PCBA Board Meeting

October 17, 2016

Larry Goldens home, University Place Wa

Meeting called to order at 6:04

Present were: President Franclyn Heinecke, Treasurer Scott Larson, Education chair Larry Golden, Programs coordinator Marge Pearson, Members chair Christine Viene, Newsletter editor Nicole Hickman, Secretary Lisa Garnett, members Thomas Hickman, Kris Urv-Wong, Jim Martinson, Andy Matelich, Theresa Knutsen, and Alan Albanese.


The treasurers report was reviewed and accepted

Apiary Report provided by Franclyn Heinecke- Franclyn reported that the apiary was down to 3 colonies. It appears that several were lost to yellow jackets. Members suggested use of robbing screens. Due to an unfavorable weather forecast it was decided to cancel the upcoming Apiary day scheduled for October 22, 2016. Franclyn suggested encouraging members to attend the work party scheduled October 29, 2016 after which it may be possible to check on the hives.

Journeyman group leader Kris Urv-Wong- reported that the PCBA journeyman discussion groups have been going well. Recent topics included winterization, how to manage robbing, how to manage moisture, and preparations for Spring of 2017. Kris reported she had been asked to visit the elementary school Jenny Reed to lead a discussion on bees and pollination. The University of Puget Sound Bee club led by Kris is set to begin in the Fall.

Education chair Larry Golden-Reported thatthe next apprentice class will be a lecture on bee science and biology. The class size is currently at 85 students.

Member Theresa Knutsen –suggested offering achildrens program that could take place concurrently with the apprenticeship class. She owns a pre-established 10 week curriculum that she is willing to donate and teach. It is a designed for 3rd through 6th graders and includes activities with lesson plans. Larry suggested trialing the childrens program in the vending machine area during the monthly class. Being it is now a designated ‘Bee City’, Franclyn agreed to assist in publicizing the program in Puyallup. It was suggested that class size be limited to 15 students.

Franclyn verified that the Washington State Beekeepers association does not have a master beekeeper program at this time. There currently is a local master beekeeping program offered but it is not affiliated with PCBA or WSBA. PCBA and WSBA both continue to search for evidence based and up to date educational programs. It was noted that an exceptional master beekeeping program exists in Oregon.

Programs coordinator Marge Pearson -reported that plans for the November general meeting auction are underway. Plans are to keep the silent auction small and sell most items using the ‘buy it now’ auction format. The holiday party is scheduled for December and will include a potluck style meal.

Fair update by Andy Matelich- Andy reported having all raffle records in his possession. For the 2017 fair he is pushing to acquire a larger space. For the 2017 fair raffle he would like to include items donated from sources such as Mann Lake or Dadent Bee Supply.

Franclyn provided an update of the forage projects underway-She reported that 70-80 yard of mulch and 6 yards of compost had been donated and delivered to the WSU campus for use in the new forage area. She has 200+ plants at her home that need to be transported and planted in the new area. A WSU planting workshop will take place October 29, 2016. She reported slow progress on the front garden, but agreed to continue her work on this project which includes the exploration of grant options. She reported ongoing progress with the Parkland Prairie Preserve project for which PCBA provided 2000 dollars in the acquisition of a matching fund grant. She planned to attend the October 22, 2016 opening and work party.

The board then discussed various options to protect newly planted material from deer.

Member coordinator ChristineViene- reported that 32 new members signed up at the last general meeting.

Member Discussion- Alan Albanese asked if the club has a person designated to manage asset control. Treasurer Scott Larson reported that the club Vice President takes on that responsibility. He also inquired about the status of the older club extractor. It had been malfunctioning however Theresa Knutsen reported using it during the July honey extracting event. He also brought up concerns about the need to clean up the apiary storage area.

It was suggested that PCBA consider a trial of name badges at upcoming meetings. One idea was to have members pay a small fee for a permanent name badge to be worn at meetings. Updating the PCBA logo, selling PCBA sweatshirts and altering the hat design was also suggested.

Andy Matelich reported that long time member Bob Hartman recently passed away and that his spouse requested an announcement in the upcoming newsletter.

The meeting Adjourned at 7:42