Lansdowne Borough Council Business Meeting January 7, 2015

Lansdowne Borough Council

Business Meeting

January 7, 2015


The Lansdowne Borough Council Business Meeting was held on Wednesday, January 7, 2015, 7:00 p.m. at borough hall. President Schleigh, Mr. Aubrey, Ms. Byrne, Ms. James and Mr. Radich were present. Councilwomen Artis and English were absent. Mayor Campuzano and Borough Treasurer Bartley were absent. Also in attendance: Borough Manager Totaro, Borough Secretary Henry, Borough Solicitor Scott and Police Chief Donegan. The Fire Company representative was absent.

Councilman Aubrey opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance.

President Schleigh asked for a moment of silence in memory of Lansdowne resident Bob Hart of Hart Contractors. Mr. Hart was 68, a lifelong resident of Lansdowne, attended Lansdowne Aldan high school, owned Hart Contractors and was a respected member of the Lansdowne business community.

Approval of Agenda: Mr. Aubrey moved to approve the agenda. Ms. Byrne seconded. Vote: unanimous.

Approval of Minutes: Mr. Aubrey moved to approve the minutes of the December 3, 2014 business meeting. Ms. Byrne seconded. Vote: unanimous.

Public Comment – There was no public comment.


Treasurer’s Report: No report was given in Mr. Bartley's absence. Mr. Totaro noted that the approved 2015 budget was in the packets for review by Council members.

Solicitor’s Report – Mr. Scott had no formal report.

Manager’s Report – Mr. Totaro gave updates on borough projects as follows:

·  The recycling magnets are still in progress and will be distributed by next month.

·  The Community Development Block Grant application will be sent out Monday

·  The Advanced Auto intersection changes are not significant. The egress was formalized and any further significant changes will be sent to Council members. Union Avenue remains one way as of this date.

·  A current sewer issue on Highland Avenue may be an expensive repair. More information to follow.

·  President Schleigh asked if Councilwomen Artis and James had received the fobs for access to the online borough file for share system. Mr. Totaro indicated that the plans on file are available in his office and will further investigate the remote access issue.

Chief of Police Report – Chief Donegan reported that police officer C. J. Schiazza will be officially sworn in as sergeant at the next televised meeting. The part time officer will be sworn in, hopefully, at the next televised meeting.

Fire Company Representative Report – No report was given.

Mayor’s report – President Schleigh mentioned that some mayor related issues will be discussed under Old Business.

President’s Report – President Schleigh reported that he would be attending the follow up NAACP meeting next week.


1.  Business District Lights - President Schleigh noted that a number of lights are out in the business district and the electrical panel in the Veterans Park area is shorting out. Mr. Totaro reported that there has been a history of retrofitting the business district lights. Mr. Totaro reported that PECO recently severed some electrical lines in the borough. The west side is now operating but issues still remain on the east side of town. . Mr. Totaro expects the east side to be functioning within a few weeks. Mr. Totaro indicated that due to this problem the district lights should not be mixed with the Christmas lights. Ms. James will follow up with the Infrastructure committee. Mr. Totaro asked that the separation of the lights issue be discussed with the Economic Development Committee.

2.  Gladstone Entrance Park - Mayor Campuzano had spoken to the Gladstone Manor Civic Association ("GMCA") about Mr. Bartmann's structure. The GMCA indicated that they were not aware of and did not approve this structure. Mr. Bartmann has been advised that anything erected on borough property first needs approval. President Schleigh expressed his disappointment that the GMCA did not know of the situation and asked if there was a form to get a permit. Mr. Totaro indicated that permits were not necessary for putting structures in borough parks. Mr. Aubrey noted that the structure is still up. President Schleigh directed Mr. Totaro to contact the appropriate parties so that the structure is removed by next week. President Schleigh asked Mr. Aubrey to have the Parks and Recreation Board compile a formal policy regarding displays, religious or otherwise, in the borough parks.


1.  Renewal of RCN-Lansdowne franchise agreement - Mr. Scott reported there are 3 cable providers in the borough and by Federal law they have to enter into a franchise agreement with the borough. There is a statutory 5% charge that goes to the municipality. Mr. Totaro noted that in working with RCN, the company wanted to reduce their bond regarding their equipment. RCN is looking into supplying different Audio Visual equipment (estimated at about $3,900) to air the borough council meetings. The proposed equipment would be along the lines of three TV screens/monitors that could be projected onto three walls in Council chambers.

Mr. Aubrey moved to authorize Mr. Totaro to negotiate a draft cost proposal with RCN to get funding for screens in the Borough Council meeting room. Mr. Radich seconded. Vote: unanimous.

Action Items:

1.  Mr. Radich moved to authorize payment of bills for period. Mr. Aubrey seconded. Vote: unanimous.

2.  Mr. Schleigh moved to advertise Ordinance 1294, an ordinance amending provisions of the Lansdowne Borough Code for the purpose of regulating the use of fire pits. Mr. Radich seconded. Vote: unanimous.

3.  Mr. Radich moved to appoint Suzanne McElroy as Vacancy Board Chair for a term expiring 12/31/2015. Ms. Byrne seconded. Vote: unanimous.

4.  Mr. Schleigh moved to adopt Ordinance 1292, an ordinance regarding recovery of Fire Company expenses associated with emergency incidents covered by private insurance. Mr. Aubrey seconded. Vote: unanimous.

5.  Mr. Radich moved to adopt Ordinance 1293, an ordinance regarding methods of payment of real estate taxes and other municipal claims. Ms. Byrne seconded. Vote: unanimous.

Executive Session: Mr. Aubrey moved to adjourn to executive session to discuss personnel and litigation issues. Ms. Byrne seconded. Vote: unanimous.

Public Session: No motions were made upon reconvening to public session.

Adjourn: Mr. Aubrey moved to adjourn the meeting. Ms. James seconded. Vote: unanimous. The meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Barbara Ann Henry

Borough Secretary

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