Organizing committee of the Second Baltic Olympiad of Martial Arts.

phones for info +371 29501225 (Russian), +371 29121026 (Russian, Latvian, English)





OPEN WKCKata and Kumite Championship 2013



16 – 17 March 2013

In Maskavas str.160, Riga, Latvia

Under W.K.C. Rules

Kata and Kumite categories

Children, cadets, juniors and seniors

The Organizing Committee of WKC and Chiefreferee:


Vladislav Fetkulin+371 26300284 (Latvia)

Kazimieras Bartkevičius+370 69825736 (Lithuania)

Chief referee:

Viachislav Timofejev – WKC international karate

OPEN WKC Kata and Kumite Championship 2013regulations


  • physical development of children and youth,
  • propagation to the younger generation of health lifestyle, crime prevention and drug use,
  • include athletes of all age groups, pose sporting prowess, to clarify the best karateka.

DATE: 16th and 17th of March 2013 y.

PLACE: Riga Sport Hall, Maskavas str. 160, Riga, Latvia.

CONTEST RULES: The competition will be run in accordance with international WKC (World Karate Confederation; rules. In the Martial Arts Olympiad program are involving individual kata and kumite categories.

  • Every taking part in organization must ensure participation in the judging of competition. At least one judge in the number of reported athletes from 1 to 10 (respectively 2 judges from 11 to 20 participants and so on).
  • Unlimited Entry for all Categories
  • To compete in kumite the sportsmen who are familiar with the rules of WKC kumite:
  • Shobu-Sanbon (match up to 3 ippon or 6 waza-ari)
  • Shobu-ippon (to 1 ippon or 2 waza-ari).
  • Weighing carried out in case of doubt on the real weight of the athlete, by request/requirement of referee, leaders of club or team. In overweight, the athlete will not be able to compete in this category. He/she can be registered in higher weight category.
  • To compete in kata the sportsmen who are familiar with the rules of WKC kata:
  • Katacompetitions are held by WKC recognized styles: GojuRyu, ShitoRyu, Shotokan, WadoRyu ..
  • In Round 1 (+17 competitors) competitors must perform Shitei Kata; In Round 2 from 16 to 8 competitors must perform Sentei Kata. In Round 3 (Final), 8 competitors must perform a Tokui Kata. The highest scoring competitors will go to next round.
  • For these competitions in 8 to 13 years old kata categories apply to a small exception to the WKC rules: in all three rounds of the competition allowed kata form Shintei group according by your style.
  • All competitors must have:
  • Compulsory protection: teeth protection white or transparent color, groin protector for men, chest protector for women.
  • Gloves hands of white color by standard WKC or WKF (only on Sanbon kumite).
  • Competitors can participate in individual sanbon, ippon kumiteand kata categories.
  • Health insurance and parental consent to participate in karate competitions. The responsibility of the team leader.
  • Budo passport
  • For injuries and accidents during the competition, the organizers of WKC competition are not responsible and do not pay any compensations.


Male age groups / Female age groups / I round (Shintei) / II round (Sentei) / III round (Tokui)
6-7 years old / 6-7 years old / Heian 1,2,3,4,5, Tekki-Shodan / BassaiDai, Enpi, KankuDai, Jion, Hangetsu / Shintei + Sentei and Jitte, TekkiNidan, Tekki-Sandan, Gankaku, BassaiSho, KankuSho, Sochin, Nijushiho, GojushihoDai, Gojushiho-Sho, Wankan, Chinte, Unsu, Meikyo
8-9 years old / 8-9 years old
10-11 years old / 10-11 years old
12-13 years old / 12-13 years old
14-15 years old / 14-15 years old
16-17 years old / 16-17 years old
Over 18 years old / Over 18 years old

Katacategories 6-7 old all three rounds allowed kata Heian-1.

Kata style categories of an age class with less than 3 registered competitors can be merged

together to a “Mixed Style Category”Competitor free can choose any kata to perform from kata groups.


Age group / Weight groups / Time limit
Male categories / Female categories
6-7 years old / -27 kg (sanbon) / -25 kg (sanbon) / 1 min
(sanbon, ippon)
+27 kg (sanbon) / +25 kg (sanbon)
openippon / openippon
8-9 years old / -30 kg (sanbon) / -30 kg (sanbon) / 1,5 min
(sanbon, ippon)
-35 kg (sanbon) / +30 kg (sanbon)
+35 kg (sanbon) / open ippon
10-11 years old / -35 kg (sanbon) / -35 kg (sanbon) / 1,5 min
(sanbon, ippon)
-40 kg (sanbon) / +35 kg (sanbon)
+40 kg (sanbon) / openippon
12-13 years old / -40 kg (sanbon) / -40 kg (sanbon) / 1,5 min
(sanbon, ippon)
-45 kg (sanbon) / +40 kg (sanbon)
+45 kg (sanbon) / openippon
14-15 years old / -50 kg (sanbon) / -45 kg (sanbon) / 2 min
(sanbon, ippon)
-55 kg (sanbon) / +45 kg (sanbon)
+55 kg (sanbon) / openippon
16-17 years old / -60 kg (sanbon) / open sanbon / 2 min
(sanbon, ippon)
-70 kg (sanbon)
+70 kg (sanbon) / open ippon
Over 18 years old / -68 kg (sanbon) / opensanbon / 3 min sanbon
2 min ippon
-78 kg (sanbon)
+78 kg (sanbon) / openippon

Kumite categories of an age class with less than 4 registered competitors can be merged together. (Light weight starters being put in to higher weight category with the largest number ofcompetitors).

All competitors can take part in open ippon kumite categories.Individual kumite held on the Olympic system.

PROTESTS shall be dealt with paid € 100 contribution fee and discussed before the next round of competition.

ENTRY FEE: 20 € per first discipline and 10 € per each next disciplines

Application forms: must be sent before 10th of March 2013 y. to e-mail: ; ; ter that date, the correction carried out for 50% of the entry fee adjustments fee. Extra correction on the competition day is carried out with double payment of the entry fee. Correction is registration new entrants or categories but no participant removal from the application.

AWARDS: The winners of individual kata and kumite competitions in the types of programs will be awarded medals and diplomas. In individual categories kata and kumite determined one first, one second and one third place (third place will be determined between the parties to the losers in the semifinals).


16th of March 2013 y. – All individual from 14 years old.

8.30– 9.00Registration

9.00– 9.30Judge and coach meeting

9.30– 12.0014 – 15 years oldWKC kata, kumite events, award ceremony.

12.00– 14.0016 – 17 years old WKC kata, kumite events, award ceremony.

14.00– 14.30Official Tournament opening ceremony

14.30– 18.00Over 18 years old WKC kata, kumite events, award ceremony.

17th of March 2013 y. – All individualcategories from 6 to 13 years old.

8.30– 9.00Registration

9.00– 9.30Judge and coach meeting

9.30– 11.306 – 7 years oldevents, award ceremony.

11.30-14.00 8 – 9 years oldevents, award ceremony.

14.00– 16.0010 – 11 years oldevents, award ceremony.

16.00– 18.0012 – 13 years oldevents, award ceremony.

Welcome to Riga, Latvia!