Mass Schedule/Intentions April 9-15. 2012
TU Apr. 10 7:30 a.m. (SCB) Harry Johnson+
WE Apr. 11 8:30 a.m. (SL) Margaret Krienert+
TH Apr. 12 7:30a.m. (SCB)Robert Cerny+
FR Apr. 13 7:30 a.m. (SCB) Frances Butler+
SA Apr. 14 5:30 p.m. (SCB) Ray & Leona Orth+
SU Apr. 15 8:30 a.m. (SCB) Frank & Wilma Dlouhy+
10:15 a.m. (SL) Dale Allen Becker+
SCB = St. Charles Borromeo; SL = St. Leo
Ministry Schedule, St. Charles Borromeo
Saturday, April 14Sunday, April 15, 2012
Servers: Jake WietfeldJohn Emanuel
Tanner WietfeldPeter Emanuel
Lector:Clarissa HallFrancis Emanuel
EMHC:Amy BaumertTom Foltz, Kathy Zelazny
Ministry Schedule, St. Leo, April 15, 2012
Servers: Karly Niewohner and Katie Svehla
Lector: Connie Kreikemeier
EMHC:Bernardine Ruskamp
“Then the other disciple also went in ... and he saw and believed.” —John 20:8
Easter, April 8
The tomb is empty! Jesus Christ has risen today! Our Savior is active, alive, and transforming us and our communities of faith, even the world, at this very moment. Easter is a time of joy, a time of celebration. To have faith in the risen Lord is also to believe that we are disciples who bear witness to Christ in a broken and troubled world. To be good stewards of this faith obliges us to be living witnesses to Christ’s peace at home and in public. Jesus cannot be found buried. He is risen. Alleluia!
"Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his mercy endures forever.” - PSALM 118:1 On this day we thank God for His Son, Jesus, who died and arose for us. We celebrate and sing “Alleluia.” But how do we show our gratitude all year to the Lord who spread out His arms on the cross to save us and show us the way to salvation?
Do I need one? How does it work? I have heard it is hard?
The Church teaches that every valid marriage between baptized persons is a sacrament and is considered a permanently binding union until the death of one of the spouses. An Annulment is a process in which a marriage is proven to be canonically invalid. When an annulment is granted, a person is free to remarry in the Catholic Church. There are many questions and misunderstandings regarding the annulment process. Maybe you have decided you want to start the annulment process. If you are interested in having your annulment questions answered, please call the rectory.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY THIS WEEK TO the following members of St. Charles parish family: Apr. 8 – Carol Nenemann; April 9 –Dave Stearns, Ken Streff, Callie Winkelman; April 10 – Melissa Nordboe; April 11 – Jack Kloke; April 12 – Diane Anderson; April 13 – Burkett Peters, Deborah Willcox, Zachary Pospisil; April 14 – Mary Lou Satorie, Ted Wieser.
St. Leo Adult Children
Given March 25$ 302.00$ 12.85
Given April 1$ 1,103.00$ 12.00
Total for ’11-’12 fiscal to date excluding Christmas
(as of April 1) $ 15,375.25 $ 478.58
St. Charles Borromeo Adult Children
Given for April 1 $ 2,172.25$ 77.50
Catholic Relief $25 TOTAL $ 748.00
*Total for ‘11-‘12 fiscal to date excluding Christmas
(as of April 1) $62,609.85* $ 807.54
2011 Archbishop’s Annual Appeal
Goal for St. Charles Borromeo – $4,235.11
49 gifts to date – 257.5% of goal $10,906.00
Goal for St. Leo – $1,268.91
19 gifts to date – 252.1% of goal$ 3,199.00
Choose Life
The delicate buds of spring, bursting with new life, have appeared early this year on trees and flowers. Easter brings another, even more precious form of new life. As we value and protect these types of new life, let us act with the same reverence and awe toward the miracle in the gift of each new human life.
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Dear Friend in Christ,
"Christians, to the Paschal Victim offer your thankful praises.”These are the opening words of an ancient hymn sung at the Easter liturgy.We should all respond to this invitation to approach our risen Savior these days with joyful praise and profound thanks for His paschal sacrifice.Through the power of his death and resurrection we are offered the forgiveness of sins and the hope of eternal life.Now no longer slaves to sin, grace makes us free to move from the darkness of death to the light of life.With joyful hearts, we live in the Lord's Easter gift of peace.
I pray at this great feast that you will know this gift of peace in Jesus Christ in your hearts and in your homes. The Lord is risen.He is risen indeed.
God bless you,
Archbishop George J. Lucas
Archbishop of Omaha
Welcome John Reynolds and Rich Mehaffey who will be received into the Catholic Church with Profession of Faith and Confirmation at the Easter Vigil.
Knights of Columbus’ monthly paper drive POSTPONED to April 1!
It’s here! St. Anne’s Altar Society’s Spring Salad Supper, Easter Monday, April 9 at 6;30 p.m. For tickets call Georgia Vyhlidal (652-3278) or Betty Marxsen (652-8498). The Center will be open all day to drop off food by 5 p.m. If asked to donate money, don’t forget to drop your envelope in the collection basket marked “Salad Supper” and your name.
Annual Spring Church Cleaning will be done on Tuesday–Thursday, April 10-12 at St. Charles. Ladies in the last half of the alphabet…!
St. Charles Parish Pastoral Council meets Tuesday, April 10 at 7:30 p.m. in the Parish Center.
Wednesday Religious Education…
╬ At St. Charles: PRE Grades K-6 meets from 3:45-5:00 p.m.
╬ At St. Leo PRE grades K-8 meets from 6:00-7:00 p.m.
╬ At St. Charles, PRE Grades 7-12meets 6-7:45 p.m.
St. Anne’s Altar Society meets Thursday, April 12 at 2 p.m. at the Parish Center. (NOTE: change in time).
Congratulations to Matthew Perkins and Julie Reiff who will enter into the Sacrament of Christian Marriage at 2 p.m. on Saturday, April 14 at St Charles.
Confessions at St. Charles, Saturday, 5:00-5:20 p.m.
(Confessions are always available by appointment. call rectory!
“Prom” Mass at 5:30 p.m. on Saturday, April 14 at St. Charles
KC Special Olympics Breakfast at St. Charles, Saturday and Sunday,
6:00-7:15 p.m. Saturday, April 14 and 8:30-11:30 .m. Sunday, Apr 15
$5/person; French toast, eggs, sausage, toast, juice/coffee
First Communion at St. Leo, Divine Mercy Sunday, April 15, 10:15 a.m.
Outside the parishes…
National Musician / Speaker for Youth coming to Fremont! Michael James Mette will put on a rockin’ concert with a message for Middle School and High School youth. Join area teens at this high energy event on April 15th from 5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. at St. Pat’s Auditorium – corner of 4th & Union. Free Will Offering will be taken at the door and Sloppy Joe meal after the concert for $3 per person to support St. Patrick’s Life Teen program and give an opportunity for the youth to meet peers from other parishes. For more information, email . Music videos, photos, and profile available at .
5th Annual Cinco de Mayo Walk/Run, Sunday, May 6, a fund raiser for Archdiocesan mission ministry “Ixim: Spirit of Solidarity.“Ixim organizes mission trips to Guatemala to foster mutually enriching Christian relationships between Nebraskans and Guatemalans.
Walk/Run is a family event:
► a 400 meter run for kids 8 and under starting @ 8:20
►a 1 mile for kids 13 and under starting @ 8:30
►a 5K Walk/Run for all ages starting @ 9:00
Breakfast burritos and juice served after completing the course.See the Omaha Cinco de Mayo website cincodemayoomaha.comfor complete details and entry forms. For details about ixim go to
“Care and Compassion” – a Bereavement Support Group, Mondays beginning April 9 at 7 PMat St. Francis Memorial Hospital, West Point
Sr. Marcia Baumert, Chaplain, facilitating
Call Sr. Marcia or Chaplain Vince at 372-2404, ext. 2108. No charge!
Made for Love: Discernment Retreat for young single women, age 17-35, desiring to grow in her capacity to discern God's activity in her heart and discover the beautiful vocation dwelling within. Friday to Sunday, April 13, 7:30 pm-April 15, 2 pm.Experience Silence, Mass, Confession, Fellowship, Conferences, Spiritual Direction with Retreat Directors: Father ScottTraynor and the Apostolic Oblates. Registration due April 9. Space is limited. Cost is $100. Scholarships available. To register, contact Joan Patten, AO at or 402-706-3679 with your name, email, address, phone number, age, and any special dietary needs. Sponsored by the Pro Sanctity Movement
Mother Teresa: Her Impact on My Life, a one-day retreat with Mary Jo van Ackeren, Saturday April 14, 10 AM, Saint Benedict Center, Schuyler. “The one thing that really converts is love.”This is a word by Mother Teresa, who most of her life served with utter dedication the poorest of the poor in Calcutta, India, and all over the world. Learn about this saintly woman from a person who has shared her life in Calcutta. Program fee: $ 30. Lunch is available at the Center for $ 9.76 (includes tax). For more information call (402) 352-8819 or email
Christ has become our Paschal Sacrifice. Your ultimate purpose, to live and to breathe, is the eternal Jesus. Go forth to announce to the world - Christ, our hope, has risen, Alleluia! If you think God is calling you to be a priest, call Fr. Paul Hoesing at 402-558-3100 or visit our website:
Please pray each day for those who have answered God’s call to serve the church in the Archdiocese of Omaha. Prayer suggestions: Mass, Rosary, fasting, day offering, Eucharistic adoration, prayer.
BIRTHDAYS this week: Apr. 9 – Sr. Delores Preisinger, RSM, Sr. Jeanne O’Rourke, RSM; Apr. 10 – Fr. John Brancich, FSSP; April 11 – Fr. Charles Lintz, SSC.
By Susan Vogt,
Easter. Celebrate new life today! Recall a hardship in your marriage that is now history. Rejoice that you've weathered it together. Remember this, and Jesus' resurrection, in future tough times.
By Susan Vogt,
April 13, Friday the 13th: Feeling lucky or unlucky often depends on what you focus on. Today, no matter how bad or unlucky your life seems, think of at least one thing for which you are grateful - your health, your freedom to worship, a friendship, the fact that you didn't have an accident today...