Lawrance Sornakumar
Lawrance Sornakumar.C : +91 – 9940754644
Experience Summary
- 8year of experience in Mud Logging Field
- Through understanding of the basic fundamental geological skills like sedimentology petrology structural geology.
- Maintaining the pre – kick control data when mud or drilling parameters change.
- 3 Years Working Experience in Sediment Analysis Field(Offshore Onshore Sample collection &Geochemical Analysis)
Geological Expertise
- Through understandingof basic fundamentals of geology and various other disciplines of it like Geochemistry, Petrology and Structural Geology.
- Well acquainted with laboratory work and analysis. Also acquainted with sedimentary analysis like grain size sieving and magnetic separation.
- Good understanding of Petrography of rocks.
- Done geophysical survey in and around Jeyamkondam area.
- Extensive field visits Neiveli Lignite mines, Chettinadu mines, Ariyalur, Karai, Gondwana clay mines, Badland topography, and Graphite mines in Sivagangai.
Mud LoggingExpertise
- Well known about the Fixing, Calibrating and Maintaining the Sensors and Gas Analyzer.
- Monitoring Mud (Mud vol, Mud wt., Mud Temp, Mud Cond.etc), Gas and drilling parameters ( ROP, WOB, RPM, SPM, SPP, Hook load and torque etc.) for signs of imbalance of down hole. Monitoring of hole filling parameters during all trips and prepare the Trip sheet.
- Sampling: Collection of drilled samples at specified lagged intervals, Washing, sieving and drying followed by packing and labelling.
- Descripe and Entering the data in the Software and prepare the Well plot.
- Determination of calcimetry.
Skills Summary
Operating System: Windows2000, XP, Vista
Professional Qualification
- 2004 M.Sc.Applied Geology (69%) AnnamalaiUniversity, Chidambaram, TamilNadu.
- 2001 B.Sc.,Geology(55%) AlagappaGovtArtsCollege,Karaikudi,Tamilnadu.
Academic Project
- M.Sc Project:Hydrogeology Studies In Uppanar River Cuddalore District,Tamilnadu.
Geological Field Visit
- Geological study of Salem, Dindukkal District (Kanjamalai Iron ore, Bauxite deposit and Dolerite dyke of Shevroy hills, Chalk hills Magnesite deposit and Kadavur Anorthosite, Karikkali lime stones. Paleontological studies of Ariyalur.
- Done Lime stone survey in Karikkali mines for Chettinadu cements, Karur District.
- Undergone Resistivity survey in and around Perambalur (Dist), Tamil Nadu.
- Undergone Practical training at Institute for water studies (IWS-PWD), from 15 days Tharamani Chennai-13
- Undergone short field trip in NLC, Neyveli Lignite Corporation.
Professional Experience
Currently Working as a Senior Mudlogger in “Cyratron Oilex Techmation Index Pvt. Ltd.,company, Goa.” From Feb 2010-till now.
Trainee Mud Logger -Baker Hughes INTEQ’ Company at QatarOctober 2007– November2009.
Technical Assistant-CAS,Marine Biology,Annamalai university,Parankipettai.August 2004 – October 2007.
Project engaged at “Cyratron Oilex Techmation Index Pvt. Ltd.,company, Goa.”.
Project #1
Client : ONGC & HRD.
Duration : Feb 2010 to till Now.
Well site Software: Log Plot, Geo3 & Gas Scan.
Role & Responsibility: Mud Logger.
As a Mudlogger I ‘m involved in
- Collection of drilled rock cuttings at specific lag interval.
- Labelling and packing of samples.
- Carried out sample description and enter the data’s in the Software.
- Recording, monitoring and evaluation of drilling parameters, tripping, gas levels, hydrocarbon content of rock cuttings.
- Observe, Prepare and Maintain the Trip sheet while Tripping.
- Fixing , Calibrating and Maintaining the Sensors and Gas Chromotograph Analyzer.
- Monitoring pumping data ( SPM, SPP, Lag time, Lag strokes ) during kick circulations and necessary operations. Identify probable cause of kick and recommending actions to prevent further occurrences.
Project engaged at Baker Hughes INTEQ’ Company –Qatar Base.
Project #2
Client : Maresk , Shell,Ras gas,OXY.
Duration : October2007 to November2009.
Well site Software: Rig link .1 version.
Role & Responsibility: Mud Logger.
As a Mudlogger I ‘m involved in
- Collection of drilled rock cuttings at specific lag interval
- Labelling and packing of samples
- Determination of Calcimetry.
- Monitoring pumping data ( SPM, SPP, Lag time, Lag strokes ) during kick circulations and necessary operations. Identify probable cause of kick and recommending actions to prevent further occurrences.
Projects worked at Vedaranyam – Rameshwaram coastal region,Tamilnadu,India.
Project # 3
Project Title :SethuSamuthramShip Canal Project
Client : Ministry Of Shipping,Govt of India.
Duration : August2004 to October2007
Role & Responsibility :Technical Assistant
Project Contribution:
- Collected Sediment and water samples from Onshore and Offshore.
- Samples collected as various intervals like 5 meter,10 Meter and 15 Meter from offshore & Sea shore too.
- Done Geochemical Analysis with International Standard.
Training Programs attended
- H2S & BA trained in (VentureGulf training center Qatar)
- HUET & Sea survival technique. (VentureGulf training center Qatar)
Passport Details
Passport No : M 3866210
Place Of Issue : Madurai
Date Of Issue : 25th Nov 2014
Date Of Expiry : 24th Nov 2024
Personal Details
Father’s Name:S.Chellappan
Data of Birth: 30’January, 1980
Sex: Male
Nationality: Indian
Religion: Christian
Language Known: English, Tamil
Marital Status: Married
I, hereby declare that the above details furnished, are true, to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Place: Karaikudi
Date:24/11/2016 (Lawrance Sornakumar.C)