Lapeer County Concert Choir

Rehearsal Objectives

Monday, November 20, 2017

Warm -Ups- Objectives – pure sound production & tuning

- Physical: light stretching

- Vocal

Vowel Unification/Tuning (#1) – descending m3 by half steps, A-F#, noo

Choral Rehearsals -Objectives – unified singing based upon precision of pitch,

rhythm, and pronunciation of words (beginning, middle,


*Our guest musicians, Amy Ley, harp, and the Quintus Brass will be with us tonight. We will go through the entire concert program accompanied by our instrumentalists. The instrumentalists will also play their individual instrumental selections tonight for the concert.

These are the things I would like to remind you of for each individual selection we sing.

- PersonetHodie–

1. A slightly slower tempo, half note = 60, to focus on the articulations in

verses 1, 2, and 3.

2. Observe the dynamic variations in all four verses.

3. Men for verse 3 listen closely to each other to tune and unify the sound.

- O Magnum Mysterium

1. Maintain forward placement of pitches and pronunciation.

2. Slow sections need to be just as rhythmically precise as the “alleluia”


3. Basses sing the “Utanimalia” entrance with a precise rhythmic energy

and forward focus like a “stone skipping across a pond.”

- Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring

1. Sopranos – over exaggerate the “rise and fall” of your melodic line

2. All sections – sing with rhythmic momentum as singing the syllable

“pa”; let it dance and keep it sparkling

- Salvation Is Created

1. Sing with a tall, round sound creating a sense of mystery and wonder

2. Men listen for and balance with the alto part at the beginning of each

section. The alto part must be prominent.

3. The dynamics must be in constant motion throughout each phrase.

4. Sopranos – sing a tall, round, warm sound. Be careful not to over sing

the notes at the top of your range.

- A Ceremony of Carols

2. WolcumYole!, 3 – Sing with exuberant joy welcoming the Christ child

3. There is no Rose, 11 – sense of awe

a. Sopranos and altos – create a greater sense of shorter notes

springing forward to longer notes

b. focus on final “s” sound in “Transeamus”

4a. That yonge child, 17 - solo

4b. Balulalow, 19 – lullaby to the Christ child – solo w/ choir

a. gentle syncopated movement going forward

b. men anticipate your first entrance and sing with confidence

5. As dew in Aprille, 23 – sound springing upward like a fountain

a. dynamic contrast between sections

b. imitative entrances more pronounced, especially altos

c. Unified “forte” on the word “Moder” at m. 41

d. Sing toward the downbeat of each measure

6. This little Babe – battle with the forces of hell

Articulate the measures below with conviction!

- 30 (mm. 13-17) – “will surprise”, 32 (mm. 32-33) – “his warrior’s steed”

- 34 (mm. 48-50) – “trumps alarum sound”,

- 35 (mm. 60-61) – “will be thy guard”

- On the final page sing each word with “strength and accent”. A hammer-

like articulation.

7. Interlude – harp

8. In Freezing Winter Night, 39 – gentle reflection on the harshness of the

world into which the Christ child entered

- The vocal sound should be transparent.

- The “pp” and “P” need to be softer.

- Each voice part emphasis “This pomp is prizedthere”

- Sing the“accented” downbeatsat the dynamic level indicated

9. Spring Carol, 47 – duet

10. Deo Gracias, 51 – with great joy and thankfulness

a. staccato and rhythmic vocals line for the men only and women


b. Sing the downbeat of the “Deo gracias” sections as if the beat is

spring “upward.”

- Betelehemu – great rhythmic joy and excitement

a. opening section – men sing with precision; women sing the line so

it moves forward

b. the main section – sing with energy throughout; especially

the duple measures and the final coda

- Christmas-Sing-A-Long– sing four measure phrases

1. Joy to the World

2. Away in a Manger

3. Hark! The Herald Angels Sing

4. Gentle Mary Laid Her Child

5. Go Tell It on the Mountain

- Glory, Glory, Glory to the New Born King

- Opening section: sung with rhythmic precision/articulations between

contrasting “oo” and words (consonants)

- The contrasting word sections in the opening – sing toward the important

word in each phrae

- Main section: crisp, rhythmic singing emphasizing consonants

- Men – your four-part singing has to be rhythmically crisp

- Hallelujah Chorus–Let it dance! Keep the sound buoyant.

Closing Notes

1. Concert call-times

a. 5:30 - Friday, December 1,

Immaculate Conception Catholic Church, Lapeer

b. 2:30 – Sunday, December 3,

St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Imlay City

Picture day @ 2:45. Come dressed in concert attire.

3. Volunteers to assist withRiser Set-Up and Break Down for dress
