Latin American Bibliography of Books Published Before 1800

Latin American Bibliography of Books Published Before 1800

Latin American Bibliography of Books Published before 1800

L. Tom Perry Special Collections

by Tyler John Broadhead, History Student Intern, Graduating April 2017

Last Updated April 2017


  1. Rare Maps Collection – Call Number: G 3300 1772 .B6

Title: An accurate map of North America.

Author: Bowen, Emanuel

Date: 1772

  1. Rare Maps Collection – Call Number: Not Yet Available (In Process as of 3/3/17)

Title: Mexico, regia et celebrisHispaniae Novae civitas; Cusco, regni Peru in novo orbe caput.

Author: Braun, Georg

Date: 1573


  1. Rare Book Collection – Call Number: 910 P971p 1617

Title: Pvrchas his pilgrimage, or Relations of the world and the religions observed in al ages and places discouered, from the creation vnto this present

Author: Purchas, Samuel

Date: 1617

  1. Rare Book Collection – Call Number: 011 L551e 1737 vol.1

Title: Epitome de la bibliotheca oriental, y occidental, nautica, y geografica

Author: León Pinelo, Antonio de

Date: 1737

  1. Rare Book Collection – Call Number 325.346 R351m 1755

Title: Manual compendio de el regiopatronatoindiano

Author: Rivadeneira y Barrientos, Antonio Joaquín de

Date: 1755

  1. Rare Book Collection Quarto – Call Number: QL 235 .H87x 1972 vol.1

Title: Recueild'observations de zoologie et d'anatomiecompare: Paris 1799-1803.

Author: Humboldt, Alexander von

Date: 1799-1803

  1. Vault Collection – Call Number: 912 M735 1732

Title: Atlas minor Or, a set of 62 new and correct maps of all the parts of the world

Author: Moll, Herman

Date: 1732

  1. Rare Book Collection – Call Number: 973 R54h 1777 v.1

Title: The history of America.

Author: Robertson, William

Date: 1777

  1. Rare Book Collection – Call Number: E 143 .R633 1778 vol. 1

Title: The history of America.

Author: Robertson, William

Date: 1778

  1. Rare Book Collection – Call Number: E 143 .A17 1762

Title: An account of the Spanish settlements in America: In four parts... Each part contains an accurate description of the settlements in it, their situation, extent, climate, soil, produce, former and present condition, trading commodities, manufactures, the genius, disposition and number of their inhabitants, their government, both civil and ecclesiatic; together with a concise account of their chief cities, ports, bays, rivers, lakes, mountains, minerals, fortifications, &c.; with a very particular account of the trade carried on betwist them and old Spain. Illustrated with a map of America.

Author: Not Given

Date: 1762

  1. Vault Collection – Call Number: 917.2 G121e 1648

Title: The English-American, his travail by sea and land, or, A new survey of the West-India's: Containing a journall of three thousand and three hundred miles within the main land of America...: also, a new and exact discovery of the Spanish navigation to those parts...: with a grammar, or some few rudiments of the Indian tongue called Poconchi, or Pocoman

Author: Gage, Thomas

Date: 1648

  1. Vault Collection – Call Number: 615.1 M74pe 1596

Title: Ioyfullnewes out of the new-found worlde: Wherein are declared, the rare and singulervertues of diuers herbs, trees, plantes, oyles & stones, with their applications, as well to the vse of phisick, as or chirurgery... Also the portrature of the said hearbs, verie aptly described:

Author: Monardes, Nicolás

Date: 1596

  1. Vault Collection – Call Number: 382 Sp15 1778

Title: Don Joseph Sesècontador, e interventorpor S.M. de Rentas: Generales de la Real Aduana de la Ciudad de Alicante, y susAgregadas, que se administran, y recaudan de cuenta de la Real Hacienda.

Author: Spain. Sovereign

Date: 1778

  1. Vault Collection – Call Number: 382 Sp15 1778

Title: Reglamento y arancelesreales para el comerciolibre de España a Indias

De 12 de octubre de 1778.

Author: Spain.

Date: 1778

  1. Rare Book Collection – Call Number: F 1410 .T73 1769 vol.1

Title: Histoire générale de l'Amériquedepuissadécouverte: Qui comprendl'histoirenaturelle, ecclésiastique, militaire, morale & civile des contrées de cettegrandepartie du monde

Author: Touron, A.

Date: 1769

  1. Vault Collection – Call Number: 382.0946 Ve537n 1672

Title: Norte de la contratacion de las IndiasOccidentales: Dirigido al Excmo. Señor D. Gaspar de Bracamonte y Gvzman, Conde de Peñaranda, Gentillhombre de la Camara del Rey NuestroSeñor, de susConsejos de Estado, y Guerra, y de la Iunta del GoviernoVniversaldestosReynos. Y Presidente antes del ConsejoSvpremo de las Indias, ya del la Italia

Author: Veitia Linage, Joseph de

Date: 1672

  1. Vault Collection – Call Number: 973.1 B447 1572

Title: La historia del Mondo Nvovo

Author: Benzoni, Girolamo

Date: 1572

  1. Vault Collection – Call Number: 973.1 An44d 1587

Title: De Orbe Novo Petri MartyrisAngleriiMediolanensis, protonotarijCaroliquintiSenatoris decades octo, diligentitemporumobseruatione, & vtilissimisannotationibusillustratæ, suóquenitorirestitutæ, laboreindustriaRichardiHaklvytiOxoniensisAngli. Additusest in vsumlectorisaccuratustotiusoperis index.

Author: Anghiera, Pietro Martire d'

Date: 1587

  1. J. Reuben Clark, Jr. Collection Quarto – Call Number: 980 H434h vol.1

Title: Historia general de las Indiasocidentales, ò, De loshechos de loscastellanosen las islas y tierrafirme del mar oceano

Author: Herrera y Tordesillas, Antonio de

Date: 1728

  1. Rare Book Collection – Call Number: E 14 .A35 1786 vol.1

Title: Diccionariogeográfico-histórico de las IndiasOccidentales ó América: Es á saber, de losreynos del Perú, Nueva España, Tierra Firme, Chile, y Nuevo reyno de Granada, con la descripcion de susprovincias, naciones, ciudades, villas, pueblos, rios, montes, costas, puertos, islas, arzobispados, obispados, audiencias, vireynatos, gobiernos, corregimientos, y fortalezas, frutos y producciones; con expresion de susdescubridores, conquistadores y fundadores: conventos y religiones: ereccion de suscatedrales y obispos que ha habidoenellas: y noticia de lossucesos mas notables de varioslugares: incendios, terremotos, sitios, e invasiones que hanexperimentado: y hombres ilustres que hanproducido

Author: Alcedo, Antonio de

Date: 1786

  1. Vault Collection – Call Number: 382 Sp15 1778

Title: Real cedula de S.M. y señores del Consejo: En que se estiende el comercio-libre de lospuertoshabilitados de España, é Islas de Mallorca y Canarias à Buenos Aires, con internacion à la Provinciasinteriores, y à lospuertostambienhabilitados del Perù, y Chile: se insertanasimismo las dos RealesCedulas, que tratan de la rebaja que S.M. se ha servido conceder enlos derechos del Oro, y el arancel que debenobservarlosEscribanos de Registrosenlospuertos de Indias, en que se permite el comercio-libre entre estos, y aquellosDominios.

Author: Spain. Sovereign

Date: 1778

  1. Vault Collection – Call Number: 973.16 G584h 1554

Title: La historia general de las Indias: Con todoslosdescubrimientos, y cosasnotables que hanacaescidoenellas, dende que se ganaron hasta agora

Author: López de Gómara, Francisco

Date: 1554

  1. Rare Book Collection – Call Number: 973.16 C264r 1698

Title: Relation des voyages et des découvertes que les Espagnolsont fait dans les IndesOccidentales

Author: Casas, Bartolomé de las

Date: 1698

  1. Rare Book Collection – Call Number: 972.02 C264ei 1636

Title: Il svppliceschiauoindiano di Monsig. reverendiss. D. Bartolomeo dalle Case, ò Casaus, siuigliano, dell'Ordine de' Predicatori, & vescouo di Chiapa, città regale dell'Indie: Conforme al suoverooriginalespagnuologiàstampato in Siuiglia

Author: Casas, Bartolomé de las

Date: 1636

  1. Vault Collection – Call Number: 973.1 C26n 1598

Title: Narratioregionvmindicarvm per Hispanos qvosdamdeuastatarumverissima

Author: Casas, Bartolomé de las

Date: 1598

  1. Vault Collection – Call Number: 972.02 G586hi 1566

Title: Dellehistorie dell' Indie: Nella quale particolaramente se trattadellosciprimentodellaprouincia di IncatandettaNuouaSpagna, & dellecosedegne di memoria, fatte da Spagnuolinellaconquistadellagrande, & Prouincieadesse sotto-poste

Author: López de Gómara, Francisco

Date: 1566

  1. Rare Book Collection Quarto – Call Number: 972.02 H433h 1730 vol.1

Title: Historia general de loshechos de loscastellanosen las islas i tierrafirme del mar oceano

Author: Herrera y Tordesillas, Antonio de

Date: 1730

  1. Vault Collection – Call Number: 910.4 G589h 1589

Title: Histoire dv grand royavme de la Chine, situé aux Indesorientales, diuiséeendeux parties: Contenanten la premiere, la situation, antiquité, fertilité, religion, ceremonies, sacrifices, rois, magistrats, moeurs, vs, loix, & autres choses memorablesduditroyaume. Et en la seconde, trois voyages faitsversIceluyenl'an 1577, 1579, & 1581 auec les singularitez plus remarquablesveüesentenduës: ensemble vnItineraire du nouueau monde, & le descouurement du nouueauMexiqueenl'an 1583.

Author: González de Mendoza, Juan

Date: 1589

  1. Americana Collection – Call Number: E 125 .G8 G75x 1942

Title: The discovery of New Spain in 1518

Author: Grijalva, Juan de

Date: 1518

  1. Vault Collection Quarto – Call Number: 910.8 H242n 1705

Title: Navigantiumatqueitinerantium bibliotheca: Or, a compleat collection of voyages and travels: Consisting of above four hundred of the most authentick writers; beginning with Hackluit, Purchass, &c Ramusio in Italian; Thevenot, &c in French; De Bry, and Grynæinovusorbis in Latin; the Dutch East-India Company in Dutch: and continued, with others of note... relating in any part of Asia, Africa, America, Europe of the Islands thereof, to this present time. With the heads of several of our most considerable sea-commanders, and a great number of excellent maps... Also an appendix, of the remarkable accidents at sea... The charters, acts of Parliament, &c. about the East-India trade... All original papers are printed at large; as the Pope's bull, to dispose of the West-Indies to the King of Spain; letters patents for establishing companies of merchants; as the Russia, East-India companies & letters from one great prince or state to another; shewing thier titles. To which is prefixed, a history of the peopling of the several parts of the World, and particularly of America; together with the invention and use of the magnet and its variation, &c. / By John Harris...

Author: Harris, John

Date: 1705

  1. Vault Collection – Call Number: 615.1 M74pe 1596

Title: Ioyfullnewes out of the new-found worlde: Wherein are declared, the rare and singulervertues of diuers herbs, trees, plantes, oyles & stones, with their applications, as well to the vse of phisick, as or chirurgery... Also the portrature of the said hearbs, verie aptly described:

Author: Monardes, Nicolás

Date: 1596

  1. Vault Collection Folio – Call Number: 972.02 K61 1831

Title: Antiquities of Mexico: Comprising fac-similes of Ancient Mexican paintings and hieroglyphics, preserved in the royal libraries of Paris, Berlin and Dresden, in the Imperial Library of Vienna, in the Vatican Library; in the Borgia Museum at Rome; in the library of the Institute at Bologna; and in the Bodleian Library at Oxford. Together with the Monuments of New Spain by M. Dupaix with their respective scales of measurement and accompayingdecriptions

Author: Kingsborough, Edward King Viscount

Date: Varies, but was published 1831

  1. Rare Book Collection Quarto – Call Number: F 1219.56 .R56 1996

Title: Religión, costumbres e historia de losantiguosmexicanos: Libroexplicativo del llamadoCódiceVaticano A, Codex Vatic. Lat. 3738 de la BibliotecaApostólicaVaticana

Date: 1996

  1. Rare Book Collection Quarto – Call Number: F 1219 .C69 1962

Title: Códice Mendocino: Manuscritopictoricoantiguo Mexican que se conserváen la BibliotecaBodleiana de Oxford, Inglaterra.

Date: 1962

  1. Rare Book Collection Quarto – Call Numbers: F 1219.56 .C625 C64 1992

Title: The Codex Mendoza

Date: 1992

  1. Rare Book Collection – Call Number: F 1203 .X1 M6 no.7-8

Title: Bibliografia de sor Juana Ines de la Cruz

Author: Schons, Dorothy

Date: 1925

  1. Vault Collection – Call Number: 861 J87o 1701

Title: Fama, y obrasposthumas, tomotercero, del fenix de México, y dezimamusa, poetisa de la America, Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz, religiosaprofessaen el Convento de San Geronimo, de la imperial ciudad de Mexico

Author: Juana Inés de la Cruz

Date: 1701

  1. Vault Collection – Call Number: 861 J87o 1700

Title: Fama, y obrasposthumas del fenix de Mexico, decimamusa, poetisaamericana, Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz, religiosaprofessaen el convento de San Geronimo de la imperial ciudad de Mexico: Consagralas a la Magestad Catholica de la Reyna NuestraSeñora Doña Mariana de NeoburgBavieraPalatina del Rhin, pormano de la excma. Señora Doña Juana de Aragon yCortès... &c. El doctor Don Juan Ignacio de Castorena y Vrsua...

Author: Juana Inés de la Cruz Sister

Date: 1700

  1. Rare Book Collection – Call Number: 282.72 M574c 1770

Title: ConciliumMexicanumProvinciale III celebratumMexici, anno MDLXXXV Præside D.D. Petro Moya, et Contreras Archiepiscopoejusdemurbis: confirmatumRomæ die XXVII. Octobris, anno MDLXXXIX. PosteajussuregioeditumMexici anno MDCXXII

Author: Catholic Church. Province of Mexico City (Mexico). Concilio Provincial 1585)

Date: 1770

  1. Rare Book Collection – Call Number: 282.72 C286c 1769

Title: Conciliosprovinciales primero, y segundo, celebradosen la muy noble, y muyleal ciudad de México: Presidiendo el illmo. y rmo. Señor d. fr. Alonso de Montúfar, enlosaños de 1555, y 1565. Dalos a luz el ill. mo. s.r d. Francisco Antonio Lorenzana, Arzobispo de esta Santa MetropolitanaIglesia.

Author: Catholic Church. Province of Mexico City (Mexico). Concilio Provincial (1555)

Date: 1769

  1. Rare Book Collection – Call Number: 972 C57 1787; Also found in the J. Reuben Clark Jr. Collection – Call Numbers: 972 C57 1787 vol. 1 – vol. 2

Title: The history of Mexico: Collected from Spanish and Mexican historians, from manuscripts, and ancient paintings of the Indians. Illustrated by charts, and other copper plates. To which are added, critical dissertations on the land, the animals, and inhabitants of Mexico

Author: Clavigero, Francesco Saverio

Date: 1787

  1. Vault Collection – Call Number: 972.02 M573i 1786

Title: Instruccionformadaenvirtud de real orden de S.M., que se dirige al señorcomandante general de ProvinciasInternas don JacoboUgarte y Loyola para gobierno y puntualobservancia de este superior gefe y de susimmediatossubalternos.

Author: New Spain. Viceroy (1785-1786: Bernardo de Gálvez)

Date: 1786

  1. Rare Book Collection Quarto – Call Number: 282.724 P962c 1770

Title: Coleccion de providenciasdiocensanas del obispado de la Puebla de Los Angeles

Hechas y ordenadas

Author: Fabian y Fuero, Francisco

Date: 1770

  1. Vault Collection – Call Number: 917.2 C368v 1778

Title: A voyage to California, to observe the transit of Venus

Author: Chapped'Auterocheabbé

Date: 1778

  1. Vault Collection – Call Number: 271.3 F847 1511

Title: MonumentaOrdinisMinorum.

Author: Franciscans.

Date: 1511

  1. Rare Book Collection – Call Number: 917.2 G121e 1699

Title: A new survey of the West-Indies: Being a journal of three thousand and three hundred miles within the main land of America

Author: Gage, Thomas

Date: 1699

  1. Vault Collection – Call Number: 917.2 G121e 1655

Title: A new survey of the West-Indias, or, The English American, his travail by sea and land: Containing a journal of three thousand and three hundred miles within the main land of America: wherein is set forth his voyage from Spain to St. John de Ulhua, and from thence to Zalappa, to Tlazcalla, the City of Angels, and forward to Mexico... also, a new and exact discovery of the Spanish navigation to those parts, and of their dominions, government, religion, forts... behavior of Spaniards, priests and friars...: with a grammar, or some few rudiments of the Indian tongue, called Poconchi, or Pocoman

Author: Gage, Thomas

Date: 1655

  1. Rare Book Collection – Call Number: 282.021 N922c 1690

Title: Comvlgadorpenitente de la Purissima.: Explication doctrinal, ascetica de suRegla 18. que es de la Confession, y Communion: con vna introduction apologetica de suproporcionJesuita: y solucion de susprincipalesojepciones, añadida, enestatercera impression. Recogidaensumacorregida, y revistapor el mismo P. Prefecto de la Purissima, entodassusMeditaciones, Oraciones, y d[--]ciones al proposito. Dala a la Estapadicho P. Prefecto de la Purissima. Y lo dedica al Illustrissimo, y reverendissimoSeñor D.D. Manvel Fernandez de Santa Crvz, Colegial que sue en el mayor de cuenca de Salamanca, y CanonigoMagistral de la Santa Iglesia de Segobia, Consagradodespuesen la prelacia de 4. Iglesias I. de la Chiapa, despues de Guadalaxara, y actual Obispo de la Puebla de los Angeles hauiendosidoElecto, Arcobispo de Mexico del Consejo de suMagestad.

Author: Núñez de Miranda, Antonio

Date: 1690

  1. Aldine Collection Quarto – Call Number: 1547 no.9

Title: Isolario di Benedetto Bordonenelqualsiragiona di tuttel'isole del mondo

Con li lornomiantichimoderni, historie, fauole, & modi del loroviuere, & inqual parte del mare stanno, & inqualparalleloclimagiaciono.

Author: Bordon, Benedetto

Date: 1547

  1. Vault Collection – Call Number: 910.4 Eg21h 1577

Title: The History of Trauayle in the VVest and East Indies, and other countreys lying eyther way, towardes the fruitfull and rycheMoluccaes...

Author: Eden, Richard

Date: 1577

  1. Vault Collection – Call Number: 972.01 L55 1792

Title: Descripciónhistórica y cronológica de las dos piedras

Que con ocasión del nuevoempedrado que se estáformandoen la plaza principal de México, se hallaronenellaaño de 1790. Explícase el sistema de loscalendarios de losIndios, e método que tenian de dividir el tiempo, y la correccion que hacian de él para iqualar el año civil, de que usaban, don el año solar trópico. Noticiamuynecesaria para la perfecta inteligencia de la segundapiedra: á que se añadenotrascuriosas é instructivassobre la mitología de losMexicanos, sobresuastronomía, y sobrelosritos y ceremonias que acostumbrabanentiempo de sugentilidad

Author: León y Gama, Antonio de

Date: 1792

  1. Rare Book Collection – Call Number: PM 4068.1 .R5 1758

Title: Catecismomexicano: Que contienetoda la doctrinachristiana...

Author: Ripalda, Gerónimo de

Date: 1758

  1. Vault Collection – Call Number: 282.01 P214p 1759

Title: Promptuario manual mexicano: Que à la verdadpodràserutilissimo à losparrochos para la enseñanza; à losnecessitadosIndios para suinstruccion: y à los que aprenden la lengua para la expedicion.

Author: Paredes, Ignacio de

Date: 1759

  1. Vault Collection – Call Number: 282.07 C286p 1723

Title: Cathecismo Romano: Traducidoen Castellano y Mexicano,

Author: Catholic Church.

Date: 1723

  1. Rare Book Collection – Call Number: 972.01 B659i 1746

Title: Idea de unanuevahistoria general de la America Septentrional: Fundadasobre material copioso de figuras, symbolos, caratères, y geroglificos, cantares, y manuscritos de autoresindios, ultimamentedescubiertos

Author: BoturiniBenaducci, Lorenzo

Date: 1746

  1. Americana Collection – Call Number: F 1219 .C623

Title: The history of Mexico: Collected from Spanish and Mexican historians, from manuscripts, and ancient paintings of the Indians, together with the conquest of Mexico by the Spaniards, illustrated by engravings, with critical dissertations on the land, animals, and inhabitants of Mexico

Author: Clavigero, Francesco Saverio

Date: 1817

  1. Rare Book Collection – Call Number: F 1219.1 .T4 B7 1826

Title: Tezcocoenlosultimostiempos de susantiguosreyes,:Ó sea Relaciontomada de losmanuscritosineditos

Author: BoturiniBenaducci, Lorenzo

Date: 1826

  1. Americana Collection – Call Number: F 1219 .M92 1941

Title: Historia de losindios de la Nueva España

Author: Motolinía, Toribio

Date: 1941

  1. Rare Book Collection Quarto – Call Number: F 1219 .C652

Title: Tira de la Peregrinaciónazteca: PictografíaprecolombinaMexicana

Date: 194?

  1. Rare Book Collection – Call Number: F 1219 .I95 1891

Title: Obrashistóricas de don Fernando de Alva Ixtlilxochitl

Author: Alva Ixtlilxóchitl, Fernando de

Date: 1891

  1. Rare Book Collection – Call Number: F 1219 .C624 vol.1 – vol.2

Title: Historiaantigua de Megico: Sacada de losmejoreshistoriadoresespãnoles, y de losmanuscritos, y de las pinturasantiguas de losindios: divididaendiezlibros: adornada con mapas y estampas, e ilustrada con disertacionessobre la tierra, losanimales, y loshabitantes de megico

Author: Clavigero, Francesco Saverio

Date: 1826


  1. Microformat – Call Number: Z 1201 .S32 Unit 167 13263-13265

Title: A geographical and historical description of the principal objects of the present war in the West-Indies: Viz. Cartagena, Puerto Bello, La Vera Cruz, The Havana, and San Agustin: shewing their situation, strength, trade, &c.: with an account of the many sieges they have undergone to the present time...: to which is prefix'd an accurate map of the West-Indies adapted to the work.

Date: 1741

  1. Microformat – Call Number: Z 1201 .S32 Unit 174 15433-15462

Title: The general history of the vast continent and islands of America, commonly call'd, the West-Indies: From the first discovery thereof, with the best accounts the people could give of their antiquities: collected from the original relations sent to the kings of Spain

Author: Herrera y Tordesillas, Antonio de

Date: 1725

  1. Microformat – Call Number: 080 Sh64 EVANS 38142

Title: Observations on the commerce of Spain with her colonies, in time of war.

Date: 1800

  1. Microformat – Call Number: 080 Sh64 EVANS 25348

Title: The history of South America.: Containing the discoveries of Columbus, the conquest of Mexico and Peru, and the other transactions of the Spaniards in the New World.

Author: Johnson, R.

Date: 1793

  1. Microformat – Call Number: 080 Sh64 EVANS 8136

Title: The traveller. Part I.: Containing' a journal of three thousand three hundred miles, through the main land of South-America.

Author: Gage, Thomas

Date: 1758

  1. Microformat – Call Number: Z 1201 .S32 unit 229 34974-34978

Title: A history of the voyages and travels of Capt. Nathaniel Uring: With new draughts of the bay of Honduras and the Caribbee islands: and particularly of St. Lucia, and the harbour of Petite Carenage, into which ships may run in bad wheather, and be safe from all winds and storms: very useful for masters of ships that use the Leeward Island Trade, or Jamaica.

Author: Uring, Nathaniel

Date: 1726

  1. Microformat – Call Number: G 420 .R69 C8 1712

Title: A voyage to the South Sea, and round the world: Perform'd in the years 1708, 1709, 1710, and 1711: containing a journal of all memorable transactions during the said voyage... the taking of the towns of Puna and Guayaquil, and several prizes... a description of the American coasts, from Tierra del Fuego in the south, to California in the north... an historical account of all those countries from the best authors... wherein an account is given of Mr. Alexander Selkirk... during the four years and four months he liv'd upon the uninhabited island of Juan Fernandes

Author: Cooke, Edward Captain

Date: 1712

  1. Microformat – Call Number: Z 1201 .S32 Unit 184 19022

Title: Popery and slavery display'd: Containing the character of popery, and a relation of popish cruelties... to which are added, the demands of the pope and pretender, on this nation...

Author: Harris, Thomas

Date: 1745