Laurie Middle School PAC
Meeting Minutes
October 23, 2017 730pm
- Welcome and Introductions
Attendees: Liz, Michelle, Marie, Amber, Amanda, Lorelle, John
Regrets: Patricia Whalen
- Principal’s Report – Michelle Sartorel
- School is due for a computer upgrade – will include portable laptop labs and desk tops for the computer room
- 12 iPads were purchased with the learning grant money and 5 through French federal funding
- Growth plan – parts are still under construction – will be reviewed by PAC before submission to the district
- New report card formula – now is a “communication” about student learning with fewer letter grades and more description regarding competency and proficiency in relation to learning standards
- Circus school – LMS received $1000 from the national circus school for hosting the training in the summer – money has been used to purchase equipment – unicycles, juggling stuff and other devices.
- Discussion with Heidi of the HeidOut regarding some ideas for nutritious food sales at the school
- School Trustee Report – unable to attend.
- DPAC Report – Marie Dawson
Take me outside: October 23 - 27th is take me outside week. Teachers have committed to exploring the outdoors and will take their class outdoors once per week for the remaining of the year for play based learning.
Joseph Creek restoration project: East Kootenay Science Fair Bio Blitz on the Creek to identify as many species as possible. Many students will have an opportunity this spring to help with the restoration project.
Presentation: November meeting presentation from Maggie Strosher, Interior Health Tobacco Coordinator- waiting for confirmation.
SD5 DPAC moving forward: Currently we have no DPAC executive roles filled. Marie Has stepped up as appointed secretary in the mean time. AGM to be rescheduled for the November 15th meeting at 6:30 pm at the board office.
Debbie has officially stepped down as DPAC Chair.
Questions: Would members like a guest speaker or Web x guest speaker?
What are parents looking for and what would they like to see?
Next DPAC Meeting: Marie will be presenting Debbie a gift in congratulations for her recent BCCPC volunteer award and also to say a big Thank You for all her years of service and dedication to the betterment of education for students and parents in our district.
Next DPAC Meeting:Wed, November 15th ,2017 @ 6:30- 8:00 pm
- PAC Treasurer Report
Gaming grant for 2017/18 has been received: $7260.00
General Account: $2330.00 (approx)
Gaming Account: $4735.47 + 7260 = $11995.47 (does not include recent debits)
Gaming Summary Report has been completed and submitted.
Money allocated and not yet paid:
Basketball hoops $2000
Slacklines $200
Rock Lake$850 (this was a non-refundable payment for the annual grade 9 welcome week activity– trip was cancelled due to wildfires but another time is being arranged for a group to go)
Welcome Week $118.97 (snacks for BBQ)
Ms. Topping: Request for $500 to purchase canvasses for all art students in all grades
Motion: Lorelle/Marie PASSED
Ms Payne - Peer Support: Leadership workshop at Blue Lake $200 to help cover staff, transportation and snacks.
Motion: Lorelle/Marie PASSED
Mr. Hawke - $83 for tape measures and equipment for math classes /STEM projects (grade 7 project based learning – currently doing a library remodel project)
Motion: Lorelle/Marie PASSED
Mr. Fleming - $760 GPS units Outdoor Ed for geocaching etc.
Motion: Lorellle/Marie PASSED
- Old Business: Outdoor basketball court is up and running – landscaping on hold until the spring.
- New Business:
Parent Speaker Series - first three sessions will be at Parkland School – Oct 18 was first one – Teresa Bartraw from EK Addiction Services next one is Nov 15 – Public Health Nurse, Diane Cameron and January 24 – RCMP Constable Katie Forgeron. Laurie to host speakers in the spring. All sessions are on Wednesdays at 7pm – minimum numbers are needed to run each session so please RSVP to Parkland school if you are interested in attending.
Ideas for Laurie Sessions: Eating disorders and mental health, nutrition, White Hatter, personal safety for students (have RCMP talk about party safety etc.)
- PAC Executive for 2017/18 School Year –Chair – Liz, treasurer – Lorelle, DPAC – Marie, Secretary – Vacant. Everyone willing to stay on in positions. Vote to approve. PASSED
- Dates for next PAC meetings : Nov 27, Jan 29, Feb 26, Apr 30, May 28, Jun 11 all at 730pm in the staff room.
Meeting adjourned at 8:25pm