Lauren Picardo

Endeavour Elementary is a large school with growing student diversity and a significant special needs population.In her role as Endeavour's Special Education teacher, Lauren Picardo works with many different learning styles, across all grades and subjects, ensuring our students receive the instruction and support they need to learn.

Lauren proactively collaborates with teachers and parents to implement innovative learning plans to help students to meet expectations academically, behaviorally, socially, and emotionally.She thinks outside the box and is a master in developing specially designed instructional plans.In addition, she is unselfish with her time and energy working tirelessly into the evenings and weekends to plan and prepare each individual plan.Lauren has a wealth of resources, ideas, and strategies and communicates well with parents, staff, and students.No matter the situation, Lauren works effectively with students, families, and staff with a positive approach so that everyone is included.

A fellow staff member wrote, "Working with Lauren has been a very positive experience.She helps me to be better in my job and strengthens our team. Lauren's heart is so big and it's evident how much she cares for all of her kids.She is a strong advocate and supporter of each student.We can't thank Lauren enough for all that she does!!"

Lauren's ability to build relationships with her students is inspiring.It's not unusual to see Lauren at recess assisting a student with a task, walking a lap with a few of her students at Walkathon, or assisting a student with a science fair project. Lauren motivates her students to meet their goals and succeed.They look forward to seeing her every day and are excited to take part in learning.A parent wrote, "She has a ton of energy, fresh ideas, and is incredibly flexible and knowledgeable not only of the curriculum but also of creative ways to help children find the fun and reward in learning."

Lauren is an integral part of the Instructional Leadership team and the Guidance team. She also serves on the PBSES (Positive Behavior, Social, Emotional Support) team which reviews data, sets goals, and has drafted Endeavour's current action plan.In addition, she is instrumental in planning staff development opportunities focusing on building goals that support students in their social and emotional growth and well-being.At the district level, Lauren advocates for the needs of our special education students through her team meetings, grant writing, and through collaboration with other schools.

Lauren puts kids first in all that she does.She is always focused on the needs and well-being of her students and demonstrates her ability to meet their needs by going above and beyond each and every day.Lauren's sense of integrity and commitment to her students is truly impressive.A fellow colleague states, "We are beyond lucky to have Lauren on our team at Endeavour fighting for the needs of our students."Lauren is truly an outstanding educator!