Julie A. Dowling

Latina/Latino Studies Program

510 E. Chalmers

Champaign, IL61820

Professional Appointments

Aug. 2005 - Assistant Professor, Latina/Latino Studies Program

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Aug. 2004 - July 2005 UC President’s Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Sociology

University of California at Santa Barbara

Academic Affiliations

2006 - Gender and Women’s Studies Program, UIUC


2004PhDSociology with a Doctoral Portfolio in Mexican American Studies

University of Texas at Austin, August 2004

Dissertation Title: “The Lure of Whiteness and the Politics of Otherness: Mexican American Racial Identity”

Committee: Christopher Ellison (chair), Robert Hummer, Mounira Charrad,

S. Craig Watkins, Neil Foley, and Martha Menchaca


University of Texas at Austin, May 1999

1997BAEnglish and Sociology, cum laude with Departmental Honors in Sociology

Southwestern University

Research Interests

Race and Ethnicity, Chicano/Latino Identities, Interracial Unions and Multiracial Populations, Demography, Immigration, Residential Segregation, Gender and Sexuality

Teaching Interests

Race and Ethnicity, Chicano/Latino Studies, Gender and Sexuality, Migration

Fellowships and Grants

UC President’s Postdoctoral Fellowship, University of California at Santa Barbara (2004-05)

National Science Foundation Dissertation Improvement Grant, $6,050 (2003-04)

University of Texas Outstanding Alumna Fellowship in Honor of Marta Tienda (1 yr, 2003-04)

University of Texas Tuition Fellowship (1 yr, 2003-04)

National Science Foundation Minority Graduate Fellowship (3 yrs, 1998-2000, 2001-02)

David Bruton, Jr. Graduate Fellowship (3 yrs, 1998-2000, 2001-02)

Research Internship Fellowship at The University of Texas at Austin (1 yr, 1997-98)

Academic Scholarship at Southwestern University (4 yrs, 1993-97)

Honors and Awards

Incomplete List of Teachers Ranked as Excellent by Their Students, UIUC

Fall 2006

Amethyst Light Award (2004)

This award from Sigma Lamda Gamma, a Latina sorority at UT-Austin, is given to faculty who have demonstrated a commitment to Latina/o students.

Nominated for Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor by the Center for Mexican American

Studies at UT-Austin (2003)

Award of Special Recognition, UT Office of Services for Students with Disabilities (2003)

UT-Austin faculty were nominated by the students. This recognizes faculty who are committed to providing accommodations and assistance to students with disabilities.

Award for Outstanding Graduate Student Paper from the Latino/a Sociology Section of the

American Sociological Association (1998)


C. Alison Newby and Julie A. Dowling. (In Press, forthcoming Fall 2007) “Black and Hispanic: The Racial Identification of Afro-Cuban Immigrants in the Southwest.” Sociological Perspectives

Julie A. Dowling. 2005. “I’m not Mexican…pero soy Mexicano: Linguistic Context of Labeling Among Mexican Americans in Texas.” Southwest Journal of Linguistics 24(1&2): 53-63.

Publications in Progress

C. Alison Newby and Julie A. Dowling. “Retando Categorías Raciales en los Estados Unidos: el Caso de los Refugiados Afrocubanos” (under review, Revise & Resubmit) Migraciones Internacionales

Manuscripts in Preparation

Julie A. Dowling and C. Alison Newby. “So Far From Miami: Afro-Cuban Encounters with Mexicans in the U.S. Southwest”

C. Alison Newby, Julie A. Dowling, and Susan González Baker. “Changing Faces, Changing Jobs: Occupational Succession in the High-Immigration U.S. Metropolis”

Teaching and Research Appointments

Assistant Professor, Fall 2005 – Present

Latina/Latino Studies Program, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Undergrad Courses: “Introduction to Latina/Latino Studies” (Fall ’06)

“Latino/as and the City” (Fall ’05)

“Chicanas and Latinas in the U.S.” (Fall ‘05, Fall ‘06)

“Race and Mixed Race” (Spring ‘07)

Graduate Courses: “Race, Ethnicity, and the Politics of Identity” (Spring ‘07)

Instructor, Fall 2001- Spring 2004

Center for Mexican American Studies, University of Texas at Austin

Courses: “Chicanos in American Society” (Fall ‘01; Fall ‘02; Spring ‘03; Fall ‘03; Spring ‘04)

“Ethnicity and Gender: La Chicana” (Spring ‘02)

Research Assistant, June 2003-December 2003

For Peter Ward, Department of Sociology, The University of Texas at Austin

Teaching Assistant, Summer 2003

PopulationResearchCenter, University of Texas at Austin

NSF-REU Summer Program: Research Experience for Undergraduates in Demography

Teaching Assistant, Summer 2000-Spring 2001

Department of Sociology, University of Texas at Austin

Course: “Introduction to Sociology”

Paper Presentations at Professional Meetings

“Just Because We Speak the Same Language, Doesn’t Mean We Understand Each Other: Afro-Cuban Encounters with Mexicans in the U.S. Southwest.” with Alison Newby, Presented at the Pacific Sociological Association conference, Hollywood, April 2006.

“Where's Hispanic? Mexican American Responses to the Census Race Question.”Presented at the Southern Demographic Association conference, Arlington, October 2003.

“An(other) Shade of White? Mexican American Racial Identity and the Census.” Presented at the American Sociological Association conference, Atlanta, August 2003.

“You Call This the Ghetto? Gay Urban Space in Dallas, Texas.” with Daniel Cortese, Presented at the American Sociological Association conference, Atlanta, August 2003.

“In the Image of ‘Our Lady’: La Virgen de Guadalupe.” Presented at the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion conference, Salt Lake City, October 2002.

"So Far From Miami: Cuban Refugee Settlement in the Southwest." with Alison Newby, Presented at the Southern Demographic Association conference, Austin, October 2002.

“Black and Hispanic: The Racial Identification of Afro-Cuban Immigrants in the Southwest.” with Alison Newby, Presented at the American Sociological Association conference, Chicago, August 2002.

“The ‘Other’ Race of Mexican Americans.” Poster presentation at the Population Association of America conference, Atlanta, May 2002.

“Sexuality and Politics.” with Darren Sherkat, Presented at the Pacific Sociological Association conference, Vancouver, April 2002.

“Mexican Americans and the Modern Performance of Whiteness: LULAC and the Construction of the White Mexican.” Presented at the American Sociological Association conference, Anaheim, August 2001.

“Racial/Ethnic Labeling of Children of Mexican-Anglo Unions, Evidence from the 1990 Census.” Poster presentation at the Population Association of America conference, Washington, DC, April 2001.

“Interracial Marriage and Labor Force Participation: A Comparative Study of White, Black, and Hispanic Women.” with Betsy Guzmán, Poster presentation at the Population Association of America conference, Los Angeles, April 2000.

“Split at the Root: The Construction of Ethnic Identity in Persons of Mixed Mexican American and Anglo Heritage, Negotiating Issues of Stigma and Authenticity. ” Presented at the American Sociological Association conference, San Francisco, August 1998. *Received Graduate Student Paper Award from the Latino/a Sociology section of the American Sociological Association.

“Split at the Root: The Construction of Ethnic Identity in Persons of Mixed Mexican American and Anglo Heritage.” Presented at the Population Association of America conference, Chicago, April 1998.

“Perceptions of Discrimination.” Presented at the Southwestern Social Science Association conference, New Orleans, March 1997.

Invited Presentations

“Residential Segregation and the Politics of Identity: Reflections on the Role of Place.” Invited Speaker/Discussant and Panelist, Unifying Identities, Distinct Experiences: The Construction of Latinidad in Chicago Civic Spaces, Symposium held at the University of Illinois at Chicago, April 2006.

“An(other) Shade of White? Mexican American Racial Identity.” Fall Colloquium Series, Department of Sociology, University of California at Santa Barbara, November 2004.

UIUC Presentations

“So Far From Miami: Afro-Cuban Encounters with Mexicans in the Southwest.”

Beyond the Barrio: Everyday Life in Latino/Latina America, Symposium sponsored by the Department of History and Latina/Latino Studies Program, UIUC, March 2007.

Moderator/Workshop Facilitator. “Racial Diversity Among Latinos.” La Casa Cultural Latina, UIUC, March 2007.

Panelist. International Women’s Day Discussion. Intersections and the Women and Gender in Global Perspectives Program, UIUC, March 2007.

“Black and Hispanic: The Racial Identification of Afro-Cuban Immigrants in the Southwest.”

Migration Studies Working Group, UIUC, March 2007.

Moderator/Workshop Facilitator. “MexiRicans: A Discussion and Workshop on Biculturalism”

La Casa Cultural Latina, UIUC, November 2006.

“Panethnic Label or Racial Designation? Understanding ‘Hispanic’ Identity in Texas.”

Fall Colloquium Series, Department of Sociology, UIUC, October 2006.

Other Conference/Workshop Organization and Participation

Organizer/Discussant, “New Approaches to Latina/o Sociology” paper session at the Pacific Sociological Association conference, Hollywood, April 2006.

Co-Organizer (with Gabriela Sandoval), “Construction Sites: Latinos, Place, and the Politics of Race” paper session at the American Studies Association conference, Washington, DC, November 2005.

Participant, GIS Population Science International Workshop/Conference on “Spatial Demography,” Center for Spatially Integrated Social Science, University of California Santa Barbara, June 20-July 2, 2005.

Co-Organizer (with Daniel Cortese), Sociology of Sexualities Section Roundtable Session, American Sociological Association conference, San Francisco, August 2004.

Participant, Inter-University Program for Latino Research’s “Latino Socio-Economic Status and Residential Segregation Pattern Analysis” workshop at the Institute of Latino Studies, University of Notre Dame, July 2003.

Participant, Inter-University Program for Latino Research’s “Latinos in the 2000 Census” workshop at the Institute of Latino Studies, University of Notre Dame, July 2002.

Organizer/Discussant, “Student Activism at the University of Texas at Austin” panel at the Center for Women’s Studies’ Women and Gender Studies conference, University of Texas at Austin, January 2000.

Organizer/Discussant, “Beyond Identity” paper session at the National Feminist Graduate Student Conference, University of Texas at Austin, March 1998.

Professional Association Memberships

American Sociological Association (ASA)

Member of Sections: Latino/a Sociology, International Migration, Sociology of Sexualities

Population Association of America (PAA)

Pacific Sociological Association (PSA)

American Studies Association (ASA)

Related Service


Secretary-Treasurer, Latino/a Sociology Section of the American Sociological Association

(2005-08) (Elected)

Chair, Nominations Committee for Section Council, Latino/a Sociology Section of the American Sociological Association (2004-05)

Member, Programming Committee for 2005 ASA Meetings, Sociology of Sexualities Section of the American Sociological Association (2004-05)

Student Member, Executive Council, Latino/a Sociology Section of the American Sociological Association (2003-04)

Member, Programming Committee for 2004 ASA Meetings, Sociology of Sexualities Section of the American Sociological Association (2003-04)

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Member, Search Committee, Latina/Latino Studies Program and Department of Sociology Joint Search (2006-07)

Member, Programming Committee, Latina/Latino Studies Program (2006-07)

University of Texas at Austin

Faculty Advisor for the “Rio Grande Valley Student Group,” UT-Austin (2002-04)

Member, Chicana/o Latina/o Graduate Student Association, UT-Austin (1997-2004)

New Graduate Student Orientation Coordinator for the Department of Sociology, UT-Austin (1999-2000)