Lansdowne Borough Council General Meeting August 19, 2015
Lansdowne Borough Council
General Meeting
August 19, 2015
The Lansdowne Borough Council General Meeting was held on Wednesday, August 19, 2015, at 7:00 p.m. in Borough Hall.
Council members present: President Schleigh, Ms. Byrne, Ms. English, Ms. James, Mr. Radich and Ms. Williams. Absent: Councilman Aubrey and Mayor Campuzano. Also present: Borough Manager Totaro, Borough Secretary Henry, Borough Solicitor Scott and Police Chief Donegan.
The televised meeting will be aired at 6:00 p.m. the following Monday on RCN channel 52, Comcast channel 5 and Verizon channel 44.
Police Chief Donegan led the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance.
President Schleigh asked for a moment of silence in memory of Joseph G. Bartley, who served as the borough Finance Director/Treasurer for many years.
Approval of agenda: Mr. Radich moved to approve the agenda. Ms. James seconded. President Schleigh remarked that the Lansdowne Arts Board ("LAB") request would be moved from New Business and discussed after approval of the minutes. Vote: unanimous.
Approval of Minutes: Ms. James moved to approve the minutes of the July 15, 2015 General Meeting of Council. Ms. English seconded. Vote: unanimous.
Lansdowne Arts Board presentation: Megan Halsey, LAB President and Hanne Weedon, LAB coordinator, were present to request funding for public relations expertise for the LAB. Ms. Halsey explained that for the next two years juried art shows will be held at 2020 House. The LAB has chosen Bridget Meier as juror and is now asking for additional funding ($500) to obtain a larger outreach. Ms. Weedon noted that the juror had been chosen in order to draw in a significant number of well known artists who will then draw in people from outside of Philadelphia. Prior avenues to promote Lansdowne in this regard had not been very successful. Ms. Meier has successfully handled various public relations projects in the past. Her plan for Lansdowne is to develop more social media programs to reach younger artists in the area and to utilize her list of TV and radio contacts to promote events. The $500 fee would allow access to public relations on a larger scale. The 2020 House opening and Arts Festival events will overlap and interact with each other. This issue will be deliberated under New Business.
Announcements and Presentations: There were no presentations in the Mayor's absence.
Treasurer’s Report: Mr. Totaro reported that the Treasurer's report will resume in the coming months.
Solicitor’s Report: Mr. Scott had no formal report.
Mayor’s Report: No report was given in Mayor Campuzano's absence. President Schleigh remarked that the borough newsletter is at the printers and should be out in the fall.
Council President’s Report: President Schleigh reported that the recent National Night Out event was a huge success and thanked all the businesses and individuals who helped to make it so, with a special thanks to Chief Donegan and Officer Albertoli. President Schleigh remarked that he would like Council members to take time and focus on making Lansdowne shine for the upcoming Arts Festival event. There are many opportunities to direct further economic development in Lansdowne and to showcase the borough as a vibrant, community oriented place to live. In that regard, President Schleigh mentioned having the Marshall Road business area alert to community needs, having a community cleanup day in the fall, heightening code enforcement with commercial properties and meeting with Representative Margot Davidson regarding the Walk Shed project. Once the state budget issue is finalized, there will be plans to discuss allocations for borough projects with Rep. Davidson.
Public Health and Safety: Ms. English reported the Public Safety Committee did not meet this month and their next meeting will be held the 2nd Wednesday in September. At that meeting the Committee's budgetary needs will be addressed.
Finance and Administration: Mr. Radich spoke highly of Mr. Bartley and his reorganization of the Finance Department while Finance Director/Treasurer, stating that he had been "a very devoted employee, would be greatly missed and his death is a profound loss to the borough". President Schleigh noted that shortly before his death, Mr. Bartley had left him a memo reporting that as of July 16th, 93.3% of taxes had been collected. President Schleigh noted that Joe was "a wonderful person ... and there were many times he stayed past 11:00 p.m. to work". Mr. Radich reported that the Finance Committee met on August 3rd and discussed the status of the various funds, all of which are on target. Also discussed was the fire truck loan and the 2016 budget schedule.
Economic Development and Code Enforcement – Ms. James reported that artist Isaac Schlossman would be displaying his art at the upcoming 2020 House event. The borough will be entering into an agreement to showcase his art between September 12, 2015 and October 31, 2015. Mr. Schlossman will be responsible for insuring his own artwork and the borough would not be liable for any mishaps. Ms. James reported that the HLTC was requesting a reimbursement grant.
Ms. James reported that St. Paul's Lutheran Church wanted to swap properties with their neighbor. Mr. Totaro explained that the swap included two irregular pieces of property that would make it squarer than it used to be. Solicitor Scott indicated this is a simple lot line change and should have no issues.
Land Development Plan revisions: Mr. Totaro indicated that in the past, plans had been approved for the twin properties at Linden and Wycombe Avenues. The storm water management was one part of the module which included a seepage pit that did not perform. The remedy was to re-engineer it and a driveway was removed that allowed for the storm water approval to remain equal. This adjustment has been signed off by the borough engineer and awaits Council approval.
Environment: No report was given in Mr. Aubrey's absence.
Community Relations: Ms. Byrne reported that the Arts Festival is having their art preview, "A Taste of Lansdowne" on September 11th. Tickets are $25 per person.
The next Community Relations Committee meeting will be held on August 24th at 7:00p p.m. in borough hall.
Library Liaison Report: The library is having a free 'bring your own laptop' seminar on October 5th at 4:00 p.m., wherein a technologist will help patrons troubleshoot and maintain their laptops. The library will be starting its fall series of Friday Flicks, shown at noon. In honor of Agatha Christie's 125th birthday, the first movie shown will be "Murder on the Orient Express" on September 11th. Tea and scones will be served at this movie.
Infrastructure and Public Works: Ms. Williams reported the Infrastructure Committee met on July 27th. Several items were discussed:
· Scottdale Road - Septa trestle work continues. Anticipated reopening of Scottdale Road is the end of August. Aqua repaving work will happen immediately following the reopening.
· Lansdowne Avenue signal retiming program - this will be a 2016-17 initiative. If approved, it will begin as a study of the traffic patterns, timing, lights, etc. Mr. Totaro mentioned that this is separate from PennDot's left turn signal project at Lansdowne and Baltimore Avenues.
· LED street lights program - implementation is estimated for the 2nd quarter of 2016.
· Baltimore Avenue paving - PennDot will perform this in late summer between Wycombe and Church Road in Yeadon. Mr. Totaro noted that milling and paving should take about two nights to complete.
· Borough hall cleanup - lobby floor is completed. Exterior wood painting to be completed by end of summer.
· A paving map will be provided at the next Infrastructure Committee meeting that gives an outline of the paving and inlets to be completed this year.
· Ardmore Avenue School - installation continues for 32 ADA ramps. President Schleigh questioned the August 29th event at the Ardmore Avenue School. Ms. Byrne explained that the organization, Kaboom, will be building a playground at this site and needs volunteers. This group builds playgrounds at a variety of Delaware County schools.
· Hoffman Park - the pavilion, walking trail and comfort station are still under construction.
Communications: There were no communications items.
Public Comment: Mr. Radich moved to suspend Roberts Rules of Order to hear visitor comment. Ms. James seconded. Vote: unanimous.
1. Michael Flannery - resident of Lansdowne. Mr. Flannery mentioned that he was currently unemployed and his unemployment benefits would run out in 2016. Mr. Flannery indicated he had looked into possible employment opportunities in the area but found few openings and asked if the borough could be of any help in providing suggestions for getting jobs in Delaware County for himself and others. Chief Donegan offered to talk with Mr. Flannery and took a copy of his resume and letter of recommendation from his prior employer.
2. James Jackson - resident of Lansdowne. Mr. Jackson asked if the property exchange mentioned under Ms. James report is an equal tax assessment or just a switch. Solicitor Scott indicated that in both cases the switch is on land that is not built upon and the tax assessment impact is negligible. Mr. Jackson asked if the Murder on the Orient Express movie was the original or a remake. Ms. Byrne confirmed that it was the original version.
Ms. Byrne moved to resume Robert Rules of Order. Ms. English seconded. Vote: unanimous.
Old Business:
1. Ordinance 1296. This ordinance concerns amending the definition of residential rental properties and multi-family dwellings. Solicitor Scott indicated that the ordinance needs to be re-advertised because there had been no prior vote on it. Mr. Scott confirmed that any rental inspection procedures related to this ordinance will not be changed and he will review it to simplify the language and collapse all the definitions.
New Business:
· Lansdowne Arts Board ("LAB"). Ms. James moved to award $500 to the LAB to hire a public relations consultant to promote the 2020 House gallery opening. Ms. Byrne seconded. Vote: unanimous. There was a brief discussion wherein Ms. English expressed concern that this money is to devise a plan, not implement it. Ms. Byrne felt that the implication was to go beyond this event with media coverage. President Schleigh noted that any future media coverage aspects would be ongoing, the results could be analyzed and there would be a cost savings in the long run.
· 2016 Budget Schedule. Mr. Totaro indicated that in the past, the various Department heads and Committee chairs would meet to discuss future needs. Typically, the information is recurring. There are approximately 7-8 departments that could all be managed at two meetings, a large stand alone meeting or left with the current method. Ms. English felt that merging some of the committee discussions would be helpful to better assist Mr. Totaro in the absence of a Treasurer. Council members were in agreement.
· LEDC Arts Festival Fees. Mr. Radich mentioned that the LEDC submitted a fee waiver request for use of the 20th Century Club, grounds and facilities between September 11th and 13th. If approved, the borough would be recognized as a sponsor in the Festival brochure. Mr. Radich moved to waive the usage fees for the 20th Century Club for September 11th to September 13th to be utilized by the LEDC for the Arts Festival. Ms. Byrne seconded. Vote: unanimous.
· Lacrosse Avenue trees. Mr. Totaro explained that the Tree Advisory Board has been doing preliminary planning for four trees to be planted on the left side of Lacrosse Avenue near the curb. Ms. English felt this was a bad idea for a variety of safety reasons and that a clear line of vision was necessary, given the proximity of the fire house. Ms. Williams asked if the installation of the trees would be the same as those planted on Lansdowne Avenue with the cobblestones on top. Mr. Totaro noted the trees would be similar to those on Baltimore Avenue. President Schleigh asked that the borough engineer implement an opinion addressing traffic safety guidelines and visual issues to be presented at next month's meeting. Ms. Williams was concerned with some of the issues inherent with previous plantings and sidewalk issues and felt that it would diminish certain aspects of the walk shed project as to the walk ability of the town. President Schleigh asked if Ms. Williams could have discussions with the borough engineer at her Committee meeting and report back at the next council meeting.
· Enforcement of non-compliant temporary signs. Mr. Totaro provided sample letters to be sent out to all borough businesses regarding this issue. Mr. Totaro indicated that the next step could be accomplished by the next Economic Development meeting. Ms. Byrne felt that the Lansdowne Boys and Girls Clubs would be affected by this enforcement because they want to put up a temporary banner similar to the Farmers Market banner on the borough green. Mr. Totaro indicated that municipal spaces were exempt. Solicitor Scott confirmed that borough permission is still necessary and requested a picture of the banner. Ms. Williams mentioned that the original intent of the ordinance was to avoid having the borough look like a "billboard" and asked how far the borough wanted to go in terms of banner advertising. Ms. English suggested rotating banners and removing some if too numerous.