horsescotland are introducing a development squad this is aimed a riders who have potential but fall just below the current Performance Squad criteria. The performance squad criteria can be found on the horsescotland website the performance tab. The applications must be endorsed by the discipline or they will not be accepted for consideration for the squad. Successful candidates from Stage one of the application process will be invited to a selection trial in November where candidates will have a ridden assessment and interview. Successful candidates will then be invited to centralise training organised by horsescotland with UKCC level three coaches approx. four times a year.


This form is intended to enable you to provide information about yourself to assist in the initial assessment of your suitability for thehorsescotland Development Squad. This application will only be accepted if it is endorsed by the Chair or Development Officer for the Olympic disciplines.

If you are completing the form electronically, please remember to save it as your own document.

Any incomplete application forms will not be accepted - you may wish to ask your trainer to help you complete this form.

For Office use only
Personal details
Discipline that you are applying for:
Membership Number:
HorsescotlandRegistration Number
Surname: / First name(s):
Post Code:
Date of Birth: / Age: / Home telephone no:
Email address: / Mobile telephone no:
Local Authority/
Council Area / Work telephone no:
Please state your three main goals for each of the sections below. (Please note that we may check up to see if you have attained these goals in future applications so ensure that they are well thought out and realistic).
Year / Goal
2014 / Training
2015 / Training
2016 / Training
Did you achieve your goals set for 2013/14?
Where are you and your horses currently based?
Whatmakes you a good candidate for the horsescotlandDevelopmentsquad 2015/16?
What off the horse training do you currently do?
Do you do any coaching - (if yes, can you confirm your qualification and you have the relevant insurance etc)
Any other relevant Information -
Please give details of two referees who are willing to give you a riding reference if contacted. It is preferable at least ONE is an Accredited/ Registered / ListedCoach
Personal Trainer Referee / Accredited Trainer
Name: / Name:
Position: / Position:
Address: / Address:
Telephone no: / Telephone no:
If you are under the age of 18 please get a parent or guardian to sign for you.
I confirm that the information given by me on this form is correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand that if any information is later discovered to be incorrect this may result in the termination of any agreement made between the horsescotland and myself.
Signed: / Date:

Please return your completed application form along with a print out of yourresultsto:

Fiona Rawson, horsescotland Office, Titwood Farm, Kilmaurs, Ayrshire KA3 2PNby the26th September 2014

I confirm that I (insert name)………………………………….. endorse this application for (insert discipline) ……………………………………………………………………
