Laurie Middle School Mission Statement

The Laurie Middle School community values individuality and believe that respect for self and others is the foundation upon which we build capacity for excellence and student success. We will always act in the best interests of our students, staff, parents and community partners. Teaching and learning is an evolving process; one that involves our entire school community.

Mr. David Standing – Principal

Mr. David Martin – Vice-Principal

This agenda belongs to:

Name ______

Student #______TAG ______



Block Schedule

First bell8:20

Block 18:25 - 9:44 (79 minutes)

Nutrition Break9:44 - 9:56 (12 minutes)

Block 29:56 - 11:16 (80 minutes)

Block 311:20 - 12:39 (79 minutes)

Lunch12:39 -1:28 (49 minutes)

Block 41:28- 2:47 (79 minutes)

TAG2:50 - 3:05 (15 minutes)

Dismissal 3:05

Travel time between classes is 4 minutes.






The in-session Fridays use one of the Monday to Thursday rotations – please refer to the calendar pages at the end of this handbook.


Since students in grade 7 and 8 are scheduled as a group (TAG), individual class changes to the core subjects may not be made. Other class/course changes are made only after consultation with Administration and Counseling.


For safety reasons, no student should leave the school during the school day, for an appointment or in the case of illness, without reporting first to the office. Students must bring a note from parents to the office indicating the date, time, and reason for leaving the school, or have a parent contact the office by phone. A permission slip will be issued to the student. Failure to do so could result in the absence being treated as a truant incident.


The school recognizes that, from time to time, it may become necessary for a student to miss school because of funerals, trips to medical specialists, and other similar issues. We recognize that valuable learning takes place during family vacations and extended travel and if possible we would encourage these types of events take place during regular vacation times. Parents and students should note absence for any reason will impact learning. Parental contact with the school is appreciated well in advance of the scheduled departure. Students will be required to contact their teachers with a school leaving form to ensure there is a plan in place to address their absence.


If a student is going to be absent for more than two weeks for reasons of illness or injury, the office and counselor should be informed. Under certain situations, it may be possible for the school to arrange for a tutor to assist the student directly in the home.


Before any student withdraws from school, s/he must have permission from his/her parent or guardian, and a School Leaving Form must be completed. All books and school materials must be returned and accounts cleared. Charges may occur for lost school materials.


Field and sport trips are a valuable and necessary supplement to the regular school program. It may be necessary to miss classes due to participation in a school related trip or activity. Students should remember that it is a privilege, not a right, to go on these trips. A record of poor student behavior, attendance or academic indifference may result in a loss of privileges. Students are responsible for having permission forms turned into their teacher on time.


Many of our students lead busy lives outside of school and as such time management skills are essential. Students using class time effectively greatly reduce the amount of school work they need to complete at home. From time to time students may be assigned work that will need to be completed outside of regular instructional time. Students are expected to complete all assigned work and to make arrangements with school staff if they are unable to do so by the set deadline.


The only required student fee is $10.00 for an agenda book.

All courses at Laurie require no fee to meet the Prescribed Learning Outcomes of the course. Students and parents who choose to go beyond the basic learning outcomes of the course, or students who choose to use more expensive materials than provided by the school may pay optional fees. In September, students will receive an outline of optional fees for activities that are beyond the Prescribed Learning Outcomes of the class.


All students are required to report to class with the proper textbooks. Textbooks will be issued by, and are to be returned to, the classroom teacher. A charge will be billed to the parent or made against the student’s book deposit fee for the textbooks that are lost or damaged. The classroom teacher will assess the replacement cost of the text.


All students will be issued a locker at the beginning of the school year. The locker and lock are the property of the school. The locker must be locked with a school issued lock; under special circumstances a different lock can be used – please contact the office. The locker remains the property of the school and may be searched, at any time, on reasonable grounds. Lockers and combination locks are for individual use and are not to be shared. A charge of $8.00 will be assessed for lost locks. A charge of $1.00 will be made for students wishing to change locks – this is in place to dissuade students from sharing lock combinations. Students accessing lockers other than their own may have their locker privileges suspended.


Every student taking a Physical Education course must have a clean change of clothing for gym class. Specifically, a T-shirt, shorts or sweat pants, and running shoes are required. Students without appropriate gymnasium clothing cannot participate in physical activities. Students who are continually without gym clothing will be referred to the school office for non-compliance.

Physical Education is a compulsory so students needing to be excused for one period need a note from a parent. Students to be excused for more than a day or two, must present to their teacher a note signed by a physician.


On the sound of the alarm or the blue lights flashing in class settings that are loud:

  1. All work or activity will stop immediately – no matter what the work or activity is, STOP AT ONCE!
  2. The staff will lead the students quickly and orderly from the building to the designated meeting spot.
  3. Once clear of the school building, by about 50 meters (to allow free access to fire-engines, ambulances,police vehicles, etc.), the teacher will quickly assemble his/her class, take attendance and send a runner with the attendance list to the flagpole to give to the school secretary.
  4. The students and staff may reenter the building safely after three rings of the school bell.
  5. If there is a fire alarm during a non-instructional time, students need to go to their designated TAG area.


On the sound of the PA lock-down notice or the blue lights flashing in class settings that are loud:

  1. All work or activity will stop immediately – no matter what the work or activity is, STOP AT ONCE!
  2. The staff will ensure all classroom doors are locked.
  3. The students and staff will assume a position on the floor and away from windows or doors. They will remain quiet throughout the lock-down No one is to answer a request at the door or window.
  4. Students who are in the hall or washrooms during a lock-down must proceed to the nearest classroom.
  5. The principal will check the school for students locked out and escort them to safety.
  6. The students and staff may resume activities when directed to do so by the principal of the school.


Students are invited to make use of all the resources the school has available in the Laurie Learning Centre. Books, magazines, CD-ROMs, videos, computers, Internet… everything an effective Learning Centre should have. Internet use is available to students who have signed a permission form and follow school district policy. Tampering with the library computers or security systems will result in lost privileges.


Recognition will occur shortly after the first and second report cards. A year-end recognition ceremony will include a full year view of recognition.

We recognizes excellence as follows:


Criteria: A = 5 points; B = 4 points. A letter grade lower than a B disqualifies a student from being on the honour roll.

Maintaining a “B” average on the report card attains Honour Roll standing.


Criteria: E = 6 points; G = 5 points; S = 3 points. Work habit of “N” disqualifies a student from being on the SWELL list.

Maintaining a “G” average work habit attains SWELL standing.


We recognize the team of athletes and coaches who participate in the athletic teams at the various levels. Recognition may be given for outstanding leadership, work ethic, and sportsmanship.


We recognize students who voluntarily assisted in various areas of school life.

a)JUDY WATSON MEMORIAL AWARD – for the student who best exemplifies all-round citizenship in a balanced representation of activities within Laurie school (i.e., academic, extracurricular, social, behavioral, etc.).

b)DICK HALE AMBASSADORSHIP AWARD – for the student who best represents Laurie School through excellence in activities outside of the school while maintaining high standards of citizenship in our school.

c)CITIZENSHIP AWARDS - for three students who are recognized for their school and community citizenship.


The LMS staff nominates five or six students in each grade to be chosen to receive CHOICE awards based on the following criteria: Cooperation, Hard Work, Organization, Involvement, Commitment, and Effort


In cooperation with local businesses, 3 students each week, randomly drawn from the stars submitted each week, will be treated to a special luncheon with a staff member. Staff nominates students for acts of kindness. The stars are posted on the gym walls at the year-end recognition ceremony.


Mission Statement of School District #5 (Southeast Kootenay)

To provide students with equitable, quality educational opportunities in a safe, supportive environment through the efforts of a caring, professional team in cooperation with students, parents and communities.

Mission Statement of Laurie Middle School

The Laurie Middle School community values holistic, lifelong learning in a caring, safe, supportive environment. We all learn best with high expectations and healthy relationships.

Guiding Principles

We believe:

  • That all students and staff have a right to learn and work in a safe, respectful and productive environment.
  • A positive, productive and responsible attitude will create strong communities.
  • That everyone can learn to make appropriate choices for themselves and others.
  • That all communication needs to be based on courtesy and mutual respect.
  • That diversity among students and staff is to be respected, but commonly accepted rules of conduct will apply to all.
  • As students become older and more mature, and move through the grades, there is a rising expectation for the level of expected conduct. This is likened to teenagers seeking more independence as they become older, but with that independence comes the need for increasing responsibility.

School District No. 5 believes successful students are:

In the appropriate place and on time.

They make constructive use of the educational opportunities they are provided. Being late to school or class causes a disruption to the learning of all students.

Prepared and engaged in school.

“Prepared and engaged,” means bringing the required books and materials, completing assignments as directed and taking the initiative to ask for help when required. It also means being mentally and physically prepared for success. For student to take full advantage of their education, it is their responsibility to get adequate sleep and maintaining a healthy life style. This includes a balanced diet and exercise, as well as, avoiding the use of alcohol or narcotics.

Respectful of the rights and responsibilities of others.

Respectful students value everyone’s rights and responsibilities to learn and work in a safe and respectful environment.

Laurie Middle School Rights and Responsibilities

As members of the Laurie Middle School community, I have the following rights and responsibilities:

I have the right to be safe at school; therefore, I have the responsibility to:

• behave in a safe manner

• refrain from bullying, threats and harassment

• support a violence free school

I have the right to be respected, cared for, and included as a member of the school community; therefore, I have the responsibility to:

• show respect for everyone

• accept differences

I have the right to a clean healthy school; therefore, I have the responsibility to:

• look after my own belongings

• respect the property of others

• keep the school tidy and free from vandalism

• refrain from using tobacco, drugs or alcohol

I have the right to a positive working and learning environment; therefore, I have the responsibility to:

• come to class prepared and work to the best of my ability

• cooperate with staff and students

• follow school and classroom rules

I have the right to express myself appropriately and to be listened to; therefore, I have a responsibility to:

• speak when appropriate

• listen with respect


Everyone shares the responsibility of behaving in ways that will make our school a special place where people are valued, and excellence in performance is a commonly shared goal. Students are representing our school at al times during the school day and while participating in school sanctioned extra curricular activities and as such it is the expectation that Laurie Middle School students will:

  • focus on their own learning, and not distract the learning of others;
  • be in attendance and on time every day, unless there is a valid excuse to be away;
  • treat others with courtesy, kindness and respect;
  • be respectfully inclusive of the individual differences of all students;
  • use appropriate language and gestures;
  • treat the school and school equipment with respect;
  • move about the school in an orderly fashion;
  • exercise fair play;
  • cooperate with all staff members;
  • display personal responsibility and self-discipline;
  • use technology appropriately;
  • follow the school and classroom rules.


As students progress through their middle school years, they are expected to demonstrate increasing levels of maturity and responsibility, and to act as positive role models for the younger middle school students.


Unacceptable conduct is defined as any behavior or actions that put students at risk – either physically, emotionally or academically.

TAG teachers, Student Services Teachers, or the school office personnel will contact parents of students who are having conduct issues to discuss the problems. Where conduct is more severe a meeting will be held with the student, parents and school staff to review the issues and prepare a plan – a contract for desired behavior will likely be drawn. Special programs may be arranged for students found to be in need of greater assistance.

OFFENSES (Level 1)

A school must provide a safe and comfortable environment for students to learn effectively. These actions can be dealt with by any staff member: staff direction, parent conference, detention, problem solving, restorative action, time out or isolation in the classroom, loss of free choice time, a warning letter, have students write out a behavior incident form and return the signed plan to the school, or temporary confiscation of the student’s property. Minor offenses include:

  • Academic indifference;
  • Using profanity (verbal or gestured);
  • Disrespecting the rights of others to a safe, respectful and productive learning environment;
  • Comments, displays or actions made to students or staff that express racial, sexual stereotypes and/or prejudice;
  • Comments, displays or actions made to student or staff, which intimidate, threaten the safety of, harass or bully, made directly, written or via electronic communication;
  • Relational aggression;
  • Inappropriate use of digital/electronic devices;
  • Creating a safety hazard for self or others, including running in crowded areas, tripping, pushing, and not keeping hands and feet to oneself;
  • Homework;
  • Wearing unacceptable or inappropriate clothing;
  • Off school grounds without permission;
  • Skateboarding on school property or returning late from the skateboard park at lunch;
  • Theft;
  • Vandalism, littering, or willful damage to school, staff or student property.

OFFENSES (Level 2)

A school must provide a safe and comfortable environment for students to learn effectively. These actions must be dealt with by the school administration and may involve suspension. Middle offenses include:

  • Continued unacceptable conduct of level 1 offenses;
  • Comments, displays or actions made to students or staff that express racial, sexual stereotypes and/or prejudice;
  • Comments, displays or actions made to student or staff, which intimidate, threaten the safety of, harass or bully, made directly, written or via electronic communication;
  • Relational aggression;
  • Inappropriate use of digital/electronic devices;
  • Instigating a fight, being a willing combatant in a fight, or physically assaulting others;
  • Willful disobedience to school staff, including teachers, EAs, secretaries, custodians, & noon hour supervisors;
  • Truancy and excessive tardiness;
  • Plagiarism;
  • Tobacco use on school property, in sight of the school, or at a school function.

OFFENSES (Level 3)