Lansdowne Borough Council General Meeting August 17, 2014

Lansdowne Borough Council

General Meeting

September 17th, 2014


The Lansdowne Borough Council General Meeting was held on Wednesday, September 17th, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. in Borough Hall.

Present were President Saylor, Vice-President Schleigh, Mr. Aubrey, Ms. English, Ms. Byrne, and Mr. Radich and Mr. Wagner. Also present were Mayor Campuzano, Borough Solicitor Scott andPolice Chief Donegan. Assistant Treasurer Francis Marabella was present.

Borough Treasurer Bartley, Borough Secretary Henry and Fire Chief Rick Russell and Borough Manager Totaro were absent.

Approval of agenda: The agenda was approved with the addition ofBenches and Play Equipment to Old Business and the addition of Fire Company to Presentation.

Approval of Minutes: Mr. Schleigh moved to approve the minutes of the August 20th, 2014 General Meeting of Council as submitted by the Assistant Borough Secretary. Mr. Aubrey seconded. Vote: unanimous.

Announcements and Presentations:Mr. Curt was in attendance to represent the MarWin Market a family run business that has contributed to the community for many years. The business is located at 62 West Marshall Road. The Fire Company presented information about its upcoming open house on 10/14 which will focus on fire prevention measures and related demonstrations.

Treasurer’s Report: Mr. Marabella reported balances of all funds and noted that there are sufficient funds on hand to meet the current obligations of the Borough.

Solicitor’s Report: Mr. Scott had no formal report.

Mayor’s Report: Mayor Campuzano that Travers Market would be present next month, 9/25 Folk Club, Park day 9/20, Park & Rec open house 9/20 – 20th Century, No Place for Hate movie 9/25, Lansdowne Theater 9/20 fundraiser, Fire Company 10/5 – 10/11, Animal Friends 10/25 fundraiser, complaints about speeding discussed with Chief, 2 Officer helped with carjacking felon, and a special thanks for the LDEC Arts Festival.

Council President’s Report: No report


Public Health and Safety:

Mr. Schleigh discussed budget preparations, road work concerns, a fire pit ordinance, and that next month the PHS committee would be working on the liquor law change and the use of knox boxes.

Finance and Administration: Mr. Radich reported work on the 2015 budget and specific reviews of the public health and safety budget.

Economic Development and Code Enforcement:Mr. Wagner reviewed progress in committee towards the 2015 budget.

Environment Committee: Mr. Aubrey opened discussion on park benches in Interborough Park as well as new play equipment in IP.Debbie Lamborn manager of the Elm Street Program presented details of the project(s).

Community Relations:Ms. Byrne reported on the upcoming contest at the library and the program for donations of cameras.

Infrastructure and Public Works – Ms. English reported ongoing work continues on: review of the snow plan, ramps and sidewalk repairs at the Ardmore Avenue School, lamppost repairs on Lansdowne Avenue, SEPTA projects at the train trestle, installation of the Firehouse generator, Act 537 and MS4.

Visitor Comment: Mr. Schleigh moved to suspend Roberts Rules of Order to hear visitor comments. Ms. English seconded. Vote: unanimous.

Chris from MarWin market presented questions to the BOC having to do with the Liquor Laws in the Borough which prompted a discussion on the role of the Borough and Mr. Scott was asked to produce a summary of status on ballot questions related to liquor in the Borough.

There were no other individuals present to address Borough Council.Mr. Schleigh moved to resume Roberts Rules of Order. Mr. Aubrey seconded. Vote: unanimous.

Old Business:

New Business

Lansdowne Symphony Orchestra

A motion was made by Mr. Radich to purchase an advertisement in the yearbook of the LSO for up to $200 which was seconded by Mr. Schleigh and voted unanimous by all.

XVI.Action Items:

Mr. Radich motionedto approve bills for the period which was seconded by Mr. Schleigh and voted unanimously by all but for bills associated with Collingdale Collision pending further investigation.

Mr. Aubrey moved to approve the installation of park benches in Interboro Park which was seconded by Mr. Schleigh and unanimously approved.

Mr. Aubrey motioned to approve the installation of play equipment in Interborough Park which was seconded by Mr. Schleigh and approved unanimously by all.

Executive Session: Ms. Byrne motioned to adjourn to executive session. Mr. Aubrey seconded. Vote: unanimous.

Public Session: There were no motions made upon reconvening to public session.

Adjournment – Mr. Aubrey moved to adjourn the meeting. Ms. English seconded. Vote: unanimous. The meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Craig Totaro

Assistant Borough Secretary