Welcome to Mrs. Crook’s

Language Arts Class

Syllabus signature due: Monday, AUGUST 29, 2016

Academic Goals:

My main goal as your Language Arts teacher is to prepare each student to further their skills in Language Arts. I will do this by addressing the state standards, teaching multiple reading strategies, encouraging students to be open and comfortable in the classroom, and emphasizing the benefits of reading on a daily basis. In this class we will analyze literature, employ different techniques designed to develop students critical thinking skills, and address multiple learning styles.

Classroom Procedures

In my class, there are procedures we follow to ensure a safe and productive learning environment.

They consist of the following;

1. Students must be in their seats and ready to work when the bell rings.

2. Students must raise their hand and wait to be called on when they have a question or comment.

3. Students will remain seated until they are dismissed. This will be after homework is turned in, desks are cleared, and classroom materials are put away.

4. If you miss a day of instruction, it is your responsibility to find out what was missed and how to make up the assignment.

Any behavior which jeopardizes anyone’s safety will be handled accordingly with administration.

Discipline Policy

First step - Verbal Warning
Second step – One-on-One discussion, plan of action
Third step- lunch detention
Fourth step- after school detention and call to parents
Fifth step- Principal referral & another call home. /

Tardy Policy

First tardy – Warning

Second tardy – Warning, possible plan of action

Third tardy – Lunch detention

Fourth tardy – After-School Detention, Parent contact

Fifth tardy – Office Referral

Remind 101 System

After Labor Day, I will be setting up the classroom for Remind 101. It is a system used to help parents, teachers, and students stay in contact on future assignments or school events . If you would like to receive emails or text reminders please include the preferred contact method and information on the bottom of the syllabus.


Homework is usually only given if the student needs to finish that day’s assignment. If the assignment is taken home, then it must be turned in the following day to earn full credit. With that being said, students will be required to read novels at home with novel assignments. These assignments will be done at home. Pre-AP classes will have more rigorous assignments that may require additional work at home.

District Grading Scale Grades are divided into four task categories: Introductory-leveled tasks worth 10 %, Practice-leveled tasks worth 35 %, Mastery-leveled tasks worth 45%, and the semester test worth 10%.

A 100-90 %

B 89-80 %

C 79-70 %

D 69-60 %

F 59% or below.


Phone Number: (405) 633- 0629
My planning period is from 12:15 to 1:10. I will also be available after school by appointment. Please allow twenty-four hours to reply to all emails.

Cut here and return the bottom portion to school.

I have read the 7th grade syllabus for reading and English at Moore West Junior High. I understand all expectations and procedures.


Printed student name


Student Signature Date


Printed parent name


Parent Signature Date

7th Grade English/Reading 2016-2017 School Supply List

1. 1 single subject spiral or composition notebook

2. 2 plastic bradded folders

3. 1 kleenex box

4. 2 packages of lined paper

5. 1 package of multi-colored highlighters

A writing utensil will be needed each day,

so each student must bring one to class every day.

The teacher will determine the type.

In addition to the above required list after Labor Day, specific classes will be asked to

bring one additional item.

7th Grade English/Reading 2016-2017 School Supply List

1. 1 single subject spiral or composition notebook

2. 2 plastic bradded folders

3. 1 kleenex box

4. 2 packages of lined paper

5. 1 package of multi-colored highlighters

A writing utensil will be needed each day,

so each student must bring one to class every day.

The teacher will determine the type.

In addition to the above required list after Labor Day, specific classes will be asked to

bring one additional item.