The chapter, Love Medcine[r1], was[r2] part of a larger novel of [r3]the same name written by Louise Erdrich. The chapters are linked closely, which means I had to read other chapter to gain better understanding. I read those chapters to gain more insight into the story in Love Medicine. The chapters are not laid out chronologically but rather in seemingly[r4] disorganized fashion. Upon closer reading,each chapter fills in the void created by another. It was written in style of Native American storytelling[r5]. “As the reader moves from chapter to chapter, he moves through time and space”(Ruppert) . Essentially , it was a puzzle in which every chapter had their place; the reader solves the puzzle by reading the entire story. Often events or story[r6] that the reader already know about are repeated later, but from a different perspective”[r7]. Which[r8] means the narration is subjective. While I didn’t read the entire novel[r9], I read through the summary of all the chapters to fill gaps from my reading of Love Medicine.[r10] Understanding other chapter gives[r11] much needed background of character and helped me understand the context better. Once context was put firmly in place, the goal is to reevaluate the theme from previous[r12] assignment. In the theme essay,it was identifed that that theme was about love having no boundary. Having only read one chapter, I made the assumption based on the important points made by character and development of the story. However, I was able to gain much more insight by researching this novel, and the author, and Native American culture. As mentioned, Love Story [r13]is a novel consisting of many chapters linked intricately. Analyzing the summaries of other chapters gave much better understanding of Love Medicine. [r14]Having read the chapter Love Medicine, there was[r15] many unanswered question which were answered in other chapters. In addition, the background information on the author was explored to understand the possible relation between the author and her work. While the work is fictional, we can better find out inspiration behind it[r16] .In addition, history of Native American culture and their treatment give better perspective in understanding the story.. Having studies the context, I still believe the theme exemplify the vastness of love. In the novel Love Medicine, a story being stold spans many decades and consists of three generation. Important stories are told from different character each chapter with some overlaps. As mentioned, other chapter were read to better understand the story. The first chapter foucus on June Kraspaw ,Lipsha’s mother. Having read the titular chapter, we know very little about June. All we learned in Love Medicine was Lipsha was abadoned by his mother. As stated by Treuer ,” the reader will remember the pitch-perfect opening of Louise Erdrich's revolutionary first novel, Love Medicine, when June Kashpaw wanders off to die in the barren fields outside Williston, North Dakota(Treuer)” . We find out circumstance behind June’s death. Lipsha was adopted by his grandparents because of issues with June; Here we see the glimpse of those issue. “Then we learn that June feels fragile, like the eggs she’s been eating, that her clothing is ripped and torn, that cruising bars for rig pigs like Andy is a sadly common fact of her adult life, that she is a walking wreck.(Treuer)” June is suffering from low esteem resulting from her failed relationships. She felt isolated and alone. She masks this problem by sleeping around with strangers. Also it is noted that, she hoped that , at long last, one of her partner will turn out to be “different”. June is a troubled individual finding a path to better live. Knowing this information gets us to understand the appreciate Lipsha feels for his grandparents. Lipsha wants to be stable as their grandparent and avoid the mistakes June made. They were around when his own mother wasn’t. The novel Love Medicine promote the idea of many form of love and their manifestation. “Their stories explore love in its various form:sexual , conjugal, filial, fraternal, maternal, and paternal.”(Littlefield) . The novel focus on a multiple generation family over course of fifty years. Many people married, had children, and grandchildren. Marie and Necter loved each other deeply. However, Nector was committing an long affair with Lulu for five years. He stopped because of this love for his wife. It was evident that Necter only wanted Lulu for sex. As he grew older and became senile, he drifting back to Lulu for “candy”. While Marie obviously was not pleased with her husband’s transgression, she seemed to have forgiven him. Over time ,she became close friend with Lulu. One possible reason is Marie realizing she mattered much more to Nector than Lulu. She was much more than Nector’s sexual liaison; she was his love. One way to understand context of the work is study the person behind it. The author Louise Erdrich, is very popular author on Native American story. There are many comparison that can be drawn between Louise Erdrich and her character. Like the character , she is of mixed background: German and Native American. In addition, the settings also have significance. “the writer’s stories are set in an invented landscape called Red River Valley, a reservation town on border of North Dakota and Minnesota, two states where she was raised. (Treuer)“ Her choice of setting indicates there is at least some personal connection between her and characters. Just like the novel, her lives consists of many sad tragedies. “.Erdrich says she knew of his deep and ongoing depression since two years after their wedding Lorette. ( Luzajic)” We can see how tragedy portrayed in novel could have come from her own personal experience. Erdrich suffered many difficulties in her life which parallels the character she created. “In 1991, their oldest child was killed in a car accident. Additional family problems put a strain on the marriage and the two separated after fifteen years of marriage. In 1997, Dorris committed suicide.(Debo)” Tragedy like this can have devastating effect on individual. .Erdrich was still able to hang on and continue to be able to produce great literary work. She immortalized the people she loved in her novel as a way to cope. One of the most important character in the novel was the reservation itself. Usually, a place is a setting where the story take place. In Love Medicine, it is much more than a setting, it is a central focus. “As the reader moves from chapter to chapter, he moves through time and space, but the focus is still on the reservation and the complex interrelations between the large cast of characters .(Ruppert)” The reservation is the central character which connect other characters through time and space. It provides sense of belonging . Many character have moved out of the reservation but still consider it their home. It also represent plight of Native American. The characters were encultured to be white ; Most of them are Catholic. In view of this, many character felt that their own identity was lost. They live in a composite culture of Native American and White. They find comfort in one another. As stated in the review, “. Erdrich can make the daily routine of existence reveal the deep- er patterns of life. Family as a path to identity and strength appears here.(Ruppert)”. As we read through the novel, we can’t help but see the dysfunctionality in the family. However, they have shown to come together for a member in need. In conclusion, various aspect of the story was analyzed to better understand the context of the work. As the chapter was part of larger novel, it was imperative to analyze other chapters. Analysis of other chapters gave better insight into characters background. In addition, the author’s, Louise Erdrich, life and other works were studied to see connection between her story. As I learn more about the story , While her work are fictional , various aspect of her life were incorporated as mentioned. There are many tragedies and setback in the story. One may ask “what hold them together inspite of all the problem?”. It becomes clear it is love which is great enough to bind them together .
[r1]Depending on the formatting you would need to bold it or italicize
[r4]in a seemingly
[r5]It is written a in North American storytelling style (whtvr that means)
[r7]Where is the beginning of the quotation
[r8]Can’t start a sentence with which means so switch the period to a comma
[r9]LMAO contradictory. You said you read the chapters above lol
[r10]Don’t like this sentence
[r11]Gives a
[r12]From a previous
[r13]Love story or love medicine???
[r14]You have mentioned that already
[r16]Seems like a fragment. What are u trying to say here?