/ From Joe Jordan/Kev Carter
C/O Regimental Workshop
29 Commando Regiment Royal Artillery, The Royal Citadel, Plymouth, Devon PL1 2PD
Telephone01752 236013Military93784 6013
Fax01752 236103Fax93784 6103
Fellow REME Commandos / Reference: / 20180201-CdoReunion
01 Feb 2018
  1. 29 Commando Regt RA Wksp is once again hosting an all ranks REME Commando Reunion. This year’s main event will take place on the weekend of the 29 June - 1 July 2018. It is also Armed Forces weekend.
  1. The programme of events is as follows:

Ser / Date / Time / Activity / Location
(a) / (b) / (c) / (d) / (e)
1 / 29 Jun 18 / 1730 / Meet & Greet (TBC) / 29 Cdo WOs & Sgts Mess
2 / 29 Jun 18 / 2100 / Run Ashore / Local Area
3 / 30 Jul 18 / 1000 / Optional PT (any rig) / 29 Cdo Guardroom
4 / 30 Jul 18 / 1200 / Re-org / The Navy Pub
5 / 30 Jul 18 / 1300 - 1500 / BBQ / The Navy Pub
6 / 30 Jul 18 / 1400 / Group Photo / The Navy Pub
7 / 30 Jul 18 / 1800 / Run Ashore / Local Area
8 / 01 Jul 18 / 1030 / Depart Citadel

3.Unfortunately, official transit accommodation is not available at the Royal Citadel, RM Stonehouse or HMS Drake. We hope to provide some form of accommodation for anyone willing to rough it with a sleeping bag and camp cot. For those of you with plenty of money there is an abundance of Hotels and B&B’s to choose from, just Google it.

4. As with previous reunions it is intended to keep it along the same lines. Dress is casual, maximum participation is what really matters. It is intended to kick off the weekend in 29 Cdo WOs’ and Sgts’ Mess, open to all ranks. Mess rules will still apply and dress will be a minimum of polo shirt and jeans. I will endeavour to get a waiver for those of you who like to dress up as the opposite sex.

5. If you are available please complete and return the enclosed pro-forma at Annex A, as soon as possible. This year we will continue with The Navy Inn Public House. There will be a BBQ, the cost of the two events will be born by those attending with hopefully a contribution from the REME Association.

6. The cost of Reunion this year will be £15 this will include a Polo Shirt and BBQ on the Saturday. Please annotate the pro-forma at Annex A accordingly, either attach your cheque to the pro-forma or if it is easier for you to pay by internet banking then the account details are on the pro-forma. Ensure you fill in your contact details on the return pro-forma whether you are coming or not, so our database can be kept up to date.

7.For those who are not aware there is a ‘2014 REME Commando Trained Reunion’ (I can’t change it to 2018) Facebook group available if you are a user of Facebook. The group is available to any REME Cdo Trained person regardless of where they have served. However, it is a closed group forum which is an excellent medium for getting the word around about events and keeping up with old friends. It is administered by myself and can be found by searching the Facebook site.

8. Make sure you pass the word around the Commando community about the event. Please feel free to photocopy this document and pass it on to those qualified to attend, or pass the individual’s contact details back to Mrs Christine Drake (Wksp Clerk) or Joe Jordan either via the reunion return pro-forma or email. Do not openly advertise this event; keep it on a ‘need to know’ basis.

9. Looking forward to seeing you at what promises to be yet another great reunion.

[Original Signed]

Joe Jordan

Annex A to

20180201-CdoReunion-U Dated 01 Feb 18


Please Return to:

Mrs Christine Drake

REME Commando Reunion

29 Cdo Regt RA


The Royal Citadel




Or Email to Joe Jordan at

I______will/will not be attending the REME Commando Reunion on the 29 June - 1 July 2018.

I DO/DO NOT* intend to participate in P.T.

Polo shirt Size S M L XL XXL (Circle as appropriate).

*Delete as applicable

My contact details are:








N.B –A £15 cheque/PO payable to John Jordan.

Direct Bank Payment Details are:

Account No-11358985

Sort Code-09-01-39

*Please ensure you put your name and Cdo Reunion if paying by Bank Transfer