Language Arts Performance Indicators 1st Grade Revised 7/09
Learning Standards / Performance Indicators / Possible Evidence (Bold items are Common Assessments)1st / 2nd / 3rd / 4th
Expresses the ability to read grade-level text orally with speed, accuracy, and expression
*OTE: Reads more than 60 words per minute. / Reads at least 15 words accurately per minute in context
Begins to self correct / Reads at least 30 words accurately per minute in context
Begins to self correct / Reads at least 45 words accurately per minute in context
Consistently self corrects / Reads at least 60 words accurately per minute in context /
- Running Records (Rigby)
- Teacher observation during guided reading group discussions
- AIMS Web (January)
Applies phonics skills to decode text
*OTE: Classify or create non-sense words by pattern. / Begins to recognize and use word families
Identify onsets and rhymes in spoken language
Reads and uses short vowel words
Isolate beginning, middle, and ending sounds in single syllable words / Reads words with consonant blends and digraphs
Uses spelling patterns to recognize words
Begins to add, delete, and substitute target sounds to change words
Read and use long vowel words
Reads compound words and contractions / Reads words with inflectional endings
Reads words with vowel digraphs and r-controlled vowels
Applies and understands long and short vowel rules when reading in context / Applies all learned phonic skills to decode, at or above grade – level text /
Slate Practice
Cupp Cards – Dr. Cindy Cupp, ’Ten Minute Phonics’ program
- AIMS Web
Acquires and uses *grade-level words to communicate effectively
*OTE: Uses vocabulary beyond grade level expectation. / Reads and listens to a variety of text
Identifies words that are opposites (antonyms) / Uses new words in oral and written language
Identifies words that have similar meanings (synonyms)
Defines and uses root words, endings (tense), and suffixes / Recognizes grade-level words with multiple meanings (homophones) / Recognizes and uses *grade – level words in reading comprehension and written expression / Patricia Cunningham’s list - *(grade level high frequency words) (See LA section for list)
Teacher Observation during guided reading group discussions
- Writing samples – Writing Checklist (Teacher/Student Conference sheet)
Uses a variety of strategies to understand and gain meaning from grade level text*OTE: Create a product that demonstrates a deeper understanding of the text. / Predicts using prior knowledge
Begins to understand the purpose of a title page and table of contents
Makes connections between texts and experiences
Reads and listens to a variety of texts for information and pleasure
Recognizes main character and setting
Recognize a graphic organizer / Self-monitors and rereads when necessary
Distinguishes fact from fiction in text
Begins to use dictionary/glossary skills to determine word meanings
Recognizes main characters, setting, and plot.
Recognizes graphic features and graphic organizers to understand text
Identifies cause and effect relationships in text
Identifies word parts to determine meanings / Uses a dictionary/glossary to determine word meanings
Recognizes main characters, setting, and plot in text; compares/contrasts these elements among texts / Recognizes characters, setting, main idea, details, problem, and solution in text
Compares/ contrasts texts and creates and completes matching graphic organizers /
- STAR Reports
- Rigby
Student retell/discussion
Student/Teacher conferences
Graphic organizers
Answers basic comprehension questions accurately
*OTE: Creates “why” or “what if” questions, which indicate an understanding of text. / Answers basic comprehension questions related to the text / Answers questions about narrative elements of read aloud or self read, (B-M-E)
Identifies main idea and details of informational text read aloud or self read
Sequence events in text / Answers and asks questions relating to read aloud or self read text
Able to summarize stories or paraphrase parts of stories / Answers, asks, and explains questions/answers relating to read aloud or self read text / Teacher Observation during guided reading/shared reading discussions
Accelerated Reader
- Running Records
Uses grade level words in writing to communicate effectively
*OTE: Uses vocabulary beyond grade level expectation. / Introduce a variety of resources for writing / Begins to explore a variety of resources / Begins to use a variety of resources / Uses a variety of resources independently /
- Teacher Observation during writing time
Establishes a focus and stays on topic (ideas)
*OTE: Creatively develops topic with rich detail and awareness of audience. / Establish a topic
Begins to write ideas that relate to the topic / Develops and writes ideas/details related to topic / Describes an experience in writing
Writes text appropriate to address topic/tell a story / Writes with a clear sense of audience and uses text to elicit a variety of emotions /
- Writing Rubric
Uses appropriate conventions
*OTE: Consistently uses grade-level conventions correctly and explores conventions beyond grade level.
*OTE: Experiments with a variety of sentence structures. / Uses correct spacing between letters and words
Consistently uses periods and capitalization
Writes left to right, top to bottom
Begins to write in complete sentences using a naming part and an action part
Begins to use phonetic spelling skills / Uses and identifies nouns (naming words) and verbs (action words)
Begins to use personal pronouns
Begins to use common rules of spelling
Begins to write different types of sentences (simple/compound and declarative and interrogative)
Consistently uses appropriate ending punctuation ( . ? )
Consistently uses capitalization for beginning of a sentence, I, months of the year, and days of the week
Distinguish between complete and incomplete sentences / Writes in complete sentences with correct subject/verb agreement (subject/action part)
Uses singular/plural nouns
Uses singular possessive pronouns
Uses appropriate end punctuation and correct capitalization
Uses commas in a series
Combines two simple sentences
Writes a variety of sentences / Spells most words correctly
Uses correct grammar
Uses punctuation marks correctly
Uses correct capitalization /
- Writing Rubric
Writes in a variety of genres.
**Narrative Writing is a first quarter focus with the expectation that skills will be refined and mastered by the end of the year. / Narrative:
Captures a reader’s interest by telling a personal story.
Begins to add details.
Develops focus.
Begins to develop character and setting.
Experiment with the writing process. / Narrative:
Begins to use organizational structures. (Beginning, middle and end and sequence of events)
Begins to use the writing process independently. / Narrative:
Uses organizational structures and strategies. (Transition words and time cue words)
Begins to use dialogue and descriptive adjectives.
Consistently uses the writing process independently. / Narrative:
Consistently uses the writing process to write narrative pieces. /
- Writing Rubric
- Writing Conference Checklist
**Response to literature is a yearlong focus with the expectation that skills will be refined and mastered by the end of the year. / Response to Literature:
Distinguish between fact and opinion.
Begins to demonstrate an understanding of the text through oral retelling and pictures.
Makes connections (text to text, text to self, and text to world).
Experiment with the writing process. / Response to Literature:
Begins to capture a reader’s interest by stating a position/opinion about a text.
Begins to demonstrate an understanding of the text through writing.
Begins to use the writing process independently. / Response to Literature:
Introduce organization structures (B/M/E; include details from the text).
May have a sense of closure.
Consistently uses the writing process independently. / Response to Literature:
Consistently uses the writing process to write response to literature pieces. /
- Writing Rubric
- Writing Conference Checklist
**Informational Writing is a second quarter focus with the expectation that skills will be refined and mastered by the end of the year. / Informational:
Captures a reader’s interest.
Begins to add details.
Develops focus and stays on topic.
Experiment with the writing process. / Informational:
Organizational structures (Steps, chronological) and strategies (descriptions).
Begins to use a variety of resources and strategies to gather information to write about a topic (picture dictionaries, books, and internet).
Begins to use the writing process independently. / Informational:
Begins to use graphic features (charts, pictures, and headings)
Develop a sense of closure.
Consistently uses the writing process independently. / Informational:
Consistently uses the writing process to write informational pieces. /
- Writing Rubric
- Writing Conference Checklist
**Persuasive Writing is a third quarter focus with the expectation that skills will be refined and mastered by the end of the year. / Persuasive: / Persuasive: / Persuasive:
Captures a reader’s interest by stating a position/opinion.
Maintains a focus.
Add details to support the opinion.
Begins to use formats appropriate to the genre (Letter, list of reasons, poster).
May have a sense of closure.
Consistently uses the writing process independently. / Persuasive:
Consistently uses the writing process to write persuasive pieces. /
- Writing Rubric
- Writing Conference Checklist
Listening, Speaking, and Viewing
The student uses oral and visual strategies to communicate
*OTE: Creates original questions or frameworks to communicate ideas (oral or visual product). / Follows three part oral directions
Recalls information presented orally
Responds appropriately to orally presented questions
Increases vocabulary to reflect a growing range of interest and knowledge
Communicates effectively when relating experiences and retelling stories read, heard, or viewed
Uses complete sentences when speaking / Follows three part oral directions
Recalls information presented orally
Responds appropriately to orally presented questions
Increases vocabulary to reflect a growing range of interest and knowledge
Communicates effectively when relating experiences and retelling stories read, heard, or viewed
Uses complete sentences when speaking / Follows three part oral directions
Recalls information presented orally
Responds appropriately to orally presented questions
Increases vocabulary to reflect a growing range of interest and knowledge
Communicates effectively when relating experiences and retelling stories read, heard, or viewed
Uses complete sentences when speaking / Follows three part oral directions
Recalls information presented orally
Responds appropriately to orally presented questions
Increases vocabulary to reflect a growing range of interest and knowledge
Communicates effectively when relating experiences and retelling stories read, heard, or viewed
Uses complete sentences when speaking /
- Teacher Observation during oral communication