchewan? Yes No
Mr.Ms. Mrs.Dr.
Mailing Address:______
City:______Province: ______Postal Code: ______
Home Number:( )______Fax Number: ( )______
Cellular Number:( )______Work Number: ( )______
Email Address: ______
If your business or company is involved:
Company Name:______
Street Address:______
City: ______Province: ______Postal Code: ______
Are you complaining on behalf of another person?NoYes: Name: ______
If so, your relationship with the third party is: ______
Please note that you MUST also file an Authorization signed and dated by the third party in order to file a claim on their behalf.
Note: A separate form must be completed for EACH lawyer you are making a complaint about.
Street Address:______
City: ______Province: ______Postal Code: ______
Phone Number:______
(a) What is your relationship to the lawyer you are complaining about?
Client Employed by Lawyer
Opposing Party Other (specify) ______
Opposing Lawyer
(b) If complaining about your own lawyer:
When did you hire the lawyer?______
Has the lawyer quit or been fired? Yes No
What was the lawyer hired to do?
Is the matter completed? Yes No
Have you hired a new lawyer?YesNo
(c) If complaining about someone else’s lawyer:
Who does the lawyer act for?______
What is your involvement in the matter? ______
Are you represented by a lawyer? Yes No
If so, please provide information about your lawyer:
Lawyers Name:______
Street Address:______
City: ______Province: ______Postal Code: ______
Phone Number:______
(a)What area of law does your complaint involve? Check all that apply.
Real Estate Civil Litigation Administrative/Boards/Tribunals
Corporate/CommercialPersonal InjuryResidential School Claim
Immigration Wills/Estate Other (specify) ______
Aboriginal Criminal
Employment Family
If you are complaining about an estate matter:
Are you the estate’s executor/administrator? Yes No
If not, who is the estate executor/administrator? ______
Are you a beneficiary? Yes No
(b) What does your complaint primarily concern?
Breach of undertaking/trust conditionsRudeness and or Threatening
Conflict of InterestDelay/inactivity/quality of legal service
WithdrawalExcessive Fees
Failure to communicateBreach of Court Order/contempt
Failure to follow instructionsOther: ______
Failure to release file/records or send bill(please specify)
(c) Describe your complaint in your own words. If necessary, use a separate sheet of paper and attach to this form. (Be factual. Give a brief description of what has taken place and on what dates. If you like, use point form. Also provide copies of all relevant documents).
(d) List the enclosures you are providing to our office. Please do not enclose originals, copies only.
(e) What would you like to see happen as a result of your complaint?
(f) If your complaint is about an opposing lawyer, have you discussed your complaint with your own lawyer?
Yes No Unrepresented
(g)Explain what attempts you have made to resolve the problem.
(a) We require your consent to discuss your complaint with the lawyer you have complained about so that we may gather all the information necessary to deal with your complaint. The Law Society will share some or all of the information and copies of documents that it receives from you and any other person with the lawyer complained about. If youdo not consent, we will not be able to proceed with your complaint.
Do we have yourconsent to discuss and provide your complaint tothe lawyer?
Yes No
(b)Do you acknowledge the Law Society may at its discretion talk to any third parties that have relevant information to your complaint?
(c) Do you acknowledge that you are waiving any solicitor-client privilege related to yourcomplaint and its background, and that your lawyer/former lawyer is authorized byyou to fully discuss these matters with us?
Yes No
(d)The personal information collected in this form will be used by the Law Society for one or more purposes
contemplated by the Legal Profession Act, the Rules of the Law Society, the Code of Professional Conduct, or a resolution ofthe Benchers, and may be accessible to other departments of the Law Society.
Do you acknowledge that the information may be used or disclosed by the Law Society, now or in the future, forregulatory purposes, including Law Society investigations and proceedings?
We may contact you to obtainadditional information, or to obtain clarification on the information you provided. Should you have any questionsabout the collection, use or disclosure of this information, please contact the Law Society of Saskatchewan.
Should you have any questions about the collection, use or disclosure of this information, please contact the Law Society ofSaskatchewan at 306-569-8242.
Note:If you are filing this complaint for another person who was the lawyer’s client or who was the party directly affected by the lawyer’s conduct we require a signed authorization from this other person in order to proceed with the complaint. If you hold a power of attorney for the other person, you can include a copy of the power of attorney with the Complaint Form.
I, ______, solemnly declare that I am the person named as Complainant in this complaint form, and I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing it to be true and knowing that it is of the same legal force and effect as if made under oath.
Date: ______Signature:______
Return completed form to:
Law Society of Saskatchewan
Attention: Complaints Intake
#1100-2002 Victoria Avenue
Regina, SK S4P 0R7
Phone: (306) 569-8242
Fax:(306) 352-2989
Or you may scan your completed form and submit by emailing the document to: .
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