Lansdowne Borough Council General Meeting October 15, 2014
Lansdowne Borough Council
General Meeting
October 15, 2014
The Lansdowne Borough Council General Meeting was held on Wednesday, October 15, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. in Borough Hall.
Present were Ms. Byrne, Ms. English, Mr. Radich and Mr. Wagner. Vice President Schleigh and Mr. Aubrey were absent. Also present were Mayor Campuzano, Borough Manager Totaro, Borough Secretary Henry, Borough Solicitor Scott, Assistant Treasurer Mirabella and Police Chief Donegan. Treasurer/Finance Director Bartley and the Fire Company liaison were absent.
Mr. Scott announced that in the absence of both the Borough Council President and Vice President, a vote was needed to designate a council member as President pro tem.
Mrs. English moved to appoint Bob Radich as Borough Council President pro tempore. Ms. Byrne seconded. Vote: unanimous.
Approval of agenda: The agenda was approved with Ms. English taking Mr. Schleigh’s action items in his absence.
Mr. Wagner moved to accept the resignation of Marianne Saylor from Borough Council. Ms. Byrne seconded. Vote: unanimous. Mayor Campuzano mentioned that Ms. Saylor had relocated due to her workplace commitments and thanked her for her service on Borough Council the past three years.
Approval of Minutes: Ms. Byrne moved to approve the minutes of the September 17, 2014 General Meeting of Council as submitted by the Assistant Borough Secretary. Ms. English seconded. Vote: unanimous, with one correction noted by Mayor Campuzano.
Announcements and Presentations:
Animal Friends of Lansdowne – Mayor Campuzano welcomed AFOL President Fran Wayne and two other members of AFOL. Mayor Campuzano presented Mrs. Wayne with a plaque in recognition of AFOL’s efforts regarding controlling feral cat colonies and helping animals in need. Mayor Campuzano then declared October 15th as Animal Friends of Lansdowne Day. Mrs. Wayne gave a brief overview of the group’s mission statement, indicating that their biggest need was foster homes, people who can take in animals temporarily until a permanent home can be found for them. Mrs. Wayne mentioned that AFOL will be celebrating its 10th anniversary with a fundraiser to be held on October 25th, 6-10 p.m.
Shade Tree Commission – Mayor Campuzano welcomed Mary Lou Jennings, President of the Lansdowne Shade Tree Commission. Mrs. Jennings mentioned that the borough would again be giving free trees to interested residents and the trees will be arriving November 13th. The trees range in size from 6’ to 10’. Residents wanting more information about this program can contact Mrs. Jennings at 610-622-0162.
Treasurer’s Report: Mr. Marabella presented the September 30, 2014 Treasurer’s report as follows:
General Fund: Total revenues of $6,572,321, total expenditures of $5,248,230, surplus of $1,324,090.
Sewer Fund: Total revenues of $1,524,897, total expenditures of $1,011,948, surplus of $512,949.
Liquid Fuels Fund: Total revenues of $196,376, total expenditures of $103,230, surplus of $93,146.
Capital Reserve Fund: Total revenues of $92,532, total expenditures of $48,904, surplus of $43,629.
Non-Uniformed Pension Fund: Total revenues of $332,894, total expenditures of $22,744, surplus of $310,150.
Police Pension Fund: Total revenues of $273,887, total expenditures of $446,521, deficit of $172,634.
Solicitor’s Report: Mr. Scott had no formal report.
Mayor’s Report: Mayor Campuzano welcomed back Borough Secretary Barbara Henry.
Mayor Campuzano read a variety of calendar items:
- Union Athletic Association will hold a “beer fest” fundraiser on Oct. 19th at 2312 Garrett Road.
- The Folk Club will be having a show on October 23rd at 7:00 p.m. in the 20th Century Club.
- The Lansdowne Theater will be holding its 2nd annual Halloween Ball fundraiser on November 1st at 8:00 p.m. at the theater.
- The Lansdowne Fire Company Ladies Auxiliary is holding a Yankee Candle fundraiser until December 1st. Call Sharon at 215-990-8415 for more information.
- State Representative Margo Davidson will be holding a free public safety forum, “Protecting Our Children on the Internet”, with special guest PA Attorney General Kathleen Kane, tomorrow night at the 20th Century Club from 6-8 p.m.
- The Lansdowne Boys and Girls Clubsare holding its annual basketball signup for another season. All children ages 4 to 16, students of the William Penn School District as well as other public and private schools are welcome. Signup dates will be held on October 18, November 1st and November 8th at Penn Wood High School.
The mayor mentioned that he received a letter from a Hobcob Behavioral Health Systems in Media, PA regarding the National Red Ribbon campaign that seeks to promote awareness among citizens about the dangers of alcohol and drug abuse. This campaign runs October 23rd to October 31st.
The mayor gave an update on the construction along Lansdowne Avenue and Baltimore Avenue. The gas line work that damaged some residents’ sidewalks will be repaired by the winter. The streets will also be more evenly paved.
The mayor thanked the Fire Chief and members of the fire company for a wonderful Open House held on October 7th.
The mayor reminded residents to vote on November 4th.
The mayor reminded residents who might be driving on Halloween night to be careful of trick or treaters.
Council Vice President’s Report: No report was given in Mr. Schleigh’s absence.
Public Health and Safety: No report was given in Mr. Schleigh’s absence.
Finance and Administration: Mr. Radich reported that his committee met on October 6th. The 2015 budget was the primary topic of conversation. Also discussed: long term care insurance for the non-uniformed employees and the disposition of the remaining money in the Police Pension Fund MMO. Mr. Totaro will be contacting the pension fund manager in this regard.
Economic Development and Code Enforcement: Mr. Wagner reported that his committee met on September 23rd. The topics discussed were as follows:
- No funding has yet been received for implementing the Simpson Gardens development project. The application for funds will be re-submitted next year.
- The Codes Department’sproposed budget was put forward for discussion.
- The Arts Board budget was put forward for discussion.
- The Arts Board held a meeting last night and is requesting funding for an Open House in mid-December. They want to have a musical performance and an arts supplies donation drive for the 2020 House. They also want to provide postcard literature about the Open House. The funds would be used to help with printing costs and to pay the musical performer.
Mr. Wagner moved to allow the Arts Board funding of no more than $2,000 for the Open House event in mid-December. Ms. Byrne seconded. There was a tie vote of 2-2. Discussion: Mayor Campuzano asked if there was a budget line item for the funds. Mr. Wagner indicated that the line item money for the Arts Board coordinator had not been completely spent and the remaining amount could be used for this request. Mayor Campuzano felt that it would be beneficial for the public to know of the proposed plans for the building. Mayor Campuzano broke the tie with an “aye” vote. The motion carried.
Mr. Wagner mentioned that the Lansdowne Economic Development Committee (“LEDC”) President has asked Borough Council to consider making contributions toward the Elm Street Program next year.
Environment: No report was given in Mr. Aubrey’s absence.
Community Relations: Ms. Byrne had no formal Committee report.
Library Liaison Report: Ms. Byrne reported that the Lansdowne Library is launching their “Keep the Library” program on October 27th and want to know what the public is passionate about for their library. A photo booth will be set up in the library. Residents can take pictures to be posted on the web site that will be voted on for creativity and such. The winner will be announced on Election Day.
No Place For Hate Liaison Report: Ms. Byrne reported that the group is planning an event on November 14th at the 20th Century Club to celebrate Native American month. NPFH is asking for a fee waiver for this event. Ms. Byrne moved to waive the 20CC rental fee for NPFH event on November 14th. Mr. Wagner seconded. Vote: unanimous.
Infrastructure and Public Works – Ms. English reported that she had met with some borough residents regarding the borough snow plan and plowing a private street. Ms. English commented that borough plowing is handled with the Liquid Fuels Fund money and can only be used for public roads.
Ms. English presented several tips for fertilizing lawns: using too many nutrients can harm wildlife, use fertilizers sparingly, use them in the proper amounts, water lawns with ¼” to ½” of water after application and sweep up, not use water, to clean up after application.
Communications: No items for communications.
Visitor Comment: Ms. English moved to suspend Roberts Rules of Order to hear visitor comments. Ms. Byrne seconded. Vote: unanimous.
- Mr. Jackson – resident of Lansdowne. Mr. Jackson questioned why there were no tapes of the Council meetings available at the library. Mr. Totaro indicated that due to an insufficient demand for such tapes, residents now have to come to borough hall to view them. Mr. Jackson asked if copies of the financial report could be available for the public to view before the meeting. Mr. Totaro indicated that this practice would be resumed.
- Jen - Chair and President of No Place For Hate. Jen mentioned that she will be speaking at the Margo Davidson forum about cyber bullying and will also talk about developing a teen program and how to get NPFH into the William Penn School District.
- Abby Kopenoff, Lansdowne Public Library. Ms. Kopenoff indicated that she is at the meeting tonight to show her support for the Lansdowne/Yeadon Elm Street Program and say how important it has been for the development of the borough and library community. She also mentioned that the library was able to have 7 intern positions this summer because of this Program.
Mr. Wagner moved to resume Roberts Rules of Order. Ms. Byrne seconded. Vote: unanimous.
Old Business:
- 2015 Budget – Mr. Radich presented a synopsis of the Finance and Administration Committee’s recommendations for reducing certain items in the proposed 2015 General Fund budget as follows:
- The projected deficit of $530,000 has been pared down significantly. Expenses have been reduced by $270,000. The first item was the deletion of a sanitation staff position for a $70,000 decrease.
- Chief Donegan’s request for a new police car in the amount of $30,000 was migrated to the forfeiture money and will not come out of the General Fund.
- 20 CC design for $45,000 will be migrated to Capital Reserve
- The arts initiative had a net reduction of $44,500. The revenue projection was deleted and set the expense at $25,000.
- Web design costs have been pared down from $20,000 to $8,000.
- Park patrol costs have been decreased from $24,000 to $9,000.
- 3 part time police officers – recommendation is to only have two officers for a savings of $16,000.
- Health insurance for employees – the projected 7% increase is now 6.2 % for a $14,000 savings.
- $30,000 is saved by splitting the difference between the market value and the MMO in the police pension fund for a total savings on the expense side of $270,000.
- Revenues: By increasing the real estate tax by 2.5% , revenues of $103,000 will be generated.
- By increasing the trash fee by $20 per housing unit, $74,500 will be generated in savings for a total of $177,500 in revenues for the General Fund.
Sewer Fund:
- There is a $7,700 projected shortfall.
- The sewer fees currently set for an increase of 1.5% will generate $21,700 in new revenue and holds the Aqua usage flat.
- The 2015 DCJA treatment expense will be set flat from 2014.
- 2015 maintenance costs are set at $100,000. Mayor Campuzano mentioned that no one likes raising taxes but borough trash collection costs are extremely high and a rate increase is necessary for paying the trash collection fees. It takes approximately $1.2 million per year to pick up trash in the borough.
New Business:
- No Place For Hate – previously covered in Ms. Byrne’s report.
- Sewer Ordinance – Solicitor Scott indicated that this ordinance puts on paper and explicitly explains whose responsibility it is for repairs to the lateral sewer lines.
- Elm Street Program – Debbie Lamborne and Ellen Lustgarten were present to discuss renewing the program for two years. Ms. Lamborne, Chair of the LEDC, noted that original funding of $400,000 had been for three years and that funding ends on June 30, 2015. State funding for the Program has been cut from $42million to $6 million this year. The DCED will approve additional funding with a borough match.
Ms. Lamborne cited the various capital improvements projects that involved renovating 65 homes in the borough, provided façade improvements for 10 multi-family units, allocated 50 rain barrels for residents, provided playground equipment in Interboro Park, helped renovate and purchase the 186 Fairview Avenue property and provided 100 backpacks of school supplies for kids in need.
Ms. Lustgarten explained that two grant requests will be submitted to DCED: one for implementation funding and one for administrative funding. The LEDC has submitted its application for the administrative money and is looking for $26,000 for two years with a borough contribution of $13,000 a year and Yeadon’s contribution of $26,000. Ms. Lustgarten mentioned that the current LEDC Executive Director has resigned and Ms. Lamborne will serve as the interim Executive Director of the LEDC until a replacement can be found. Ms. Lustgarten indicated that the borough needs to approve the cooperation agreement even if there is no budgetary requirement. Ms. English moved to authorize and enter into a cooperation agreement to finalize the administrative grant subject to the approval of the borough solicitor. Ms. Byrne seconded. Vote: unanimous.
XVI.Action Items:
- Mr. Radich moved to approve bills for the period. Ms. Byrne seconded. Vote: unanimous.
- Ms. English moved to reappoint Regina Babcock to the Human Relations Commission for a three year term expiring 9/30/2017. Ms. Byrne seconded. Vote: unanimous.
- Ms. English moved to advertise ordinance no. 1288 clarifying responsibility of sewer laterals. Mr. Wagner seconded. Vote: unanimous.
- Ms. English moved to adopt an ordinance regulating the operation of fire pits. Mr. Wagner seconded. Discussion: Mayor Campuzano indicated that the idea of a disc and/or plate in a chimney was acceptable but building an actual fire pit was not. The mayor cited various reasons for his opposition to fire pits: the smoke is an ongoing problem because of the density of housing in the borough, there are too many trees in the borough that present a fire hazard and the town is too small to handle this type of situation. The mayor felt that Mr. Schleigh and Mr. Aubrey should be present to discuss the ordinance before a vote is taken. After further discussion a motion was entered to table this motion until Mr. Schleigh, as Chair of the Public Safety Committee responsible for drafting the ordinance, is available to present his reason for authorizing the fire pits. Ms. Byrne moved to table the original motion until such time as Mr. Schleigh is present for discussion. Mr. Wagner seconded. Vote: unanimous.
Executive Session: Ms. English moved to adjourn to executive session. Mr. Wagner seconded. Vote: unanimous.
Public Session: There were no motions made upon reconvening to public session.
Adjournment – Mr. Wagner moved to adjourn the meeting. Ms. Byrne seconded. Vote: unanimous. The meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Ann Henry
Borough Secretary
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