7:30 p.m. August 9, 2017 4230 Iroquois Avenue

In Attendance: Commissioner J. Cabaday, Commissioner J. Roda, Commissioner M. Cadden, Secretary T. Rulander, Engineer T. Podskalny and Solicitor A. Schmidt

Visitors signed in to speak: NONE

Visitors: Dale Durst and Mary Medwid

President J. Rodacalled the meeting to order at 7:30p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was performed.

Judge Mark Krahe presided in the Oath of Office/Swearing into Office of newly appointed Commissioner Mark Cadden. Commissioner M. Cadden was then welcomed into office by the Board of Commissioners.

Solicitor’s Report: Solicitor Andrew Schmidt provided a report of all legal activity since the July 12, 2017 BOC Meeting. Solicitor Schmidt stated that after researching the Building and Housing Code, he has determined that the Zoning Permit approved for the construction of a “half-pipe” for skate boarding located at the residence of 3903 East Lake Rd. is considered as an “accessory structure” as defined by the Ordinance. Solicitor Schmidt further explained that if there was any alleged issue with this Zoning Permit going forward, it would then need to be taken to a hearing by the Zoning Hearing Appeals Board.

The Solicitor assisted with the review and determination of the Zoning Demo Permit issued to Dan Mentley for the demolition of ½ of a shared garage located on Iroquois Ave.

Review of the “Sexually Oriented Business Ordinance” has been completed. It was determined that the proposed Tattoo Business located in rented space on Main Street is considered as an acceptable business as per the definition of the Ordinance; the only restricted business activity proposed is body painting.

Engineer’s Report: 2017 Streets milling and paving project is approved and the required Notice to Proceed documents have been executed by McCormick Construction and returned to the Secretary. The Engineer will review a proposed “Change Order” and will further advise the Secretary on the proper way to proceed with this Change Order. The Engineer will also request a schedule of completion from McCormick Construction.

The application submitted to DEP for the Lake Cliff sewer lift station is still under review by the DEP and the Engineer will follow up on the status of the DEP review.

Commissioner J. Cabaday made a motion to approve all reports as presented. Commissioner J. Roda seconds the motion and the motion was unanimously carried.

Commissioner J. Cabaday made a motion to pay all bills. Commissioner M. Cadden seconds the motion. The motion was unanimously carried.

Commissioner J. Cabaday made a motion to approve the July 12, 2017 Minutes. Commissioner M. Cadden seconds the motion. The motion was unanimously carried.

Old Business: NONE
New Business: Commissioner J. Cabaday explained that Maintenance personnel Chris Sliker is expected to be off work due to a medical procedure scheduled for early September and is potentially expected to be off of work for a couple of months. Due to C. Sliker’s temporary medical leave, Commissioner J. Cabaday made a motion to hire Jacob Butler for this temporary maintenance position; with an expected start date of August 28th and an hourly wage to be established after further discussion by the Board of Commissioners. Commissioner J. Roda seconds the motion and the motion was unanimously carried.

Commissioner J. Cabaday made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:44p.m. Commissioner J. Roda seconds the motion and the motion was unanimously carried.

Respectfully Submitted:

Tia Rulander

Secretary-Board of Commissioners