The U.S. Census Bureau produces estimates of total resident population for each state on an annual basis. The following table outlines it.

StateBirthsDeaths(birth-death) international internaltotal

migration migrationmigration


Alabama6226745798164695849 -43421507

Alaska10429314272871514 13002814

Arizona84876422534262339843 66511106354

Arkansas375532830492495339 8246163

California529610234012295598326917 -108595218322

Colorado66380291753720526118 1160837726

Connecticut42854308331202116074 -140914665

Delaware10958731536432565 46607225

District of Columbia8263577324904517 -10059-5542

Florida21012217058039542122484 176531299015

Georgia138575660517252444606 3602380629

Hawaii189427620113226513 3176830

Idaho2029810051102473462 664010102

Illinois1866191080847853574769 -73821948

Indiana85356565752878112520 -86723848

Iowa370802858784937085 -10431-3346

Kansas3865225528131249200 -8656544

Kentucky5431840632136866434 423710671

Louisiana6856142624259374665 -18004-13339

Maine13503128316721001 84299430

Maryland76420451143130624621 1626340884

Massachusetts81408584622294632244 -280744170

Michigan134882887534612925678 -26728-1050

Minnesota62768376882508016270 -63489922

Mississippi4464028621160192576 -6648-4072

Missouri75731560991963210413 524615659

Montana1094785232424448 12201668

Nebraska246711559290795483 -5287196

Nevada31496159501554616352 4300559357

New Hampshire144061008243242298 917011468

New Jersey115529753664016362813 -2375939054

New Mexico2719214482127106516 487711393

New York25900616133497672146392 -170828 -24436

North Carolina120942720194892337524 2809865622

North Dakota766761761491821 -4790-3969

Ohio1591921115504764216358 -31303-14945

Oklahoma4910934066150438835 6649499

Oregon45174310471412716449 1770434153

Pennsylvania1441471297371441022501 -322319278

Rhode Island12197987723203935 40307965

South Carolina5786637347205198231 1668324914

South Dakota1056771863381928 -1594-666

Tennessee79576575442203211643 1457926222

Texas349206143899205307161325 41174202499

Utah47163130073415611689 -83773312

Vermont62315389842962 18612823

Virginia101282568244445832551 1858151132

Washington79610458543375630173 1171441887

West Virginia1831420068-1754718 20822800

Wisconsin69052482382081410592 435814950

Wyoming603541751860520 25593079

Descriptive statistics using MINITAB software

Variable n Mean Median TrMean StDev SE Mean

Births 51 79366 54318 64220 93998 13162

Deaths 51 47958 34066 41493 48872 6843

total migration 51 28418 9430 17383 59526 8335

Variable Minimum Maximum Q1 Q3

Births 6035 529610 18942 85356

Deaths 3142 234012 12831 57544

total migration -24436 299015 1507 34153

Comparative Boxplot using the MINITAB software.

Answer the following 8 questions using the information above.

  1. Which of the following can be concluded about the skewness of the datasets?

(a)All three boxplots show negatively skewed data

(b)Some boxplots show negatively skewed and the others positively skewed data

(c)Some boxplots show skewed and the others symmetric data

(d)All three boxplots show positively skewed data

(e)All three boxplots show symmetric data

  1. Which of the data sets have the highest variability?



(c)Total migration

  1. Which of the following is the IQR for the Deaths data set?






  1. What is the percentage of the states with more deaths than the births?






  1. Which of the data sets have the lowest median?



(c)Total migration

  1. Which of the following is the numeric measure (coefficient) of the skewness for the births data?






  1. Which of the following is the largest 25% of the births data?






  1. Which of the following is the smallest 25% of the births data?






  1. A sample of 50 widgets is taken one at a time directly from production. Each item is classified as defective or satisfactory. How many outcomes are possible in the sample space?





  1. A sample of 50 widgets is taken one at a time directly from production. Each item is classified as defective or satisfactory. How many involve exactly 2 defectives?





Enterprises has a central computer connected to district offices in telecommunications network. At any moment there is a 20% chance that all teleports are busy and incoming messages must be places on hold. Any particular office sends messages infrequently, so that the teleports at successive inquiries have independent status. Suppose three inquiries are received. Answer the following 3 questions using this information.

  1. What is the probability that the all three encounter a busy computer system?






  1. What is the probability that at least one of the three encounter a busy computer system?






  1. What is the probability that the first message is connected directly and the two after encounter a busy signal?






A die is to be rolled twice and we are to observe the numbers that falls face up. Let A be the event of observing the same number, B be the event of observing different numbers, C be the event of observing the total 4. Answer the following 3 questions using the information here.

  1. Which of the following is the best answer if you are researching the mutually exclusive events?

(a)A, B and C are not mutually exclusive

(b)Only A and B are mutually exclusive

(c)Only A and C are mutually exclusive

(d)Only B and C are mutually exclusive

  1. Which of the following is the best answer if you are researching the independent events?

(a)None of them are pairwise independent

(b)A and B are pairwise independent

(c)A and C are pairwise independent

(d)B and C are pairwise independent

(e)A, B and C are mutually independent

  1. Which of the following is P(C|B)?






The following table shows the number of panelists in each category of consumer test group.

Family Income

Occupation / Low / Medium / High / Total
Homemaker / 8 / 26 / 6 / 40
Blue-collar worker / 16 / 40 / 14 / 70
White-collar worker / 6 / 62 / 12 / 80
Professional / 0 / 2 / 8 / 10
Total / 30 / 130 / 40 / 200

One person is selected at random, Answer the following 3 questions using this information.

  1. Find the probability that the selected person is a professional?






  1. Find the probability that the selected person is a professional with a medium income?






  1. If the selected person is a professional, find the probability of the selected person having the medium income?






  1. The following mixed system is established with five units. Each unit has the same failure probability of 0.02.


|------| 2 |------|

| ____ |

___|------| 3 |------| _____

------| 1 |-----| ____ |------| 5 |-----

|------| 4 |------|

Which of the following is the system reliability (success probability for the system)?






An accountant randomly select accounts and check balances. Let X be the number of selected accounts having incorrect balances. The following is the probability mass functions for X.



Answer the following 5 questions using this information.

  1. What is the probability that the selected number of accounts having incorrect balances is at least 2?






  1. What is the expected number of selected accounts having incorrect balances? (Hint:E(X))






  1. What is the variance for the number of selected accounts having incorrect balances? (Hint:Var(X))






  1. The decision maker defines a new random variable, Y=X+2. What is the E(Y)?

(a)Same as E(X)





  1. The decision maker defines a new random variable, Y=X+2. What is the Var(Y)?

(a)Same as Var(X)





Some of the formulas that you may need

Relative Frequency = Frequency / sample size. Density = Relative Frequency / class width

The Range: R = the largest data - the smallest data The Interquartile range: IQR = Q3 - Q1

Coefficient of variation: CV=100()Coefficient of Skewness: SK=

The sample mean of X's: . The sample variance of X's:

The sample standard deviation of X's:

Mutually exclusive or Disjoint: Two events, A and B have no outcomes in common.

Conditional Probability: For any two events A and B with P(B)>0, the conditional probability of A given B has occurred is defined by P(A | B ) = P(AB) / P(B).

Independence: Two events A and B are independent if P(AB) = P(A)P(B)

For any two events A and B, P(AB) = P(A) + P(B) - P(AB).

For any three events, P(ABC)=P(A) + P(B) + P(C) - P(AB) - P(AC)- P(BC) +P(ABC).

For any three events, P(AB)=P(ABC)+ P(ABC’).

Predicting the Reliability of Systems with n components:

Ri(t): The reliability of individual component = P(component i survives beyond time t)

Rs(t): The reliability of the system = P(system works)

Series SystemRs(t)=R1(t)R2(t)…….Rn(t)

Parallel System Rs(t) = 1 - [1-R1(t)][1-R2(t)]……[1-Rn(t)]

Number of ways of randomly selecting k from n:

Discrete probability distribution, p(x) is legitimate if

  • 0  p(x)=P(X=x)  1 for all x where X is a discrete random variable (r.v).

Cumulative Distribution Function, (CDF) for discrete X:

where a and b are

The expected value of a discrete variable, X :

The expected value of a function of discrete variables, h(x) :

If h(x)=aX+b then E(h(X))=aE(X)+b where a and b are constants

The variance of a discrete variable, X:2 = Var(X) = where

If h(x)=aX+b then Var(h(X))=a2Var(X) where a and b are constants

The standard deviation of numerical variable, X:  =