9th Grade English/Language Arts – Mrs. Tomlinson

School Phone: 801-452-4700

Course Description

This English course is designed to improve reading, writing, speaking and listening skills. It is also intended to help students appreciate literature, acquire a greater vocabulary, and understand language.

Materials Needed for Class

  • Textbook (provided by the school)
  • Loose leaf paper—NO SPIRAL NOTEBOOKS! Tearing paper from a spiral or perforated notebook is messy and not allowed!
  • Composition notebook for journaling and notes. AGAIN, NO SPIRAL NOTEBOOKS!
  • Several pens--blue or black for assignments, but you may use colored pens for workshop days.
  • Several #2 pencils with good erasers.
  • Colored pencils (optional)
  • 3 highlighters – different colors (optional)


Most students receive an “H” or “S” for class behavior. Negative behavior or tardiness earns an “N” for the day. Three“Ns” earn an “N” for the quarter, and five “Ns” earn a “U” for the quarter.

  • Cheating automatically earns a “U” for the quarter and an “F” for the assignment.
  • Any disrespect or insubordinate behavior toward a substitute teacher will result in a “U” for the quarter. This is not negotiable. There is no excuse for treating a substitute that way!
  • Any cell phone or other electronic device being used in class without permission(i.e. assignments, research, etc.) will be confiscated and given to the administration. Students may use their phones with teacher permission on certain assignments.

On-line Assignments

We now have Chromebooks in the classroom for any online assignments. However, if students don’t finish their assignments in class, it will be necessary to do so outside of class. If your student doesn’t have access to a computer at home, Mrs. Tomlinson can schedule time before school or after school in my room or in the lab.

Late Work and Make-Up Work

Assignments are dueon the due date! Please start your assignments early; school activities do not excuse students from assignments. Absent work is due in a timely manner—one day for every day missed. Any assignments turned in later than that without prior discussion with Mrs. Tomlinson will still be accepted. However, it will receive 25% off the grade.


Grades will be based on homework, independent reading, reading and writing assignments, tests, quizzes, in-class participation, and projects. Grades will be updated and posted weekly on the portal.

All classwork will be given a number grade.

4 (highly proficient): The student is highly proficient in applying the English language arts/literacy skills of reading, writing, speaking and listeningas specified in the Utah Core State Standards. The student generally performs significantly above the standard for their grade level/coursework for literature concepts, writing strategies, vocabulary and comprehension. The student is able to access above grade level content, and engage in higher order thinking skills independently.

3 (proficient):The student is proficient in applying the English language arts/literacyskills of reading,

writing, speaking and listening as specified in the Utah Core State Standards. The student generally performs at the standard for their grade level/coursework for literature concepts, writing strategies, vocabulary, and comprehension. The student is able to access grade level content, and engage in higher order thinking skills with some independence and minimal support.

2 (approaching proficient): The student is approaching proficient in applying the English language arts/literacy skillsof reading, writing, speaking and listening as specified in the Utah Core State Standards. The student generally performs slightly below the standard for their grade level/coursework for literature concepts, writing strategies, vocabulary, and comprehension. The student is able to access grade level content and engage in higher order thinking skills with some independence and support.

1 (below proficient):The student is below proficient in applying the English language arts/literacy skills of

reading, writing, speaking, and listening as specified in the Utah Core State Standards. The student generally performs significantly below the standard for their grade level/coursework, is likely able to partially access grade level content and engage with higher order thinking skills with extensive support.

At mid-term and end of term the point values will be averaged and converted back into a letter grade.

3.7 – 4.0 = A1.7 – 2.3 = CTests = 25%

3.5 – 3.7 = A-1.5 – 1.7 = C-Projects = 25%

3.3 – 3.5 = B+1.3 – 1.5 = D+Quizzes = 15%

2.7 – 3.3 = B0.7 – 1.3 = DAssignments & Homework = 20%

2.5 – 2.7 = B-0.5 – 0.7 = D- (includes independent reading -- IR)

2.3 – 2.5 = C+0.0 – 0.5 = F Class Participation 15%

Reading List

We will be reading the following pieces of literature in our class this year:

* The Hound of the Baskervilles by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle* The Pearlby John Steinbeck

* September 11, 2001—Attack on New York City* Out of the Dustby Karen Hesse

* The Odyssey by Homer * Romeo and Julietby Shakespeare

* Spoon River Anthology by Edgar Lee Masters* Lost Boyby Tim Green

* Selections from classroom texts and online newsforums

Video List

We will be watching the following videos or selections from those videos in class. These videos are rated G or PG. Permission slips must be signed a week in advance of the showing.

  • The Hound of the Baskervilles
  • Romeo & Juliet
  • Various documentaries pertaining to the Odyssey, September 11, Martin Luther King and Shakespeare, etc.


Students will be able to finish most of their assignments in class; however, they will be expected to read independently every night. 9th grade students are expected to read at least two books every quarter and do an oral book report, poster, or project as assigned per quarter.

I have read the disclosure statement and agree to support my student’s success!


Student SignaturePrint Name Date


Parent Signature Date