Language Arts Checklist – Cycle 2
Competency #2 To Write Self-Expressive, Narrative and Information-Based Texts
Criterion # 1: Makes personal choices about purpose, topic and text type during writing process
The student: / RarelyBg* / Sometimes
Dv* / Mostly
Ap* / Always
- Self selects own topics, structures and features, based on purpose. (What will I write? Who is it for? Should I use words and pictures?)
- Writes for specific purposes:
- Shares ideas for topics, purposes, text types with peers and teacher
- Brainstorms for ideas
- Draws on ideas, prior experiences and personal memories
Criterion # 2: Produces self-expressive, narrative and information-based texts for a familiar audience
The student: / Rarely
Bg* / Sometimes
Dv* / Mostly
Ap* / Always
- Writes on a daily basis
- Writes drafts of own writing with focus on making meaning
- Rereads own writing with focus on meaning
- Shares own writing with peers
- Seeks response to writing from peers and teacher
- Selects some pieces of writing to develop more fully
- Revises own writing, on a trial and error basis, by seeking feedback and modeling favourite authors
Criterion # 3: Begins to put into practice writing strategies that help to clarify the concept of a familiar audience
The student: / Rarely
Bg* / Sometimes
Dv* / Mostly
Ap* / Always
- Selects own topics, structures and features, based on audience (Who is it for?)
- Writes to a familiar audience (peers, family, trusted adults) in order to express meaning
Criterion # 4: Communicates meaning through writing that shows an early awareness of appropriate language register and basic syntactic structures in a known, relevant context
The student: / Rarely
Bg* / Sometimes
Dv* / Mostly
Ap* / Always
- Experiments with familiar structures and features of different text types to suit an audience, e.g. writing to a friend may not have the same context, structures or purposes as when writing to an adult
- Uses syntactic structures that carry meaning: the structure of a question, a request, an apology
- Is developing an understanding of mechanics of writing (spelling, capitalization and punctuation) at an appropriate developmental level
- Is developing an understanding of grammar (sentence structure and syntax) at an appropriate developmental level
- Is developing an understanding of usage (agreement and word choice) at an appropriate developmental level
- Is integrating some basic writing conventions in own writing on a trial and error basis
Criterion # 5: Adapts ideas and structures drawn from reading/viewing experiences to own texts
The student: / RarelyBg* / Sometimes
Dv* / Mostly
Ap* / Always
- Transfers features of texts read/viewed into own writing, e.g. maps and graphs to present information, some conventions of narrative texts: character, dialogue and events
- Develops control, through trial and error, of familiar structures and features of texts in own writing
Criterion # 6: Reflects on writing selections already accumulated in a portfolio
The student: / Rarely
Bg* / Sometimes
Dv* / Mostly
Ap* / Always
- Collects different text types written for a variety of purposes in a portfolio
- Shares portfolio with teacher in order to talk and reflect about writing on a regular basis
- Focuses on pleasure taken in writing and in discussion with teacher and peers
- Initiates talk about some writing strategies and about favourite pieces of writing with teacher
- Talks with teacher about own writing in terms of likes, dislikes and own development over time
*Bg = Beginning, Dv = Developing, Ap = Applying, Tr = Transferring
Gerald Robillard, Educational Consultant, Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board, May 2002