RETURN by 5pm on 15th January, 2018 to:


Proof of postage cannot be accepted as proof of delivery. It is the responsibility of the parent to ensure we receive this application form. If you wish an acknowledgement of your form please enclose an SAE

FIRST NAMES / If you are moving house, please give your new address and your moving date. You will also need to provide proof of this new address.
Is the child in public care or fostered under an arrangement made by the local authority? / Y/N / If ‘Yes’, please give the name and phone number of the social worker below:

Please ensure these details are correct and that you are using your child’s current, permanent home address. If you are moving house and your child’s permanent home address changes, you must contact us at the time of your move and be able to provide proof of this new address in the form of an exchange of contract/completion letter or long-term tenancy agreement.

Please be aware that if you move house after the closing date (15th January 2018) and/or we receive proof of your new address after this closing date, we will not be able to update your child’s address for allocation purposes and your child’s school allocation will be based on the address given above.

Preferred Junior School

You canlist up to fivejunior schools below in preference order for your child. You must name all your junior school preferences onlyon this form even if you are requesting a school in another Local Authority. If you wish to be considered for a primary school place please contact the primary school directly.

If you live outside Gloucestershire and wish to apply for a school in this county, please contact your home Local Authority.

Section 2 / Name of junior school / Reason for preference
1st preference
2nd preference
3rd preference
4th preference
5th preference

If you are only considering a place for your child to attend a private or independent school, please tick the box and also name the school here…………………………………………………………………………………

It is your responsibility to contact any private or independent school to arrange admission.

Section 3 Details of Any Older Children You May Have

If you would like your child, named in Section 1 above, to be considered for the same school as an older brother or sister you must complete the details overleaf.Please see Admission to Primary School and Infant/Junior School Transfer booklet for sibling definition.Sibling link does not guarantee a school place.

Brother or Sister
(full name) / Name of School / Sibling’s Date of Birth / Year Group Now
Address of brother or sister

Additional Information

Does your child have a Statement of Special Educational Needs/ECH Plan YesNo

Does your child have a medical, physical or psychological reason YesNo

why it is essential that they attend one of your preferred schools?

(Please refer to the Infant, Primary & Junior SchoolsInformation booklet –

if the school has a medical category within the criteria please contact the school directly)

Have you selected any of these schools on the basis of faith? YesNo

If you answer ‘yes’ you may need to provide additional information

to the school to clarify your faith or your child’s faith.

Please contact the school directly and state which faith here…………………………………………...


You should read the School/Academy Admissions Guidance Booklet and Information Booklet before submitting your application formwhich is available online at

Late applications will not be considered until after notification day of the 16th April 2018. Therefore it is essential you return your form or apply on-line before the closing date of 15thJanuary, 2018.

Please ensure the details are correct and it is your child’s permanent home address,NOT the address of a business, a relative, a friend, a childminder, a temporary address or an address to which you hope to move.

Full information on transport policy for primary aged children can be found on line in the School Admissions Guidance Booklet.

If you have any questions please contact CO-ORDINATED ADMISSIONS

01452 425407 

I certify that the above information is correct and that I do have parental responsibility for the child I am applying for. I have read, and understand, the information contained in the Admission to Primary School and Infant/Junior School Transfer booklet which is on thewebsite and know that giving false information will mean the withdrawal of the offer of a school place and possible prosecution under the Perjury Act.
Data Protection Act 1998. In accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 we must inform you that by signing these forms you are giving your consent for Gloucestershire School Admissions to process the information detailed in this form and share the information for the purpose of school admissions. This information may be shared not only with other areas within Gloucestershire County Council such as social care, but also with other relevant professionals/bodies such as schools, the Department for Education and the NHS. This sharing will be done only where it is necessary to provide you with a school place or where we are legally obliged to do so and is strictly in accordance with the Data Protection Act.
Parent/Carer’s Full Name Mr/Mrs/Miss/other ……………………………………………......
Relationship to Child … ……………………………......
Contact Telephone Number...... Email Address......
SIGNATURE: ______Date:____/___/______