June 18, 2012
The meeting began at 07:16 p.m. at Shrigley Park. Present:Sherry Spinnraker, Michael Mills,Eugene Dixon, Jack Kelly, Khalil Shearlds, and Kathryn Baranackie. Also present: Erica Sollberger, Director, Lansdowne Borough Parks and Recreation.
Minutes of Last Meetings
The minutes of the 05/12 meetingwere approved.
Borough Council Business
129 Fairview: Ms. Sollberger said that the large tree on the property is being removed. Ms. Spinnraker will update the most recent park use survey to include a general question about use of Borough green spaces.
Yard Waste: The Board continues to recommend increasing the frequency of pickups and designating a pickup day. This issue needs to be addressed by the Environmental Committee.
Director Business
Hoffman Park Path Lights: The repair planning/work continues. Ms. Sollberger said that some of the lights are missing fixture parts.
Recreation and Park Budget
The survey of Hoffman Park cost about $5,000. The path lights repair will be an additional expense. The CDC will require an administration fee of $1,500. Ms. Sollberger stated that the large toy at Belmont park is over 18 years old and likely will need to be replaced. Kaboom was identified as a resource for planning and possible funding.
Board Business/Management
Ronald Ford was appointed to the Board.
Subcommittee Updates: Community Day preparations have been made. Seed packets need to be prepared. This will occur on 06/22/12. Dog Park plans need to be presented to the Environmental Committee, which had been receptive to the park plan in the past. A quotation for a park fence was obtained ($10,000).
Calendar of Events
Farmers’ Market Community Day: 06/30/12
Movie Nights: (07/13/12, and 08/17/12): The Board agreed to screen Ghostbusters in 07/12 and We Bought a Zoo in 08/12. The ratings for the movies will be provided so that parents will be aware of the movies’ content. Rain information will need to be posted.
Park Day (09/22/12): The activities will be held from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. 09/23/12 was selected at the rain date. All vendors will be requested to agree to both dates. Board members agreed to make vendor contacts. Mr. Simons will be requested to explore the possibility of pony rides.
Recreation Department Park Management
Marlyn Park: Ms. Sollberger said that the stones at the park entrance were salvaged from the sewer.
Date of Next Meeting: Monday, July16, 2012 at Marlyn Park (by the bridge).
Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 08:19p.m.