Language Arts 4

Mrs. Thorne, Room 214

(714) 996-4970 x10214

The fourth and final required language arts course, this college preparatory class combines the study of

literature and pre-college skills with analysis and other communication skills. Course content and

assignments will encompass the California English Language Arts Common Core Standards.

Course Outline

Writing:The major focus of composition at this level is the Senior Thesis: a 5-7 page research paper using analytical and persuasive techniques to discuss a current issue. In addition, students will be writing in-class essaysregularly.

Reading: The major works studied by seniors include, but are not limited to:

  • Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World
  • Shakespeare’s Hamlet or Macbeth
  • Jeannette Walls’ The Glass Castle
  • Jon Krakauer’s Into the Wild
  • George Bernard Shaw’s Pygmalion
  • Khaled Hosseini’s The Kite Runner
  • Jonathon Swift’s A Modest Proposal
  • Mitch Albom’s Tuesdays with Morrie
  • Oscar Wilde’s The Importance of Being Earnest
  • George Bernard Shaw’s Pygmalion

Tests and Quizzes: Tests and quizzes will check for reading and detailed understanding of texts. There will also be regular quizzes on vocabulary, literary terms, and grammatical/mechanical concepts.

Vocabulary: Students will receive a new vocabulary list every Wednesday and be tested on the words the following Wednesday, unless otherwise stated. Cumulative exams will be given every 5 weeks and students have ONE WEEK to make up a missed exam.

In-Class Activities: Students are required to prepare for and participate in in-class activities, which may range from oral group and individual presentations, class discussions, literature-based activities, peer-editing, and Socratic seminars. These activities will be included in the Classwork / Homework grade.

Helpful Apps & Websites: I will be utilizing the Remind App. Please either download the app or if you prefer, receive text messages or emails.

The Remind App password for period _____ is ______.

Please also join my Google Classroom to receive all digital assignments and resources.

The password for Google Classroom for period _____ is ______.

Class Materials: Please bring paper, a black/blue pen, and a highlighter to class every day. In addition, a composition notebook and a glue stick will also be helpful.

Attendance Policy

  • VHS attendance policy will be strictly enforced. In addition, the third tardy or truancy will result in detention. Also, if you are absent, it is your responsibility to check the class calendar and absent binder.

Classwork and Homework Policy

  • Make-up work due to absences will be allowed one day per absence to submit. All other late work will be accepted with the following penalty: 50% deduction if it is ONE day late, unless otherwise specified.
  • Students are welcome to email assignments to the teacher, HOWEVER, be aware that if the teacher does not receive the email or the attachment does not go through, it is at your own risk. Also, teachers will not print assignments that are emailed; students must bring in a hard copy as well.
  • VHS plagiarism policy will be strictly enforced (see Student Handbook).

Grading Policy

Students are graded on a weighted scale. Grading is cumulative; the semester grade is based on the percentage of the total points earned in each category. All assignments will be given a point value. At the end of the quarter/semester, students will be assigned grades based on the percentage of the total points that they earn in each category. A variety of assignments, including tests, essays, projects, homework, and vocabulary provide the student with ample opportunity for success. Students should know in advance that opportunities for extra credit points are rare. Students, however, can and should check their academic progress regularly. It is the student’s responsibility to periodically check their grade on Aeries.

The students’ grades for Language Arts 4 will be weighted according to the following categories:

Classwork and Homework* / 30%
Writing / 40%
Tests and Quizzes and Final Exam / 30%

* Classwork and homework includes participation and projects

Language Arts 4
Valencia High School

  1. By signing this form, you indicate that you have read the course outline and understand the expectations outlined in the course syllabus.
  2. Your signature indicates that you understand that students are financially responsible for any books checked out that are lost and/or stolen.
  3. During the course of the year, students may view films that coincide with the major works of literature studied. The Placentia Yorba-Linda Unified School District allows the use of PG and PG-13 rated films with parent permission. By signing this form, you are indicating that your child has permission to view these PG and PG-13 films. Possible titles include Macbeth, Hamlet, and The Kite Runner.

Date: ______Period: ______

Student Name: ______Signature: ______

(Please Print)

Parent Name: ______Signature: ______

(Please Print)

Please sign and return to your teacher by Tuesday, September8, 2015

Language Arts 4
Valencia High School

  1. By signing this form, you indicate that you have read the course outline and understand the expectations outlined in the course syllabus.
  2. Your signature indicates that you understand that students are financially responsible for any books checked out that are lost and/or stolen.
  3. During the course of the year, students may view films that coincide with the major works of literature studied. The Placentia Yorba-Linda Unified School District allows the use of PG and PG-13 rated films with parent permission. By signing this form, you are indicating that your child has permission to view these PG and PG-13 films. Possible titles include Macbeth, Hamlet, and The Kite Runner.

Date: ______Period: ______

Student Name: ______Signature: ______

(Please Print)

Parent Name: ______Signature: ______

(Please Print)

Please sign and return to your teacher by Tuesday, September 8, 2014