Central African Zionist Digest
P. O. Box A364, Avondale, Harare Zimbabwe email
Number 4 October - February 2005/6
End of an era with Hymie’s passing
By Ivor Davis in Johannesburg
HARARE - Tall, Slim and gentlemanlyHymie Cohen - he and his late wife,Hilda (Lezard) from Oudtshoorn,were tango ballroom champions intheir time - died last week atBulawayo’s Savyon Lodge at the ageof 96.
Cohen was a past president of theHarare Hebrew Congregation.
Hymie and Hilda, who for manyyears lived in Duthie Avenue inHarare - it was the city’s “JewishQuarter” in the nineties. Their neigh-bours were Barney and Anita Price,Issie and Freda Bernstein, Aron and Hetty King and down the road, AlNairn, a leading Sephardi and hiswife, Babs Nairn, who at 92 is thecommunity’s present matriarch.
For Zimbabwe’s sadly dwindlingJewish community - from its peak of7 000 in the sixties to its present 270souls - the death of Hymie, who wasburied next to Hilda in Harare’sWarren Hills cemetery on Monday,would seem to be the end of an era.
Hymie’s father, David, in 1897came from what was then Palestine, with his wife. Jenny, and worked atthe Penhalonga gold mine in the east-ern region. Travelling to (then)Salisbury, the Rhodesian capital,took a week by ox-wagon. Jenny would journey to nearbyUmtali (now Mutare) carried on amachila, a hammock suspended onthe shoulders of two bearers whowalked along paths. It was 26 kilo-metres and took may hours.
In 1921, the Cohens moved toSalisbury and Hymie had lessonsfrom Rabbi Joseph Rosin, and hiswas one of the first barmitzvahs inthe “new” shul which served thecommunity from 1918 to 1973.
Hymie joined the ministry of posts and was there for 33 years,becoming superintendent oftelegraphs. Hilda captainedWingate club’s ladies tennis team.
Bulawayo’s Rabbi NathanAsmoucha conducted Monday’slevoya and among the mournerswas Hymie’s son, Dr BrianCohen, a New York gynaecolo-gist. He leaves another son, Alan,’who lives in Israel.
The small Harare communitysuffered another death last week- Mrs Nairn’s brother, MannieSklar died in Jerusalem, aged 86,leaving his wife, Rhoda, twosons and a daughter and severalgrandchildren.
December 2005
Zimbabwe Jewish Website
David Bloom in Israel is continually up dating this site on the Internet. Pay him a visit at
Israeli Tennis Team Visits Zimbabwe
By Peter Sternberg
September 22 to 24th, 2005 saw the Israeli Davis Cup tennis team visit Harare to compete against the Zimbabwe davis Cup team.
At the end of the first day the score stood at one match each but thereafter the Isralis proved to be too experienced for the local players and pulled off a 4 – 1 win in the end. The Zimbabwe team was under strength as only one of their regular players was available for the tie, which proved unfortunate as with full strength team the results may well have been reversed or at least been more competitive than it turned out.
A fair number of locally domiciled Israelis cheered on the visitors who no doubt felt more relax with some “home support” to compete against the Zimbabwe drum beats!!
Interviewed before and after the match, the Israelis confirmed that they were well treated and felt it was an interesting experience to be playing in Zimbabwe.
Tribute to Bernie
And Rhebe Tatz
Bernie and Rhebe Tatz of Bulawayo recently received recognition from the organizations to which they have given many years of outstanding service.
In a very pleasant ceremony the Bulawayo Art Gallery named on of the galleries “The Rhebe Tatz Gallery”, Mr. Eric Bloch paying tribute to her for all her work as Chairman of the Friends of the gallery. Rhebe is also president of the Zimbabwe Women’s Zionist Council.
The Zimbabwe Medical Association has given Dr. Bernie Tatz a special award “for outstanding service and lifetime contribution to the Health delivery system, Medical Fraternity
and Community of Matebeleland and Zimbabwe in general”.
The award was presented at an annual dinner/dance of the Medical association. Bernie has been a leading light with the Central African Jewish Board of Deputies for over forty years.
Haham Solomon Gaon’sLegacy Lives On AtYeshiva University
Rabbi Dr. Solomon Gaon was present in the then Rhodesia, in 1958, at the consecration of the Sephardi Sha’are Shalom Synagogue, Salisbury. He was again guest of honour when the congregation celebrated its 50th Anniversary in 1981.
Haham Solomon Gaon, former Chief Sephardic Rabbi of the British Commonwealth and cofounder of the Sephardic Studies Program at Yeshiva University, was truly an inspirational leader to all Sephardim the world over. Indeed, his unique place in history as a leader of World Jewry will be perpetuated at Yeshiva.
During the summer of 2004, the late Haham Gaons wife, Regina Gaon, and her children Isaac and Tova Gaon and Raquel and Martin Goldstcin, decided to dedicate Haham Gaons entire collection of his life's work to the Mendel Gottesman Library atYU. The Gottesman Library will now be home to a massive collection of the Haham s working files, which includes much of his halakhic responsa and correspondence with leading rabbinic authorities and political leaders of his day. These personal archives also include a record of many of the Haham’s extensive compilation of lectures, sermons, and personal research files.
Saga of Sephardic Jewry
This comprehensive collection of Haham Gaons work tells a profound historical saga of Sephardic Jewry both internationally and in the United States. The Haham was interviewed in 1964 by The New York Times in an article entitled "Sephardic Jewry in America on the Brink of Extinction." It is an ama/ing irony that the reality of Sephardic Jewry in America and abroad today is quite the opposite. In fact, it was in that same year (1964) that—thanks to Haham Gaons brilliant leadership, coupled with the vision of Drs. Samuel Belkin, Herbert G. Dobrinsky and Ivan Salomon—the Sephardic Studies Program and the Sephardic Community Program were established at YU more than 40 years ago to preserve Sephardic culture and Halakhah and to serve the greater Sephardic community in North America and abroad.
Today, YUs Sephardic Community Program, led by Hazan Tessonc and in cooperation with the Max Stern Division of Communal Services, serves many of the individual Sephardic and Oriental Jewish communities across the country. On the academic side, the Jacob E. Safra Institute of Sephardic Studies, led by Rabbi Yamin Levy, serves some 400 Sephardic students, both graduate and undergraduate.
The success of Haham Gaon's and Dr. Dobrinsky's efforts and dedication are apparent today more than ever as seen through the many Sephardic initiatives being undertaken today at Yeshiva both academically and in the communities. They enjoy the full support and leader-ship of Chancellor Norman Lamm and President Richard M. Joel.
Yeshiva has also faithfully fulfilled its mission to be an incubator for Jewish leaders for the Sephardic community by producing some of the leading
Sephardic rabbis of our day. They serve communities throughout the world with distinction.
Dr. Dobrinsky was fondly referred to by Haham Gaon as "Haham Bueno," and was his closest colleague and best friend for several decades. Dr. Dobrinsky was ecstatic to receive the collection on ire behalf ofYLJ and the Gottesman Library. "The Haham’s home was here at Yeshiva, and now we are proud to be the home of his personal working files and collections," said Dr. Dobrinsky. "Certainly, his work here at Yeshiva on behalf of all Sephardim and on behalf of our students was one of the most fulfilling times of his s professional life, which added a new dimension of scholarship about Sephardic Jewry for our entire institution." •
Reproduced from the “Sephardi News” newsletter of Jacob E Safra Institute of Sephardic Studies, New York.
There has been a lapse of five months since our last edition was published. Regrettably there has not been much activity in Jewish communal affairs taking place. We are however, delighted to have made contact with the Zambian Jewish Community through Michael Galaun. In the days of the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland, activities of the large Jewish population in the then Northern Rhodesia, were included in the Central African Zionist Digest. Due to political changes this area is now included in a new cluster of states SADC.
We have received 42 email addresses in Zambia. Together with our readers overseas we have a worldwide readership. Some readers have spotted this newsletter on the Internet and write in asking to be included on the mailing list. For those who do not have electronic mail David Bloom in Israel, sends out by regular post copies of this newsletter. In writing, many express the desire to keep in touch with the country of their birth. With both electronic and regular mail David claims to have as many as 750 addresses.
News in Brief
Tilly Katz
The Central African Zionist Society learned with much regret of the death of Tilly Katz, widow of the Zionist Organisation’s Director General, much beloved Barney Katz.
In her quiet modest way, Tilly gave Barney encouragement and support to enable to carry on the work so dear to his heart.
We extend heartfelt sympathy to all her family.
Haig and Eva Kaplan
Congratulations to Haig and Eva Kaplan on the occasion of their diamond wedding anniversary. This rare and happy event was celebrated on 12th December with an afternoon tea in the friendly surroundings of Savyon Lodge with the couples’ friends and residents of the Lodge.
Congratulations to the following who celebrated their birthdays.
Babs Naim 92yrs, Boy Kaplan 90yrs Greta Weinberg 84yrs and to Benny Leon 70 yrs.
Cohen Congratulations to Stella Cohen on the birth of a grandson.
Cohen Congratulations to Victor Cohen on the birth of a granddaughter.
Zlatner Congratulations to Jonathan and Tammy Zlatner on the arrival of a baby girl.
Levy Congratulations to Sonia and Joe Levy on the arrival of a grandson, to Lisa and Rob in Auckland, New Zealand.
Silverton Daughter Hayley of Bella and Leon, and granddaughter of Hettie King.
Blacher To Audrey and family on the passing of Wolfie (77), on 28th February after a medical operation, in Cape Town.
Bondi To Eli ,Joe and Evie on the passing of their brother and husband ”Zack” .
Sklar Mannie passed away in Israel. To Rhoda in Jerusalem and to Babs Naim her brother.
To Henry on the loss of his mother.
Franco To Joe Betty and Sally on the passing of their mother Rene Franco in Cape Town
Mande Dorice, daughter of Sylvia, nominated “Business Woman of the Month” in Cape Town.
Rabbi Leads in Prayer in
Bulawayo High Court
The Bulawayo Chronicle reports that this was the first time that a rabbi officiated at this type of event in Zimbabwe. Rabbi Asmoucha of the Bulawayo Hebrew Congregation gave the following address and prayers.
Honourable Judges, honourable dignitaries and other invited guests. I would like to express my gratitude for being given the honour and privilege to lead in prayer and blessing in this opening session of the judiciary.
If there is one verse in the entirety of Scripture that encapsulates the obligation and I dare say, privilege of serving as judge – it is the famous words of Moses the lawgiver – “Tzedek tzedek tirdof” – Justice, Justice shalt thou follow, – “Lema’an Tihiyeh” – that thou mayest live, and inherit the land which the L-rd thy G-d giveth thee.
I emphasized fulfilling the obligation of a judge not only as a duty, but also as privilege, for in our Holy Scriptures and Jewish Tradition we see that the shofet, the judge, has the potential and opportunity to truly be a partner with the Almighty. He or she is bidden to be G-d’s agent in helping to perfect an imperfect world. This is evident in the numerous references to society’s and particularly judges’ and kings’ obligation to the oppressed and down trodden – the widow and fatherless is an expression of this vulnerability which the magistrate is bidden by the omnipotent to protect.
Magnanimous Task
To fulfil this magnanimous task one must have an appreciation of the sanctity of the G-d given soul in every person’s possession. We are all created in the image of G-d – Tzelem Elokim. And this dictates that the dignity and individuality of each human being be respected and guarded regardless of race, creed or sex.
This supreme duty of even handed justice is the basis for a G-d fearing and righteous society. One in which the prophet Amos commanded saying “Veyagel Kemaiyim Mishpat” - Justice must roll down as waters, and righteousness as a mighty stream. And this justice can only be attained through Truth and Compassion – Hesed Ve’emet - two ethical qualities emphasized throughout Scripture.
If these virtues are constantly before the eyes of every judge and indeed, in their hearts, ultimately the consequencewill be Shalom – True Peace – not just an absence of strife, or oppression or conflict, but rather a wholeness of the individual and society, a harmony bringing about unity and loving kindness amongst fellow human beings.
It has been just over 25 years since this great country attained independence. One of the objectives of this independence was to put an end to one of the worst travesties and injustices in humanity – that is, racism - a way of thinking that is one of the most heinous indignities to the human spirit.
The book of Exodus is a paradigm for deliverance from human oppression, a paradigm not just for the Israelites but for all humanity. The Exodus was occasioned by very momentous events, however, ultimately it a was a process. Living here in Zimbabwe for more than 2 years, I am privileged to witness the continuation of that type of process in this glorious land.
Priestly blessing
The strength of the people of Zimbabwe is a G-d given blessing and example for all humanity. And it is my prayer and hope that this judiciary help this nation of Zimbabwe become a light unto all the nations of the world.
Allow me to conclude with a prayer for the judges of Zimbabwe and for the people they are divinely obliged to protect. The prayer will be followed by the priestly blessing for peace.
May the supreme King of kings in his mercy put a spirit of wisdom and understanding into the hearts of all the counsellors of Zimbabwe that they may uphold the peace of the country, advance the welfare of the nation, and deal kindly and truly with all its people. In their days and in ours, may our Heavenly Father spread the tabernacle of peace over all the dwellers on earth; and let us say, Amen.
There is no need to enumerate the many difficulties and problems that have escalated over the past year, and it has been against this background that we have managed to keep up with our monthly meetings, albeit with reduced numbers, and managed to continue with our traditional activities.
NATIONAL The Zimbabwe Union of Jewish Women is affiliated to the International Council of
Jewish Women. Mrs Hermoine Sternberg our President keeps in touch with the Council receives Minutes Brochures Newsletters etc. from them and sends back reports and letters from our branch. We are invited to attend all their Congress and seminars but sadly this is not possible.
FINANCE Our financial matters are in the capable hands of our treasurer Mrs Beryl Thal We have only had one fund-raising event this year which was our Charity Bridge Morning . This was held in June which is not particularly good time of year. Together with a raffle we raised $2,500.000.
We hope to have another bridge morning during 2006
We made various donations to Savyon Lodge, Island Hospice, Childrens Home, S.P.C.A and a prize for Sharon School Totalling 10,000.000. As well as other small donations in kind
SALE OF BOOKS BRIC-A BRAC CLOTHES ETC. This is really our main source of income . The wonderful amazing Mrs Lil Kaplan raised $7,000 000 during the year from her sales to vendors of goods donated by members of community and others especially people who are leaving the country
Sadly Mrs Kaplan now feels that after 10 years she wants to retire she has not been well and finds that it is all too much for her. The committee would like to continue her work and are looking for a suitable venue.
WINTER WARMTH We held our annual clothing drive this year. We only appealed to 16 schools as we had less members to collect clothes. We were amazed at the amount of clothing blankets etc that we collected. Surprisingly this was one of the best appeals we have had in recent years.
The bulk of the clothing received was given to the Salvation Army for distribution in the rural areas. The balance was given to Mrs Trudi Stevenson (Member of Parliment) for her clothing drive for homeless and needy in Harare after the demolition of houses. The clothing from Sharon School which was collected later was given to the Girl Guides Association they distributed the childrens clothing to their project in Zvishavane and the adult clothing to Flame Lily Lodge. We felt that this year we managed to help more peolple than in the past..