Heater’s 2016 Christmas Update

This has been a wonderful, busy, and happy year! Here is what we have been up to:

I still teach online with Liberty, but try to take summers off. I was able to finish my latest book, God Rules among Men, an Integrated Harmony of Samuel, Kings, and Chronicles. I’m very proud of this book and think it should prove helpful. Unfortunately, it is too expensive on Amazon. If you contact me, and send me $25 , I will send you a copy.

We made our first overseas foray this year in March. We spent 12 days in Israel. Our son, John, his daughter Megan, and our two French grandsons were with us, six Heaters in all. Quite a blessing. We had not been home long when we had a reunion of the Heater siblings: Judy (sister), Judy (sister-in-law), Jane and daughter Sherry, and Donna and Greg. We had a wonderful time together and hope to repeat it next year. Butch could not come. There are now five of us left out of ten.

In May, we drove up the east coast starting with NC to see Ken and Linda. Then visited Butch in Harrisonburg, and Jen and Henry in Springfield. We were able to spend some time with Rick and Joanne in Silver Spring MD. I then spoke at Chantilly Bible Church the week of the 22d on the book of Hosea. What a wonderful time. They invited me back in 2017 to speak on the period between the Testaments. From there we visited John and Linda in Pennsylvania. On the way home, we stopped in Martinsburg WV for breakfast with WBC/CBS alumni. We celebrated my 65th high school reunion at Burnsville. Not many left .

John’s mission (Teams for Medical Mission, working in Jamaica) had a terrible tragedy in May. Two of their male missionaries who live in Jamaica were murdered. It was obviously a very traumatic situation. John was, of course, heavily involved. He grew a mile during this demanding time. We are praying for God to bring great glory out of the ashes of tragedy.

In July, a very special joy came to us with the wedding of our French granddaughter Michelle (Kevin’s) in Aberdeen, Scotland. They both graduated from the University of Aberdeen. Pat and I as well as Rick and Jo flew over. We about froze, because I googled Aberdeen weather and apparently got Aberdeen MD! Oh well . The wedding was simple but beautiful. Afterward, Kevin, Lucy, the boys, and Pat and I drove to Edinburgh for some sightseeing. We went to Stinchcolm Island to see the ruins of an ancient monastery. Kevin and Lucy (and Ben) drove on to England to see the Lowther castle and to attend another wedding. Pat and I flew to Dublin where we linked up with old friends. They gave us a tour of the city and then we had a nice dinner together and then we flew back to KY.

In August, we made our annual trek to the Park of the Pines Bible Conference in Seattle. I spoke on the book of Isaiah. We also preached at the Des Moines Chapel on two separate occasions. This may be our last trip, since they are thinking about closing the conference down. While in Seattle, something happened to my lungs. I thought it was allergies, but it would not go away. Our doctor friend is treating me for possible asthma. Hope it gets well soon.

Wonderful news! Our thirty-six-year-old grandson, John, came to know the Lord in a wonderful way. He called me to tell me about it, and we are still on cloud nine. He asked us to come to his baptism (October 16), and of course, we could not say no to that. We spent time with John and Linda and Rick and Joanne, and we all went to the service. He is a changed young man, and for this we give all the glory to God!

In November, we spent two weeks in TX; one in McKinney in our old community where we visited some 30 people. I spoke at our old church in Irving on Sunday, and then we drove to San Antonio where I read a paper on the text of Jeremiah at the Evangelical Theological Society. We linked up with many alumni and former colleagues. We drove some 2600 miles, but all without incident.

We are really looking forward to going to France to spend Christmas with Kevin, Lucy, and Family. We plan to leave December 20 and return January 5.

May the Lord continue to bless you. We would love to have you come to Somerset KY to visit us!

Sincerely in Him,

Homer and Pat

245 Prather Road, Somerset KY 42503

606 416 5687