Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering (8/20/15)


These are requests for transactions after the posted deadline. Approvals are required(contact your academic advisor). Use a printed Enrollment Request form: Prior to posted deadlines, no approvals are needed.

View Deadlines:In Class Search click on the dates of the class to see the Last day to enroll, Drop deadline, and Course Withdrawal deadline.

Request Initial Registration
(after the deadline) / Request to Adda Course
(after the deadline) / Request to Drop a Course(after the deadline) / Request Course Withdrawal**
(after the deadline)
Student’s major is offered through the Fulton Schools of Engineering / Add or Swap aFulton Schools Course: / Drop a Fulton SchoolsCourse: / Withdrawal from a Fulton Course:
1) Complete an Enrollment Request form.
2) Outline extenuating circumstances of why you were unable to meet the deadline (this can be written on the back of the form).
3) Obtain permission and/or a statement from each instructor confirming your attendance and listing any missed work you are required to complete (this can be provided via email or written on the back of the form).
  • Instructor (for all courses; Fulton Schools & non-Fulton Schools)
  • School Academic Lead and/or student’s academicadvisor
  • Academic & Student Affairs (BYENG 605AA)
If your major is not offered through the Fulton Schools, obtain authorized signature of College/Academic Unit of student’s major( / 1) Complete an Enrollment Request form.
2) Outline extenuating circumstances of why you were unable to meet the deadline (this can be written on the back of the form).
3) Obtain permission and/or a statement from each instructor confirming your attendance and listing any missed work you are required to complete (this can be provided via email or written on the back of the form).
  • Instructor
  • School Academic Lead and/or student’s academic advisor
  • Academic & Student Affairs - Fulton Schools of Engineering (BYENG 605AA)
NOTE: RA/TAs with a hire date after fall/spring semester has started can add ‘filler hours’ to reach the required 12 hrs. RA/TAs that choose to withdraw from courses during the semester will not be allowed to late add ‘filler hours’ to regain the 12 hr enrollment. / Late drops are not considered*see pg.2“Drop a Fulton Schools of Engineering Course after the posted deadline”.
Drop a Non-Fulton Schools Course: Need authorized signature of College/Academic Unit offering course. / Late course withdrawals are not considered. *see pg.2“Drop a Fulton Schools of Engineering Course after the posted deadline”.
Withdrawal from a non-Fulton Schools Course: Need authorized signature of College/Academic Unit offering course.

*Drop aFulton Schools of EngineeringCourse after the posted deadline

Drop a Fulton Schools of Engineering Course, or withdrawal from a Fulton Schools of Engineering course

The Fulton Schools of Engineering office of Academic & Student Affairs may approve a drop for a Fulton Schools course due to extenuating/extraordinarycircumstances beyond the student’s control. Student must outline extenuating circumstances on the back of the Enrollment Requestform. A written statement of support from the instructor of the courseand the program offering the course must also be provided with the form. Outline the facts, the circumstances, the details of the situation, and include any supporting documentation as needed.

SWAP: Drop and Add a different section of the sameFulton Schools of Engineering Course

The ‘Classes to be Dropped/Swapped’section of the Enrollment Request form must be completed.Depending upon the situation, these requests may be permitted provided that the instructor of the new section authorizes the swap and that seats are available in the section to be added. Need Instructor signature to SWAP and Instructor must write note on back of form confirming student’s attendance, and listing any missed work the student is required to complete. Final review and approval needed from the Fulton Schools of Engineering office of Academic & Student Affairs (BYENG 605AA).

SWAP: Drop and Add different hours of the same Fulton Schools of Engineering Course (variable hour courses like Thesis/Research)

The ‘Classes to be Dropped/Swapped’ section of the Enrollment Request form must be completed. Depending upon the situation, these requests may be permitted provided the student’s program supports the late request. Need Instructor (or instructor designee)signature to SWAP and student’s program office must write note on back of form detailing why a change in hours is necessary. Final review and approval needed from the Fulton Schools of Engineering office of Academic & Student Affairs (BYENG 605AA).

EXAMPLE: Student is enrolled in 9 hrs of Research and wants 12 hrs of Research. Must SWAP the original 9hrsof Research and with 12 hrs of Research.

Drop a Non-Fulton Schools of Engineering Course

Student will need to follow the policy of the College/Schooloffering the course. Authorized signature of College/Academic Unit offering course is required. Refer student to the College/School offering the course.

**Course Withdrawal

A withdrawal will result in a “W” on the transcript. Student may not be entitled to any refund (see Refund Schedule, A course withdrawal may affect an international student’s full-time status. International students should consult with the International Students and Scholars Center ( before considering a course withdrawal.


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