LAST NAME, FIRST MIDDLE. Title here--Not all caps—only cap the first letter of the important words. (Under the direction of Dr. Committee Chair Name, or co-chairs).

Start abstract text here. This text should be double-spaced or spaced to match the main body of your document. This should be different than the single-spaced name and title block that is above. Remember, the abstract should be a maximum of 600 words.

© Copyright 2018 by Your Name

All Rights Reserved
Type thesis title here. Capitalize the first letter of the important words. After the entire first line is filled, your title should be formatted in an inverted pyramid style


Your full name (as it is on file with NCSU)

A [dissertation or thesis] submitted to the Graduate Faculty of

North Carolina State University

in partial fulfillment of the

requirements for the degree of

[Name of degree]

[Name of degree -- NOT “Department of”]

Raleigh, North Carolina




Insert committee member name Insert committee member name

Committee Chair


Insert committee member name Insert committee member name


Insert your dedication text here or delete this optional page.



Insert your required biography text here.


Insert your acknowledgements text here or delete this optional page.


LIST OF TABLES...... type page number here


Chapter 1: Insert title here...... #

Insert section titles here...... #

Hit “Tab” after each entry to create the dotted leader line...... #

To indent subsections, use the ruler bar at the top of the page...... #

It may be easier to indent subsections after first typing all of your entries, so you can highlight multiple subsection titles and alter their tab settings at once #


Table 1.1Hit the Tab key after typing Table titles to maintain separation of title and

caption text...... 5

Table 1.2If your caption takes up multiple lines, like this one, any line after the first

should be aligned with the start of the first line. To do this, you will have to manually indent any lines after the first. There is already a Tab rule set for

this on the ruler bar...... 7

Table 2.1Caption text should not overlap with page numbers...... 10


Figure 1.1Hit the Tab key after typing Figure titles to maintain separation of title and

caption text...... 5

Figure 1.2If your caption takes up multiple lines, like this one, any line after the first

should be aligned with the start of the first line. To do this, you will have to manually indent any lines after the first. There is already a Tab rule set for

this on the ruler bar...... 7

Figure 2.1Caption text should not overlap with page numbers...... 10



Insert Subtitle/Section Header

Insert your main body text here. Organization and format depends on your style guide. The “Body 1” style for this template indents the first line of each paragraph, but you can adjust this in the “Paragraph” settings, if your style guide requires different spacing.


Insert your References here. Format and location depends on your style guide, but there should at least be a space between entries, and all references pages should start at the top of a new page. Also, all text must be black – link text should not be blue.


Appendix A