Application Form

Master in Public Policy

Concurrent Degree Programme (CDP)



Full Name (underline family name):

Matriculation No.: / Date of Birth (DD/MM/YY): / Gender: Male / Female*
NRIC/Passport No.:
Contact No.: / (Home) (Mobile)
NUS Email Address:
Personal Email Address:
Mailing Address:
Student Exchange Programme / Other programmes / Please tick accordingly.
1) Are you selected for an exchange programme in AY2018-19?
___No ___Yes. I will be going on exchange for one / two* semester(s).
2) Are you selected for any other joint/dual degree programmes?
___No ___Yes. The programme name is ______
3) Are you currently in any special programmes (Business and USP/Business and U-Town Residential Programme)?
___No ___Yes. The programme name is ______
Academic qualification:
Please attach a copy of your GCE ‘A’ level or equivalent transcript and your university exam result slips (all semesters completed so far) to this application form.
Referee Reports:
Please attached two references, written in English, from individuals who are able to comment on your abilities in a professional/ academic setting (referee report form attached).
Please provide below details of your referees:
Name of Referee 1: / Name of Referee 2:
Organization: / Organization:
Email Address: / Email Address:
Please use separate sheets to answer the following two essays:
Essay 1 (600 words)
a.  What is the most urgent challenge facing your community or nation today? Explain your answer.
b.  Tell us something that you have read or seen that offers a solution to the challenge that you have identified in Question 1a.
Essay 2 (400 words)
a.  What are your personal and/or professional goals and how do you think the programme can help you in achieving your goals?
Please include a personal information sheet, detailing education, awards, accomplishments, voluntary work experiences etc.


I declare that all the particulars stated in this application and attachments are true to the best of my knowledge and belief, and that I have not wilfully suppressed any information related thereto.
Signature & Date: ______

*(Please delete as appropriate)

Please submit your application to the Lee Kuan School of Public Policy at . The closing date for applications is on 31 December 2017. We regret that late applications will NOT be accepted.