Prefix, Suffix, or
Combining form Meaning Example
a-, an-,...... not, without, absent...... aseptic, asexual, anaerobic, abiotic
ab-...... from, away...... abnormal, abaxail, abstinence
ad-, ac-, ag-, af-...... to, towards...... adrenals, acclimate, assimilate, afferent, advance
aden-...... gland...... adenoid, adenoma, adenectomy
-algia...... pain, complaint...... neuralgia, analgesic
ana-...... up, upon, back, similar to ...... anabolism, anaphase, anatomy
ant-, anti-...... against, opposite...... antitoxin, antibiotic, Antarctica
arch-, archaeo-...... 1st in time, primitive...... ancient, archaeology, Archeozoic
-aria, -aero-...... air...... malaria, anaerobic, aerobic, aerospace
arth-, arthro-...... joint, of or in the joints...... Arthropoda, arthritis
-ase...... term indicating a ferment or enzyme.....sucrase, lipase, distase, catalase
aster- ...... star...... Asteroidia, Asterozoa, asteroid
aut-, auto-...... self...... autonomic, autonomy, automobile, autoimmune
bi-...... two, twice, double...... bilateral, biennial, biceps, binomial
-bio-, -bic...... life...... biology, anaerobic, symbiosis, biosphere
bry(o)-...... moss...... bryophyte, bryozoan
calci-...... lime, calcium, chalk...... calcification, calcareous, calcified
calor-...... heat...... calorie, calorimeter, caloritropic
cata-, kata-...... downward, inferior...... catalyst, catabolism, Catarrhina, catalase
card-, cardio-, -card-...... heart...... cardiograph, myocarditis, cardiology, cardiac
carn-, carni-...... meat...... carnivorous, carnassial
caud-, cauda-...... tail...... caudal, caudate, caudad
centi-...... 1/hundredth...... centimeter, centipede, century
cephalo-, -cephalic...... head...... encephalitis, microcephlic, cephalopod,
cerebro-...... pertaining to the large part of the brain...cerebro-spinal, cerebriform, cerebral palsy
chloro-...... green...... chlorophyll, chloroplast
chrom-...... color, colored...... chromatin, chromosome, chromatid
-cide...... to kill...... homicide, insecticide, germicide, herbicide, fungicide, biocide
-cle...... tiny, small...... corpuscle, particle, denticle
co-, com, con, cor...... with, together...... cooperate, conjugation, compound, covalent
contra-...... opposite, against...... contraception, contradict, contrast
corpus-...... body...... corpuscle, corpus luteum
-cyt...... cell...... leukocyte, cytology, cytoplasm, cytosol
denti-...... tooth (or teeth)...... dentist, dentology
-derm...... skin, leather...... dermatophyte, epidermis, hypodermic,
di-...... two, twice...... dissect, dictotyledon, disaccharide
dia-...... through...... diaphragm, diameter, diagram, dialysis
dis-, dys-...... ill, negative, difficult...... disease, dyspepsia, dysfunctional , dysentery
echino-...... spiny, prickly...... Echinococcus, echinoderm
em-, en-, endo-, in-...... in, into...... embed, encyst, endoderm, inbred, endocrine
embryo-...... a developing organism...... embryology, embryological
-emia...... blood...... anemia, pyemia, leukemia
-ensis...... pertaining to or being found
in a certain locality...... kansensis, mississippiensis
-entero-...... intestine...... coelenterate, enterokinase, gastroenterology
eo-...... the dawn, sunrise, the east...... Eocene, Eohippus
epi-...... upon...... epiphyte, epidermis, epidemic, epicenter
erythro-...... red...... erythrocyte, erythropoiesis, erythromycin
ex-, ect-...... out...... extinct, external, expiration, ectoplasm,
-fer-...... to carry, to bear, borne...... afferent, Carboniferous, Porifera, fertilization
-fract-...... to break, broken...... fracture, refracted, fraction
-gamet-...... sex cell...... gametophyte, microgamete, gamete
gastr(o)-...... stomach, the belly...... gastritis, gastrovascular, gastroenterology
-gen-...... to be produced, be born, become...... glycogen, genotype, generate, generation
geo-...... the earth...... geochemistry, geography, geology, geometry
glosso-...... tongue...... glossitis, hypoglossal
glyco-...... glucose, sugar...... glycogen, glycosuria
-gnosis...... knowledge...... diagnosis, prognosis
-graph...... representation by means of
lines, description, drawing...... cardiograph, encephalograph, seismograph
hema-, hemo-...... blood...... hemoglobin, hemorrhage, hematology, hematoma, hemophilia
hemi-...... half...... Hemiptara, hemisphere
hepat-...... liver...... hepatitis, hepaticogastrostomy
herb-...... plant (especially the non-woody)...... herbaceous, herbivore, herbicide
herp-...... reptile...... herpetology, herpetologist, herpetarium
heter-...... other, different, mixed...... heterosexual, hetrozygote
hippo-, -hippus...... horse...... hippopotamus, Eohippus
holo-...... whole, entire, independent...... holosymmatry, holotype, holoblastic, hologram
hom-, homo-...... one, same, common...... homogenesis, homogenize, homocercal,
hydro-...... water...... hydrosphere, hydrophyte, hydrotropism, hydrology
hymen-...... membrane...... hymenopterous, Hymenoptera
hyper-...... over, above measure,excessive...... hypertension, hypertrophy, hyperactive
hypo-...... under, less than, below...... hypodermic, hypothyroid, hypothalamus
ichthy-...... fish...... ichthyosis, Ichthyosaurus, ichthyology
in-...... in, into; not without...... insertion, incision; insufficient, inability
inter-...... between, together...... intercourse, internode, intercellular, interphase
intra-, intro-...... within...... intracellular, intravenous, intrauterine
ir-...... not...... irregular, irresponsible
-ism...... action, fact, act of doing...... parasitism, Darwinism, organism
-ist...... one who practices, onewho is skilled, taxonomist, biologist, scientist
-itis...... inflammation, irritation...... appendicitis, neuritis, arthritis, hepatitis
kin-...... to move, causing movement...... kinesthetic, karyokinesis, cytokinesis
-lac-...... milk...... lactometer, prolactin, lactation, lacticacid, lactose
leuco-, leuk-...... white...... leukocyte, leukemia
-lys-, -lyt...... a loosing, break down, destroy...... hemolytic, neurolytic, catalyst, lysosome
macro-...... large, long...... macronucleus, Macrotolagus, macrophage
mal-...... bad, ugly...... malaria, malignant, malnutrition, malfunction
mari-...... sea...... marine, marinorama
meso-...... middle...... mesothorax, mesoderm, mesozoic
meta-...... many, several, may denote change...... metazoa, metamorphosis, metatho, metabolicrax
-meter-...... to measure...... thermometer, hydrometer, centimeter
micro-...... tiny, small...... micrometer, microscope, microorganism,
milli-...... 1/thousandth...... millipede, milligram, millimeter
mole-...... mass, body...... molecule
mono-...... one...... monocotyledon, monohybrid, monopoly, monotope
morph-, -morph...... form, shape, a shaping...... morphology, metamorphosis, morphine
-mort-...... death...... mortician, rigor mortis, mortal, mortality
myo-...... muscle...... myocardiograph, myocarditis, myocardium
-nema...... round, thread-like...... Nemahelminthes, nematode, protonema
neo-...... new, recent, young...... neolithic, neobotanist, neonatal
nephr-...... kidneys...... nephron, nephridium, epinephrine, nephritis
-neur-...... nerves...... neuralgia, neurolytic, polyneuri, neurontis
noct-...... night...... nocturnal, Noctuidae
-nom-...... law, order, custom...... taxonomy, autonomic, agronomy, astronomy
-oid...... like...... amoeboid, rhizoid, euglenoid, steroid
-ole...... tiny, small...... vacuole, bronchiole, arteriole
-ology, -logy...... to study, the science of ...... biology, zoology, bacteriology, geology
-oma...... tumor, swelling...... hematoma, carcinoma, glaucoma, sarcoma
omni-...... all...... omnivorous, omnimeter, omnipotent
-opia...... sight...... myopia, hyperopia
-os-, -osteo-...... bone...... ossify, osteology, peritoneum, osteoporosis
-osis...... a condition, a process...... tuberculosis, metamorphosis, mitosis, meiosis
-ot-, -oto-, -otid...... ear...... otoscope, parotoid, Microtus
ovi-, ovo-...... egg, ovum...... oviduct, oviparous, ovulation, ovary
paleo-...... old, ancient, remote, in the past...... paleolithic, paleontology, paleozoic
pan-...... all...... pandemic, pancreas, panoramic, pangorea
para-, par-...... near, by, beside...... parathyroid, parasite, paranoid
path-...... disease, suffering...... pathology, pathogenic, psychopathic
peri-...... around, near...... pericardium, periosteum, pericycle, perimeter
phago-, -phag...... to eat...... phagocyte, cytophage, esophagus, macrophage
-phea...... breathing...... dysphea, aphea
-phil-...... loving...... hemophilia, basophilic, hydrophilic
-phobia...... fear, fright, panic, terror...... hydrophobia, bacteriophobia, arachnophobia, claustrophobia
photo-...... light...... phototropism, photosynthesis, photograph
-phyll-...... leaf...... chlorophyll, Diphyllobothrium
physio-...... nature, referring to the
...... functioning of the body or parts...... physiology, physical
pisci-...... fish...... piscatorial, piscivorous, pisces
-plasm-...... form...... cytoplasm, protoplasm, ectoplasm
-plegia, pleg-, -plex-...... stroke...... apoplexy, paraplegy, plegaphonia
platy-...... flat, broad, wide...... platyhelminthes, platypus
pleur-...... pertaining to the membrane
surrounding the thorax, a rib, the side....pleurisy, pleural, pleurobranch
pneumo-...... air, lungs...... pneumonia, pneumotherapy
poly-...... many, much...... polycotyledon, polydactyl, polygon, polygraph
post-...... behind, after...... posterior, post mortem, post nasal drip
pre-...... before, in front of...... prefix, prehensile, prenatal, prehistoric
pro-...... before, giving rise to...... produce, proceed, prothorax, prophase
proto-, prot-...... first, primary...... protoplasm, protonema, protozoan, prototype
psuedo-...... false, deceptive...... pseudopodium, pseudohermaphrodite, pseudonym
psycho-...... mind...... psychology, psychosis
-pter...... wing...... pterodactyl, Diptera, pterosaur, helicopter
pulmo-...... lung...... pulmonary, pulmotor
-pus-, -pes, -ped, -pod-...... foot...... centipede, platypus, pseudopodia, podiatrist
re-...... back, again...... return, regurgitation, reflex
-renal-...... kidney...... adrenal, suprarenal
rrhag-...... flow, discharge, burst...... hemorrhage, diarrhea
-saur-...... lizard, reptile...... dinosaur, pterosaur, sauropod
-scler-...... hardness, stiffness...... arteriosclerosis, sclerenchyma, multiplesclerosis
-scope...... field of vision, to see...... microscope, stethoscope, telescope, periscop
semi-...... half...... semilunar, semiconscious, semicircle
-som-...... body...... chromosome, somite, somatic
-sperm-...... seed...... spermatophyte, spermatophore, spermacide
sub-...... under, below...... subnormal, subcutaneous, submarine, subconscious
sym-, syn-...... to join, combine...... symbiosis, photosynthesis, symptorus, symbols
-tax-...... order, arrangement...... taxonomy, taxidermy
-thall-...... a branch, a young shoot...... Thallophyta, prothallus
-theri-...... a beast, a wild animal...... Baluchitherium, Dinotherium
therm-...... heat...... thermometer, thermotropism, thermostat
-thes-...... a putting or setting in order, arranging....hypothesis, photosynthesis, thesis
thig-...... touch, contact...... thigmotropism, thigmopositive
thorac-, -thorax...... chest, thorax...... pneumothorax, thoracic, cephalothorax
-thromb-...... a clot, a lump...... thrombin, thrombocyte, prothrombin, thrombosis
-tom-...... to cut, slice, cutting, sharp...... microtome, anatomy, appendectomy
trans-...... beyond, through...... transparent, translocation, transportation
tri-...... three...... tricuspid, Triceratops, trigeminal, tricycle, triplane
-troph-...... growth...... atrophy, hypertrophy, dystrophy
-tropism...... response to a stimulus (in plants) ...... hydrotropism, phototropism
-ule, -ula...... tiny, small...... molecule, blastula, animalcule
uni-...... one...... unicorn, univalve, unicellular
-uria, urin-...... pertaining to urine...... glycosuria, urinalysis, urinary tract
-vacci-...... cow...... vaccination, vaccinate
vas-, -vas-...... a vessel...... vascular, fibrovascular, vasdeferens
vita-, vivi-...... alive, life...... vitamin, vital, viviparous
-vor-...... to eat, to devour...... carnivore, voracious, herbivorous
xero-...... dry, dryness, a drying...... xerophthalmia, xerophytes, xerox
-zoo-, -zoa...... animal, a living being...... zoology, protozoa, zoospore, spermatozoa
Science Vocabularypage 1