Red Sea Crossing by Howard Ratcliffe

The eldest born sons of Adam “Cain”, of Noah “Japeth” (new bibles change Japeth the elder to Shem as eldest), of Abraham “Ishmael”, of Isaac “Esau” could have all chosen to covenant with God; but they all chose their own path to salvation. They all eventually saw the “Dead End” and their spiritual descendants are leading people there today. Europeans and Americans are largely descended from Japeth whom Noah said would dwell in Shem’s tents (Gen 9:27) Historians and biblical researchers often claim Britain descends from the Israelite Tribe of Ephraim and natives in the Americas from the Tribe of Manasseh, but I prefer the simple biblical explanation to their unproven guesses (genetic markers do not support Israelite settling of these countries) Japeth’s descendants are impersonating Semitic (descendants of Shem). Keep this in mind when the US and UK are brought to an end; this will not fulfill prophecies in Obadiah concerning the house of Joseph being a flame (Oba 18).

Evidence of the parting of the Red Sea in what is now the Gulf of Suez or the Sea of Reeds near the Nile River Delta is lacking. Likewise, the Israelite encampment, Golden Calf inscriptions or the blackened top of Mt Sinai in Egypt has not been found. In 1491 BC, (2513 years after Creation; 843 years after the Flood), Egypt is afflicted by 10 plagues, and Moses leads the escaping Israelites to the eastern gulf of the Red Sea in what is now called the Gulf of Aqaba. The Red Sea crossing on the western side (Gulf of Suez) of the Sinai Peninsula is vastly wider, full of sand and coral, does not match up with the biblical narrative, and would have been impossible for the Israelites to cross with 2 million people on foot. Look how long the Mormons took to cross the Colorado River at the Hole in the Rock! The midway point of the Gulf of Aqaba on the eastern side of the Red Sea separates Egypt from Arabia, and matches biblical descriptions of Israelites leaving Egypt best. The area has been investigated to have a flat solid rock passage close to the surface. The gulf plunges some 3000 ft on the north side of the underwater plateau and some 4000 ft on the south side with the exception of a flat table mount rising within 30 or so ft from the surface about 70 miles north of the Northern Red Sea at Neweiba Beach. Dive investigations have taken pictures of Egyptian chariot wheels and axels on the sea bed which match hieroglyphic drawings of the chariots in use at the time of Exodus.

The biblical timeline roughly coincides with the building of the Shrines of Luxor, Karnak and the reign of Tutmose II (1516-1504 BC), Queen Hatshepsut and Tutmose III (1492-1458 BC) not the reign of Rameses II (1279-1213 BC) as is often put forth. Not being an Egyptologist, these dates in my view should be regarded as approximate. Why is this important? 300 years ago, there was far less controversy; I have a study bible which sets the date of the Red Sea crossing at 1491 BC.The baby Moses was set adrift on the Nile and retrieved by Pharaoh’s daughter, so if the biblical date of Exodus is set at 1491 BC, the futurePharaoh Queen Hatsepshut may have been Moses’s adoptive mother. She became the “scapegoat”;held responsible for letting Moses escape, plus the person held responsible for bringing the 10 plagues into Egypt and the subsequent destruction of the Egyptian army! What ever Hathsepsut did or didn’t do, her successors tried to erase her memory from stone. Some sources say Ahmose and others say Thutmose I expelled the Hyksos “Shepherd Kings”; I really couldn’t care less, the timeline, real identity of the Hyksos and facts surrounding the Red Sea crossing is all that interests me. The Hyksos, foreign rulers likely from Crete or Phoenicia who taught the Egyptians advanced arts of war, chariot making, plus sword, armor and knife smithing.She raised Moses who with his brother Aaron, made a mockery of the Egyptian Magi, destroyed their crops, water and land, first born Egyptian sons and destroyed perhaps the most powerful army in the world at that time. Not real popular!

Moses came from Midian in Arabia and led the Israelites out of Egypt and back into Arabia by a route that ensured their safety and eventually destroyed the Egyptian Army. The well used northern route to Canaan was called the “Way of Horus”; God did not and does not take His people by the way of Horus! Guided by God, who appeared as a pillar of fire by night and cloud by day, the Egyptians were lured into a trap God prepared during the Flood 1000 years earlier. This is a perfect example of “Predestination”. Calvin’s interpretation resulted in the 30 years war, and his real name was Cohen anyway; he was a Solar Priest merely pretending to be Christian!Calling on the power of God, Moses struck a rock to produce water, and fed his people with “Manna” from Heaven. God descended with fire on Mt. Sinai, gave Moses the 10 Commandments, and issued orders to build the Ark of the Covenant out of Acacia wood. Northwestern Saudi Arabia is Midian, not Mt. Sinai, Egypt on the southern Sinai Peninsula. “…mount Sinai, which gendereth to bondage, which is Agar. For this Agar is mount Sinai in Arabia…” Gal 4:24 Moses’ first speech to the Israelites after their years of wandering was against the Red Sea on the Jordan side. “On this side Jordan, in the land of Moab.” (Deut1:5) Josephus wrote that Sinai was in Midian, and the bible says after killing an Egyptian, Moses fled to Midian. Gen 36:35 says “..smote Midian in the field of Moab.” “Exodus 13:18 says “…the Israelites went out of the land of Egypt”. A quote from Brown’s self-interpreting Family Bible commentary printed in the mid-18th century in Glasgow Scotland says “In 1452 BC, after wandering 37 years in the Arabian Desert, Moses smites a rock to provide water…and the Edomites (modern day Petra, Jordan) refuse the Israelites passage.” Isaiah 11:15 was written about 700 BC. It describes the 2nd coming “…the Lord shall utterly destroy the tongue of the Egyptian Sea…and make men go over dryshod…as it was to Israel in the day that he came up out of the land of Egypt.” The Tongue of the Egyptian Sea is the Gulf of Aqaba, not the Sea of Reeds! The Arabian Desert is not in Egypt. Sinai as we know it today, received its name because Constantine’s mother Helen said Sinai was there; she had plenty of reasons to lie!

The Red Sea crossing point at the Gulf of Aqaba, matches biblical descriptions, and has the space for 2 million people. Israelite images in stone are southeast of there. A 6 story tall rock split nearly top to bottom sits prominently on a hill with signs of water erosion on and around it which would be unlikely for a place on earth that receives very little rain. Israelite rock art is visible on the rocks at the base of a fire scarred hill that date to the correct time, with some of them resembling Golden Calves. The bible says the Israelites began to worship Golden Calves aka Egyptian Apis Bulls during the time Moses was face to face with God. Apis means “Word” in Egyptian as Dabar does in Chaldean. Changing God into an Egyptian Bull or an Assyrian Bee are 2 ways people of the Fertile Crescent have drawn God’s wrath!

God used an east wind to allow safe passage for Israel and to defeat the Egyptian army in the Red Sea; evidence is there. Egyptian army weapons necessary for the Israelite’s subsequent battles were recovered and Mt Sinai (Agar is Hagar, Abraham’s Egyptian wife) events in Saudi Arabia. The area is loaded with Acacia trees used to construct the Ark. I’m not trying to throw confusion into the story, just taking another look at the event from a literal sense.

The site of Noah’s ark is guarded by Turks and Kurds in perpetual conflict and Mt Sinai is guarded by Wahabist Arabs pretending to be Muslim. Pergamos, Turkey was known as Satan’s Seat; Ephesus Turkey was HQ for Goddess worship; Lesbians (term originated in Lesbos) are named after an island right off the coast; Amazons came from there and named the river in South America after their snake god;the world’s first and by far largest Mausoleum named after King Masolus and his sister/wife Artemesia were there; the Trojan Horse, King Midas’ “Golden Touch”, King Gordius’“Gordian knot” (aka Celtic Knot and Infinite Loop) used to hitch Beasts of Burden could only beuntied by the “One True King” was there; the Phrygian Cap (aka Liberty Cap and Sleeping Cap) worn by initiates of Mithra came from there. Jesus gave all 7 warnings to the churches there. Today, Canakale “Cain’s Castles” overlooks the Hellespont. Connect the dots from Mt Sinai to Babylon and the Fertile Crescent emerges; the Crescent was originally known as the moon god “Sin”. Can you now see why Jesus calls Jerusalem “Spiritual Sodom and Egypt”? Rev 11:8 When “Sin” becomes fully fertile; Jesus will return.

Babylon, the Hanging Gardens, and the Fortress of Nineveh were guarded by an Iraqi leader who thinks he is descended from Nimrod. Read the Authorized Bible and you will see Nimrod didn’t build Nineveh or the Tower of Babel and open your eyes and you will see Saddam is simply a business partner of the Bush crime family just like the 9/11 ghost Osama Bin Laden. They are all working for the same employer! Egypt and Saudi Arabia refuse to allow any real scientific analysis of photographed Egyptian chariot wheels in the Red Sea or the real Mt Sinai. Egypt guides tourists to walk up the Egyptian Mt. Sinai because they know they won’t find anything. Saudi Arabia is led by Wahabis who were named after King Ahab, the wickedest King of Israel. America is named after Amurru (Amar) and Cain; the government is controlled by Zionists from Israel and the Eye of Horus is sitting on the unfinished pyramid on her dollar bill. “Spiritual Sodom and Egypt”! Enuf Said.

Saudi Arabia pumps oil out of the desert for $2/barrel and sell gasoline there for 65 cents/gal. Gas is some 35 cents/gal in Venezuela. Economists claim laws of supply and demand force the price in England to $12 and $5 in America, so it doesn’t take a genius to tell they are lying. I have news for them: Rotten dinosaurs don’t produce oil. The earth produced oil very rapidly during the flood and continually produces more under the constant grinding of plates above pre-flood organic material and water. Collusion between corporate petrol giants governs the price and the bible says all liars have their place in the lake of fire! A circled “T” (Tammuz) in a 5 pointed star (Texaco), Pegasus (Atlantic Richfield), Solar Disc (BP), Dragon Eye (Citgo), Shell (shells are symbols of the Beast from the sea, prevalent among Gypsies as “Fetishes”), Dinosaur (Sinclair), 76 in an Orange Disc (7+6=13, the number of rebellion, 7X6=42, the number of months in the Great Tribulation; 7 heads of the beast system, headed by the man “6” who will force the world to worship him). Revelation 13 describes the Beast from the Sea and Micah 7:6 says a man’s enemies are the men of his won house. The bible says to prove all things, so why not do it?

God instructed Moses to build a candlestick with 7 almond shaped bowls because 1500 years later Jesus would hang on a tree between 2 thieves and Jews would need recognize their religion was at an end. Dr. OJ Graham wrote a very good book about the replacement of the Menorah with the 6 point star called The six-pointed star: It’s origin and usage. This is the first book I would get to alleviate confusion about the origins of this star. King David had nothing to do with it and it’s not Jewish! Jesus was crucified on a tree with 2 other persons. 7 is the number of perfection, and Jesus will open the 7 sealed book to begin the Tribulation. Jesus plus 2 thieves on one tree makes 6 hands uplifted to the Father surrounding the one who can help them. The 7 branched candlestick has all but been replaced by many “Jews” today with an 8 branched Menorah and the six-pointed star. About 500 years after leaving Egypt, King Solomon began worshipping false Gods after marrying 700 Canaanite women and taking 300 Canaanite concubines. Canaanites universally worship the creature rather than the creator through communication with demon angels. Giants are not Nephilim; these “Anakims” and “Rephaim” lived in Sodom about 500 years after the flood, and are the result of this rebellion called incest.

Babylonians worshipped a star called Ashteroth. Canaanites and apostate Jews made their children pass through the fires of Moloch, essentially pledging and sacrificing them to Saturn (Satan). This then is the origination of Star Worship; Saturn is the “Star of the Sun”, the 6th planet in the Solar System. Asteroth, Astarte, Remphan, Malkuth, Sikuth and Chiun all mean star. The Persian“Melek Taus” the Peacock King is also identical to Moloch. The prophet Amos describes all of this in Amos 5:26 “But ye have borne the tabernacle of your Moloch and Chiun your images, the star of your god, which ye made to yourselves.” In Akkadian texts dating from shortly after the flood, Chiun is said to be a planet or star, referring to Saturn. King Solomon built an altar to Ashteroth, and practiced rituals to Moloch. The Six Pointed Star is thus, not the Star of David, it is the Seal of Solomon “Saturn’s Star”.

Druids used the symbol to attract demons, witches “Hex” people with demons using the symbol and Jews were forced to wear the symbol in Nazi Germany. The inside of the Seal of Solomon is called the Beehive and Bee is the Chaldean “Word”. As we have seen, this is Saturn (Satan) whose ultimate goal is to become the “Most High”. Merovingians claim descent from Jesus and Mary Magdalene (a lie); they became known as Franks from where France gets its name. Franks became fake Christians after the Water Baptism of Clovis. Kabballah entered with Shabbatei Zvi and his “Shabbatean” followers soon found a new leader in Jacob Frank. Frankists have nothing to do with Jacob; they are Satanists pretending to be Jewish and unfortunately, this is who we identify Judaism with today. Frankfurt was home to Mayer Amschel Bauer who used the Six Pointed Star of Ashtoreth for his home address 666 Am Main, Frankfurt. He changed his name to Rothschild and became the name synonymous with British-Israelism. “Red Shield” then became the seal of the city of Frankfurt; a Phoenix surmounted by a Red Shield. Solomon said there is no new thing under the sun and he was right; God has seen all this before; Satan has many disguises! Abel tended sheep in obedience to God, and Cain was a farmer who proudly presented his “good” works in rebellion to God. It’s no wonder then that Bauer means farmer! The Pharisees impersonated real Jews and laughed when they didn’t use God’s Holy Bible to “read the writing on the wall” and identify the Messiah. They tricked them into replacing the golden candlestick with an occult demon magnet!

The Holy Bible and 7 branch candlestick are not just for Jews. They are for all of humanity! 7 branches illustrate the Trinity as Father, Son and Holy Ghost, present in Jesus Christ as the 7th candlestick. This middle candlestick is the tree that Jesus was nailed to “Tree of Life”, and the flame is His eyes will burn the earth with at His 2nd coming. For this reason, he is called not only the “Branch” of Jesse’s family tree, but the root of it as well. Zechariah 6:12-13 describes the 2nd coming of the Lord as a man whose name is “The Branch” and in 14:16, we see that Solomon’s Temple is not part of the Millennium. Jesus returns to establish the Feast of Tabernacles; His true birthday which Satanists have misrepresented as Christmas.

The Satanic Trinity is represented by the Seal of Solomon; one triangle on another to represent passing through the fires of Molech. Variously, this has been called the Eleusinian Mystery, Sacred Marriage and Divine Union.The month of February is named today after the Roman practice of Februation for this practice. The 7 branched Candlestick was destroyed at the Crucifixion. From the cross (tree), Jesus (God in flesh) became fully human;leading by example He feltpain, endured physical death and experienced the ultimate sense of rejection by asking God “Why has thou forsaken me.” At that moment, the Holy Ghost departed from the earth, but was returned to anyone who asks Him for it at Pentecost. The Christian Church is not enclosed any longer in a Temple or Cathedral or Church building; it’s within the hearts of people who receive the Holy Ghost. If your Priest or Pastor doesn’t tell you this I suggest leaving.