Schools are judged predominantly on the attainment and progress of their students. At Thorp Academy we believe that our students are as capable, if not more capable, than any other student elsewhere in the country. To that end, we often compare how well our students are doing in relation to all students nationally.

We are improving year on year and our current, internal data suggests clearly that we are on track to achieve record breaking results in all areas come the summer of 2018.

What is reflected below are our trends over time in relation to the attainment of our students, the progress that they make and some key information about our attendance statistics.

Should you require any specific information about achievement or standards then please feel free to contact Mr P. Fox, Vice Principal, using the information provided in the contact us sections.

2017 Headline Results - Attainment

Attainment at Key Stage 4 - % of students achieving a Standard Pass (Grades 9 to 4) or the equivalent of the 'old style' A*-C grades in English and Maths ('The Standard Pass 'Basics')

% achieving 9-4 (or A*-C) in English and Maths / 2014 / 2015 / 2016 / 2017
Thorp Academy Figure / 60% / 61% / 66% / 61%
National Figure / 58% / 58% / 62% / 63%
Difference / -2% / +3.0% / +4% / -2%

Attainment at Key Stage 4 - % of students achieving a Strong Pass (Grades 9 to 5) in English and Maths ('The Strong Pass 'Basics')

% achieving 9-5
in English and Maths / 2017
Thorp Academy / 38%
National Figure / 42%
Difference / -4%

This is a new measure of performance, introduced for the first time this year.

Attainment at Key Stage 4 - % of students achieving the English Baccalaureate or E-Bacc at a 'Standard Pass' (using grade 4+ in English and Maths and equivalent to the 'old style' A*-C)

% achieving the E-Bacc (using 4+ for E+M) / 2014 / 2015 / 2016 / 2017
Thorp Academy / 12% / 12% / 14% / 18%
National Figure / 24% / 24% / 24% / 24%
Difference / -12% / -12% / -10% / -6%

Attainment at Key Stage 4 - % of students achieving a Grade 4 (or the 'old style Grade C') or higher in the English Element .

*For 2016 / 17 figures this includes a requirement to take English Literature that was not needed in 2014/15

% achieving a 'C' or higher in English / 2014 / 2015 / 2016 / 2017
Thorp Academy Figure / 77% / 75% / 74% / 74%
National Figure / 65% / 65% / 74 %
(Eng Element) / 75%
(Eng Element)
Difference / +12% / +10% / 0% / -1%

Attainment at Key Stage 4 - % of students achieving a Grade 4 (or the 'old style Grade C') or higher in the Maths Element

% achieving a 'C' or higher in Maths / 2014 / 2015 / 2016 / 2017
Thorp Academy Figure / 74% / 67% / 76% / 67%
National Figure / 69% / 71% / 72% / 69%
Difference / +5% / -4% / +4% / -2%

2017 Headline Results - Progress 8 and Attainment 8


The government and public (both as parents and taxpayers) have a right to understand how effective schools, colleges and academies are in their work. There is a clear need for appropriate accountability mechanisms to support this.

Successive governments have determined which of the headline measures within the national performance tables they believe to be a national priority and/or best reflect their views on how to quantify effectiveness. These measures have changed overtime. Most recently the emphasis has been on the percentage of students who achieve five or more A*- C grades, including English and Mathematics and information on this measure has been provided to you on this page.

In light of a complete review of the current accountability system, there are a new set of measures which are now in operation.

At the end of their time in secondary education, schools and academies will now be held to account via what is called the 'Progress 8' indicator.

This represents a shift in focus away from raw attainment in favor of progress through all grade boundaries in a number of subjects. Alongside Progress 8, there will be other important headline measures. These include what is now called the 'strong pass basics' measure. This is the percentage of students achieving at least grade 5 in both English and Mathematics. This year, we have also published the percentage of students achieving at least grade 4 in both English and Mathematics (the 'standard pass basics') as this compares more easily to the old A*-C grades. Also high profile is the percentage of students who achieve The English Baccalaureate (Ebacc).

We appreciate that some of this information may appear complex to parents and carers not overly familiar with educational terminology. However, we feel that in the interests of transparency, all of our partners should have access to this information.

Should you require any further information in this regard then please do not hesitate to contact the Vice Principal Curriculum, Mr P. Fox, to discuss these changes further. A useful guide is also available on our website.


Progress 8 Score
OVERALL / 2016 / 2017
Thorp Academy Figure / -0.19 / +0.19
National Figure / 0.00 / 0.00
Difference / -0.19 / +0.19

*Please note that these are the provisional Progress 8 scores for 2017 inclusive of September remarks.Final Progress 8 scores will be released by the Department for Education January 2018.

Progress 8 scores by each 'element' are available by contacting the academy. Our projections for 2018 show an improving picture with regards to progress across all elements.

Attainment 8

Attainment 8 Score
OVERALL / 2016 / 2017
Thorp Academy Figure / 50.44(45.47) / 48.3
National Figure / 49.50(43.6) / 44.2
Difference / +0.94(+1.87) / +4.1

*Please note that these are the provisional Attainment 8 scores for 2017 inclusive of September remarks.Final Progress 8 scores will be released by the Department for Education January 2018 and updated on the Thorp Academy website.

The methodology for this measure has changed from 2016 to 2017 therefore the figure given in brackets ( ) for 2016 shows results matched to 2017 point scores (shadow data) as published by the Department for education to allow year on year comparisons.

Attainment 8 scores by each 'element' are available by contacting the academy. Our projections for 2018 show an improving picture with regards to progress across all elements.

2017 Headline Results - Attendance

Attendance - % Inverse of sessions missed due to Overall Absence

% Attendance / 2014 / 2015 / 2016 / 2017
Thorp Academy Figure
National Figure / 94.9 / 94.8 / 95.0 / 95.0*

Extensive work has occurred with regards to improving attendance at Thorp Academy over the past three years. Students now come to school as regularly as those that do nationally.

* Please note that the latest national average data has not yet been confirmed. Therefore, the validated national figures from2016 Raise ONLINE (RoL) have been used for the 2017 results set.

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